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Best Game Cinematics & Cutscenes


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I really liked the videos in Imperium Galactica 2. They had some neat dogfighting videos. Unfortunately they aren't up on youtube. I have the disks around here somewhere and they have all the videos on there som


"They Shinari escorts are deserting us!" *blows up*

whoa, true. i have to ask the DR guys (Digital Reality NOT dark raven :p) to put them on their site together with the IG1 ones and those of Haegemony


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I'll definitely go with Grim Fandango and PS:T.


Blizzard is famed for its cinematics, which is a distinction they have earned. Blizzard cut-scenes and intro are truly excellent.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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The Gamespy list is rubbish, by the way.

Ooh, a single token adventure game. What a surprise! It's Monkey Island this time. Unless one of the ones I've never heard of is an adventure game?


Adventure games are not currently very popular, therefore they were never popular or good. ;)

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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...a few o' the gems in Planescape: Torment still brings me chills ta this day...in fact, I's almost due fer another playthrough (I's literally lost count as ta how many times I's played her through now)... ;)




Edited by Sargallath Abraxium

A long, long time ago, but I can still remember,
How the Trolling used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance, I could egg on a few Trolls to "dance",
And maybe we'd be happy for a while.
But then Krackhead left and so did Klown;
Volo and Turnip were banned, Mystake got run out o' town.
Bad news on the Front Page,
BIOweenia said goodbye in a heated rage.
I can't remember if I cried
When I heard that TORN was recently fried,
But sadness touched me deep inside,
The day...Black Isle died.

For tarna, Visc, an' the rest o' the ol' Islanders that fell along the way

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Devil May Cry 3 Opening



Full Throttle Opening


and even though it's just a trailer, it's in-game cinematics: MGS4

Go down to E3 2K6 15 Min. Trailer HD



Good call on Full Throttle, the most cinematic game I'd played when it was released. It still plays a lot like a good movie. ;)

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The Gamespy list is rubbish, by the way.

Ooh, a single token adventure game. What a surprise! It's Monkey Island this time. Unless one of the ones I've never heard of is an adventure game?


Adventure games are not currently very popular, therefore they were never popular or good. :)

so true ;)


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Ace Combat 5's cinematic where everyone goes to stop a pack of terrorists from blackmailing the world to peace.


Also the Ion cannon hitting Temple Prime in C&C3 is just Beautiful.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Gabriel Knight II's

yes, GK1-s wasnt the best coz of the weird 'music' in the middle but i still think that was the best of the series as a game


also Syberia and The Longest Journey 2 rocked



actually i think TLJ2 is the best till now

I'm going to have to stick with TLJ, not Dreamfall. I thought Dreamfall was great, but i wasn't into the whole faith theme.


I think ill try Syberia, I've heard good things about it. :brows:


I can't remember GK2 very well... I mainly remember how much i enjoyed it. Thats one of those games i should reinstall sometime. I really miss good adventure games, although games like KoTOR and Oblivion are great too.

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What do you guys think about Comic book style cutscene's?

sometimes they work (see max Payne) sometimes they don't (see XIII)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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For the 20th anniversary to the 1982 horror movie 'The Thing' a survival horror video game was created.


The Cons:

-Graphics weren't too impressive, even for the time.

-Some fairly repetitive sections

-Lack of the ability to save at any time

-The RJ McReady character is in the game, but he isn't voiced by Kurt Russel.

-While the game answers many questions, it ends simlar to the movie with more questions.

-The story is at times hard to follow.

-The documents you find are not written very professionally.


The Pros:

-Did an amazing job of capturing the isolation and mistrust of the movies. Your squad members have a morale. Give them a good weapon and they trust you more... but what if you give a good weapon to someone who is the thing? Thats right, the squad is randomly infected. The guy on one play through who helps you could mutate the next time you turn your back.

-The Morale system. Like I said above, give a guy a weapon and he is more confident. Give him a crappy pistol, or lead them into dangerous or disturbing areas with bodies and they start breaking down. Their breathing becomes more rapid, they vomit at the site of bodies and if the pressure just gets to much, they will take their own lives with the weapons you give them, or panic in a firefight and shoot at you. You can prevent a NPC from killing themselves by taking their gun away, but that just makes them even more frightened.

-The guy who played the Cigarette Smoking Man lends his voice to a major character.

-A good length to the game.

-Oh, and this fricken' awesome trailer done like a hollywood movie trailer. Warning, contains adult sequences. :)




Unfortunatly the trailer is rather low quality, it sounds so much better if you can find a high quality version...but I couldn't


Another trailer I loved was the... Duke Nukem Forever trailer. Yeah, it still hasn't come out, but that 2001 trailer still rocked.


Edited by GreasyDogMeat
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So would people say they prefer the MAX PAYNE style of comic book story telling?

Prefer as in "over all others?"



"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Lost Planet cinematics are awesome, when there's action. Otherwise it gets a little boring.


But best? I'm tempted to say Halo, but its not that good. Blizzard is a master at it though. Diablo cinematics, warcraft cinematics and the BC teaser are great examples.


Oh wait, best ever? The Halo teaser "starry night" shown during a football game. You just CAN'T get any better than that. But you can get longer.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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oooh...how can we forget the original Sam&Max and Discworld games? >_<


Ah, yes...

indeed is one of the best openings ever :)


"Out the window Sam. There's nothing but strangers out there."

Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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FF8's opening intro is perhaps the best intro to a game I have veer played/seen. Absolutely bretahtaking, and has never been matched since (or before).


Other cinematics/cutscenes have been fanastic, and come from many games; but that one sits alone on top of the Cinematic Mountain.


I agree (Strangely enough), but the music is half of the sheer awesomeness of the whole thing. Thanks to Uematsu, an otherwise great intro was turned into the pinnacle of intros.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

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- Friedrich Nietzsche


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Many cutscenes and movies from Grandia and Lunar (for psone) are worth mentioning too. It has been so long since I last played them that I don't recall all of them though. Lunar 1's ending scenes were very good though (I wil never forget those).

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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