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Icewind dale 3


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How can you like IWD more than Baldur's gate? The making your own team thing?

IWD was awesome in a very different way. While BG had more freedom and arguably a better story (with BG2 adding the sublime companion interaction), IWD1 definitely had the better atmosphere imo. BG2's atmosphere improved a lot upon BG1, but still IWD1's locations will always hold a place in my heart. IWD2 wasn't as good (although I did find Targos very promising, later parts just didn't deliver), but the 3E rules were a big redeeming factor to me, and still make me wish I could play IWD1 in 3E.

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I really really like IWD2, a lot more than IWD1. I believe I'm in the minority with this. I don't know. IWD1's fabled 'atmosphere' never really pulled me in, despite the good music; and I thought while the two games were similar in many aspects, I really liked the dev's 'creative' use of the Engine in IWD2 - not just the exploding kegs, but stupid orcs carrying exploding kegs; the Shaengarne bridge; stuff like that. 3E rules were fun too, and the game had a different feel to it (helped by, say, diff. spell effects and item icons) that kept it fresh. IWD1 in that respect felt a little weatherworn to me (probably the 640x480 resolution and the artistic style). I generally like things to be that way, but somehow IWD2's more 'plastic' look worked out well for me.


That said, I don't remember IWD1 too well anymore. Should revisit.

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IWD 2 is probably my favorite IE game. Don't get me wrong, I adore the bickering of your companions and the feel of big civilization in BG 2 and the vast coastal forests full of hostile denizens('though to a lesser extent, ****ing Xvarts) in BG, but IWD 2 took the rules by the balls and showed how to make a D&D game. It also helps when you are not the chosen one, but a humble(or arrogant bastard!) merc. The war-torn north, the need to use your head, the martial setting that slowly becomes more fantastic but never loses the grit of the first landing in Targos and the sublime art and audio all contribute to the greatest hack ever done.


I might get hung and quartered by this, but I sincerely hope that the upcoming action rpg(uh-huh) The Witcher has at least an inkling of the "people die, suck it up"-bleakness, since right now it's the only fantasy product in the medium that's actually trying something else than "lol lets add moar elfs!!1". Whether it succumbs to the inane "attitudez"-attempt to garner more buyers like for example PoP:Warrior Within or retains enough war glory and rationality to remain a solid thematic bunch, we'll see, but I'm reasonably hopeful. Afterall, the concepts it brings have been fantasy novel flavor ever since Grey Company and Serpent War, just not spotlighted so ardently in this entertainment medium. My point is, spiritual succession does not need to be implied, it does not need to be read from the game box, to be there and exist in a continuum with other similar works. Take an handful of Gothic, throw in a nip of Icewind leaves and season with NWN's plague quarantines and great things may be born.

Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Screw IWD, make a third Crimson Skies damnit.


I second this notion.

Who, what?

"Crimson Skies puts you in the ****pit for thrilling dogfights and aerial adventure.


In this alternate history, the year is 1937 and the United States is fractured into squabbling nation-states, brought about by the weight of the Great Depression, regional prohibition and mounting isolationism. Giant Zeppelins crisscross the skies carrying both passengers and cargo, and airborne bandits are a constant threat. "

Sounds awesome.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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I might get hung and quartered by this, but I sincerely hope that the upcoming action rpg(uh-huh) The Witcher has at least an inkling of the "people die, suck it up"-bleakness


I truly hope it does, and that the Witcher has something of a Garrett in him, if only in mannerisms. Unfortunately, the fact that production is apparently *still* going long after the hype machines were fossilised doesn't bode well, generally.

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Screw IWD, make a third Crimson Skies damnit.


I second this notion.

Who, what?

"Crimson Skies puts you in the ****pit for thrilling dogfights and aerial adventure.


In this alternate history, the year is 1937 and the United States is fractured into squabbling nation-states, brought about by the weight of the Great Depression, regional prohibition and mounting isolationism. Giant Zeppelins crisscross the skies carrying both passengers and cargo, and airborne bandits are a constant threat. "

Sounds awesome.


It's the best aerial action game ever (screw Blazing angels). Boss Zeppelin fights were amazing. And that giant fire spitting worm machine was easily one of the coolest looking bosses ever.


A small video, the worm is at the end.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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wish I could play IWD1 in 3E.


A total conversion which will enable this is already in the works. The developer is currently looking for beta testers, so if you are interested feel free to apply.

Hasn't this thing been in the works for years now?


I had kind of given up hope.



(edit: no that was IWG2 apparently)

Edited by Pope
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It's one of the things I'm dreaming about. The first two games were really good looking ones and the two of my favorite of all time. 3D new look is something that will bring the interest back to the familiar places

Edited by Aramil
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I doubt a IWD3 could make fun with a 3D engine a'la NWN2. I didn't like combat with any game utilizing the Aurora engine, so they'd have to make quite a few changes to get the IE feeling back. In fact, I haven't played a 3D-engine-CRPG that could match the addicting combat of any IWD/BG game.


That's probably because the Infinity engine was built as a hybrid RTS engine. Aurora was built for single (player controlled) character RPGs. It seems like it was built to be more similar to an MMO style of game with the way it is set up. This makes sense because Aurora was meant as a multiplayer engine. Obs seem to be working towards implementing cross breeding Aurora with RTS elements in their latest update and they're doing a good job considering it doesn't seem originally intended for what it's now doing.


HOPEFULLY, we get some major release Strategy/RPG game that's well written and overall well designed to restart that market. Everyone seems to be going for Action/RPG hybrids of late with either a shooter action model (Mass Effect, Oblivion technically) or an MMO action model (NWN, Jade Empire). They seem to be what developers think the market wants.


This isn't too surprising as there hasn't been any serious strategy innovations in ages that are overly applicable to RPGs. Even lacking innovation, I always feel strategy is a better RPG design over action. Heck, that's part of the origin of RPGs.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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True, the 2D backgrounds were beautiful. But I was more talking in a tactical sense. Even if they'd change the focal length of the camera in the Aurora/Electron engine, I'd still find it hard to engage combat on a field that's more build like a filmset, with stupid trees that get in your way etc. Maybe I'm just a bit clumsy, but combat in IE games and Fallout just were fun and tactically challenging. Combat in Kotor, Jade Empire, NWN2 etc. was rather dull and annoying.

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Maybe I'm just a bit clumsy, but combat in IE games and Fallout just were fun and tactically challenging. Combat in Kotor, Jade Empire, NWN2 etc. was rather dull and annoying.


It's not just you...it seems recent BRPGs (Bioware Role Playing Games and their Obsidian offshoots) have ditched the notion of fun and challenging combat and instead decided fully voiced dialog and romance will make up for it...WHY CAN"T WE HAVE BOTH???? In fact, I would prefer it if they ditched the romances altogether and concentrated on getting the combat right.


I wouldn't like to see an IWD3 on the NWN2 engine at all. It's just not a great engine as far as combat goes.


I wish someone would develop another engine ala the Gold Box and IE series that was capable of pumping out a couple of series of good CRPGs.

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