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This is why I hate WoW

Mortis Nai

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I just found this and words cannot describe my level of disgust... this is exactly why I cant stand f$@!#$g Bliz kids.




Yeah... if that's the high watermark for an Online Community then I have a great idea for a MMOG that involves people paying me $20 a month to kick them in the nuts.

Edited by Mortis Nai
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I gave an uneasy laugh and an "Oh my god I cant believe he said that" type of reaction as well man.


I mean, I'm not saying its not witty but that level of scathing inappropriate witticism is extremely childish and disgusting owing the situation.


There are lines, and there are moments when a community pulls together for one reason or another...


I mean, We had our own moments of well known and respected members of the Community getting sick, dieing off and general tragedy that goes along with life. if you played on a PW there was usually the one kid that found they had some form of serious addiction, one who almost died, and one that gets cancer or has to go in for a serious operation.


Those are the times that people in a Community will pull together, even if it's for the sake of only one individual whom needs some form of support.


What is demonstrated in the WoW post is exactly why I have despised the game since Blizzard first began to discuss a Warcraft MMOG... it's not the game, it's the people.

Edited by Mortis Nai
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Maybe it hasn't occurred to you that the death could have been faked.


That being said, if someone in our community - say, alanschu - were to mysteriously perish, I would be quite saddened.

Edited by Llyranor


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Sometimes its fake. Sometimes it is not. I found it both horrible and funny at the same time. Its one of those "smack behind the head" moments.

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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I don't care if someone I know onlien dies nor should anyone care if I die. We don

't know each other so it's no different than a strnager dying. It's sad; but unimportant. Abnd, funny too.


That may make me mean, uncivilzied, or cruel; but *shrug*. The internet is a cruel, cruel palce.


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I don't care if someone I know onlien dies nor should anyone care if I die. We don

't know each other so it's no different than a strnager dying. It's sad; but unimportant. Abnd, funny too.


That may make me mean, uncivilzied, or cruel; but *shrug*. The internet is a cruel, cruel palce.


But you can't deny that this place just wouldn't be the same without you. :lol:

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Maybe it hasn't occurred to you that the death could have been faked.


That being said, if someone in our community - say, alanschu - were to mysteriously perish, I would be quite saddened.


I thought about that, the Internet is a magnet to Trolls and Attention whores who have been known to fake illnesses or even death of themselves or close relatives etc... which is why I did a little digging first.


WoW Desensitization


While it doesn't validate or really discredit the "Article"and the title itself is a little on the exaggerated "Anti Gamer" bent that has been spreading through media recently... it does show peoples general reactions by there response to the article which was the part I found interesting.

Edited by Mortis Nai
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There are proper places to write about someone passing away -- a games forum is not one of them.


If he really wanted to get the word out to other players that Nano would no longer be playing, he should have just said, "Nano is no longer going to be playing." Gaming forums are the wrong places to look for sympathy and understanding. Unless it's a really close community posting about [person from community]'s death is usually inapropriate.

Edited by LostStraw
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People spend an increasing amount of their lives online and interacting via digital means, when we strip away the fact that everyone is a living, thinking, breathing sentient being behind the keyboard and start treating everyone as nothing but unimportant text... then we as a society have a problem.


Granted, "trust" can only be given and broken so many times, Its no wonder that the greater Internet Community as a whole is far more jaded and cynical than they once were... but still, the Kids brother dies and people make fun of it or assume that the "Character died" not a real person... that says something kinda scary right there.


As for the "Proper place" I really do not see how if the kid spent most of his time playing WoW and writing on the WoW Forums... how that is not appropriate... other than the fact that "It's the WoW forums... what do you expect" which is the entire reason I have a problem with WoW to begin with.

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I agree that the comment that was shown was inappropriate and I'm not condoning such actions. However, the audience he presented the information to was not one that seemed to respect or care for the person who died.


It's not something I'd expect them to care about either -- as I doubt they would care... or that people even here would really care if I started posting individual stories about starving kids in Africa who passed away. It would probably even be treated as spam. When people don't know the deceased, it tends to have little to no meaning.


Simply posting that Nano woud no longer be playing would let those who cared about him get in contact with the poster and find out why. There are ways to be discreet and respectful -- no need to drag the community of strangers in.

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Maybe it hasn't occurred to you that the death could have been faked.


That being said, if someone in our community - say, alanschu - were to mysteriously perish, I would be quite saddened.



Suddenly I feel less safe in my apartment.



And Bok, I would drop the REAL Sword of 1000 Truths.





As for insensitivities, my Dad and my cousin were cracking jokes at my brother's funeral, because that's how they dealt with the tragedy. I actually appreciated it, because the situation was so doom and gloom that a bit of laughter made me feel quite a bit better.

Edited by alanschu
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Maybe it hasn't occurred to you that the death could have been faked.


That being said, if someone in our community - say, alanschu - were to mysteriously perish, I would be quite saddened.



Suddenly I feel less safe in my apartment.


We have traced the reponses and the posts are coming from inside your house, run!



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I understand the disgust, but I've seen that sort of thing from communities of all kinds of games, and all kinds of forums (social, game, chat, whatever) - not just Blizzard or WoW or MMORPG's.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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hello, this is pixies sister posting to you rite now. i checked the computer history and this is the site he went on the most. i thought i should let you all kno that he has passed away. he passed away in his sleep from natural causes. the doctors said he didn't feel any pain. i just thought that you, the interent community needed closure, because you probably would have noticed him being not here, and wondered what happened to him.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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hello, this is pixies sister posting to you rite now.  i checked the computer history and this is the site he went on the most.  i thought i should let you all kno that he has passed away.  he passed away in his sleep from natural causes.  the doctors said he didn't feel any pain.  i just thought that you, the interent community needed closure, because you probably would have noticed him being not here, and wondered what happened to him.


May the mighty Lathander protect his soul... :) (he was probably dreaming of D&D)

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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