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NWN2: The (New) 1 Up Review


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Both NWN1 adn NWN2 are linear. YOu can argue NWN1 was more open-ended; I'll concede that.


THe fact is that it doesnt matter at all because 1/ the story was so crap you didnt want to go ANYWHERE, 2/ you could choose where to go but the choices once you got there were poor, and 3/ I dont call "Get 4 Objects, YOu can choose in which order to get them even though they're all exactly the same and you do exactly the same things" choice. I call it stupid design.

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"Huh? Sure it was."


No. No, it wasn't.



"THe fact is that it doesnt matter at all because 1/ the story was so crap you didnt want to go ANYWHERE, 2/ you could choose where to go but the choices once you got there were poor, and 3/ I dont call "Get 4 Objects, YOu can choose in which order to get them even though they're all exactly the same and you do exactly the same things" choice. I call it stupid design."


No different than NWN2's story structure which is go get a item then b item then 3 item.


And, no, in NWN1 OC, you don't do exactly the same things on eahc part of the quests that's false. The Prison, for example, is far different than Blacklake District. And, there are otpional ways to complete those quests. heck, the main BL quest has mutliple ways - in fact about 5 ways IIRC - to solve it.




Also, just because you dislike NWN1 OC doesn't main others didn't so who is this 'you' you speak of? Surely not for those who are still playing the NWN1 OC as evidenced by the posts there.


You sound exactly like Riftworm and Jorian are for NWN2. Go figure. *shrugs*

Edited by Volourn


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Hmm, I'll give it a proactive 9/10 because I believe that the bugs and performance issues will be worked out, and once the community PW's and mods get going, it will be an awesome experience.


Honestly, NWN1 didn't impress me much when it was released. The OC bored me and the graphics were so-so. But I picked it up again 6 months after the release, and I was amazed at all the new content. The expansions were finely crafted and the community was going full steam.


So since I wrote off the first one too quickly, I'm going to give the sequel a bit more leeway. Plus, I'm actually enjoying this OC.

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"Huh? Sure it was."


No. No, it wasn't.



"THe fact is that it doesnt matter at all because 1/ the story was so crap you didnt want to go ANYWHERE, 2/ you could choose where to go but the choices once you got there were poor, and 3/ I dont call "Get 4 Objects, YOu can choose in which order to get them even though they're all exactly the same and you do exactly the same things" choice. I call it stupid design."


No different than NWN2's story structure which is go get a item then b item then 3 item.


And, no, in NWN1 OC, you don't do exactly the same things on eahc part of the quests that's false. The Prison, for example, is far different than Blacklake District. And, there are otpional ways to complete those quests. heck, the main BL quest has mutliple ways - in fact about 5 ways IIRC - to solve it.




Also, just because you dislike NWN1 OC doesn't main others didn't so who is this 'you' you speak of? Surely not for those who are still playing the NWN1 OC as evidenced by the posts there.


You sound exactly like Riftworm and Jorian are for NWN2. Go figure. *shrugs*

Don't forget that yes, I gave it an average rate, but I have high hopes in patches and maybe an expansion with a good char creation tool what gives you not-ugly faces.


Hmm, I'll give it a proactive 9/10 because I believe that the bugs and performance issues will be worked out, and once the community PW's and mods get going, it will be an awesome experience.


then give that credit to the creators of the PW-s and Modules.

Edited by jorian


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Hmm, I'll give it a proactive 9/10 because I believe that the bugs and performance issues will be worked out, and once the community PW's and mods get going, it will be an awesome experience.


then give that credit to the creators of the PW-s and Modules.


Sure, I'll give credit to everyone. The toolset is a huge part of these games, and making them easy enough to use isn't easy. I hear it's a decent toolset, although I had enough trouble with the NWN1 set to not bother with this one.

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I haven't beaten it yet, so this isn't set in stone...


But so far I'd say the breakdown is (for me anyway)


Fun Factor - 9/10 (I'm really enjoying this game)

Graphics - 8/10 (Character graphics are a bit weak in my opinion, but environments look awesome :dancing: )

NPCs - 7/10 (Pretty good - Not PS:T good... but at least KotOR good)

Rules - 6/10 (But things had to be changed to go from PnP to PC so this one doesn't matter much to me)

Stability - 8/10 (A couple bugs that are easy to get around, no crashes or major issues - For me at least)

Story - 8/10 (I'm enjoying it)

Music - Pass (I turn off music in the hopes it's improve performance... I do this with every game so don't read too much into it)

Voice Overs - 7/10 (Pretty good)

Improvements over first game - 10/10 (The first game bored me to death - I'm posting from the afterlife... honest)

Online Play - No idea.

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I agree with the performance bit. Runs like crap on 8800 GTX. Must patch ASAP. Oh and add AA while you're at it too.


have you updated your drivers? Mine was sluggish until I did that, now it runs like a dream.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I agree with the performance bit. Runs like crap on 8800 GTX. Must patch ASAP. Oh and add AA while you're at it too.


have you updated your drivers? Mine was sluggish until I did that, now it runs like a dream.


Ya, I was using these. Of course they're kinda beta but they're the only ones that will run the card.

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I agree with the performance bit. Runs like crap on 8800 GTX. Must patch ASAP. Oh and add AA while you're at it too.


have you updated your drivers? Mine was sluggish until I did that, now it runs like a dream.


have you disabled vsync?


Umm no but i use dxtweaker triple buffering..

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This review is much better than the first one. At least this time the game doesn't get a mediocre score because the reviewer doesn't like D&D.


It's weird though... I don't have bad performance in the game. (7800GS (AGP) 256mb, Pentium HT 3.2Ghz, 1GB ram, playing at 1k resolution with all Bling-bling on except for normal mapped terrain, Water reflection and refraction (still looks good, btw) and shadows on Medium. EDIT: I have not disabled Vsync)


I also don't have any problems with the camera. I'm using top-down, controlling the camera with my middle mouse button. Just as I did with NWN 1. Just like in NWN 1 I adjust the camera a lot*... almost like a manual version of the driving cam. So I guess I haven't thought about it that much, but houses faded in NWN 1... that's a feature obsidian might consider implementing in NWN 2.


I played through the OC in NWN 1, and it was much better in the later stages. Chapter one sucked, then the OC was OK to FUN. The NWN2 OC ranges from pretty fun to very fun, in my opinion.


Many of the new songs are much better than the NWN 1 songs, I think. Perhaps I'm just fed up with the old ones. I agree with Volourn on sound, btw... keeping the ones from NWN 1 is a smart move. I mean seriously, why throw away a sound library assembled over several years? Imagine the state of NWN 2, had they decided to go out and sample cows and chickens AGAIN. Foolery on the highest degree, and anyone suggesting it should be tarred and feathered BY LAW. (Complaints about misplaced use of the old library are valid however)


For MP: I pause a lot in SP, and I fear I might feel the need to do so in MP as well...

I'd like it if the quickbar could be increased to show more than one quickbar, then make the extra quickbars accessible by "alt/ctrl/ctrl+alt + #". Then it'd work like CoH. I'm also unsure how good the targeting is. Is there a button to cycle foes btw? That'd be great, and/or a closest enemy button.


All in all, I'd give the OC a high score. My score on the game as a whole has to wait for me trying the game in MP though.



*= I mostly use click+move, with some driving when I feel like it. I adjust the camera on avarage every 3 seconds (about once every spell cast in combat). I also zoom in and out with the mouse. This is exactly how I handled the camera in NWN 1 with the exception that I moved the camera a bit more in NWN 1 because I used WSAD movement a bit more in that game.

Edited by Noceur
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I've just played a couple of hours, but the story and the overall feel dances around the original NWN1 OC. I couldn't even finish the original OC, because i found it so incredibly boring.


It seems like this: If you liked, no more like loved, NWN1, you will hate this game, since it feels and plays very differently than the original. But on the other hand, if you loathed or found NWN1 to be boring, chance are that you will probably like NWN2 (This doesn't apply to Volourn, mind you).


I had the same thoughts about UT2003 when it was released, i expected the regular + better graphics, sound and new levels. But what i got was a completely different game (even in atmosphere), and loathed it, since i thought that UT99 was the perfect online-game.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
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I've just played a couple of hours, but the story and the overall feel dances around the original NWN1 OC. I couldn't even finish the original OC, because i found it so incredibly boring.


It seems like this: If you liked, no more like loved,  NWN1, you will hate this game, since it feels and plays very differently than the original. But on the other hand, if you loathed or found NWN1 to be boring, chance are that you will probably like NWN2 (This doesn't apply to Volourn, mind you).


I had the same thoughts about UT2003 when it was released, i expected the regular + better graphics, sound and new levels. But what i got was a completely different game (even in atmosphere), and loathed it, since i thought that UT99 was the perfect online-game.


Gameplay-wise there's a lot that's like NWN 1... I can't put my finger on it, but it feels the same. Mind you, I'm not talking about the narrative or story of the OCs.

Perhaps it's just the left-overs from aurora I feel. Still, I think there may be some truth to what you say.


UT99 and UT2003 were VERY different... while UT2003 looked better, it also changed the atmosphere, as you say. Most importantly it changed the gameplay. I don't think the gameplay (OC specific gameplay aside) has changed that much between NWN 1 and 2.


PS. Well, we don't have the Inventory Tetris minigame any more, for good or bad. :(

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I dont know about you guys but even the first NWN sucked when it was released. It was only thanks to the 2 expansion's contents and thanks to the Community's custom-made haks and stuff that made NWN's game experience much more enjoyable.


I only started playing the OC (even though I bought the game at its release) when the two expansions got released and don't regret my choice of having waited.


I will probably do the same with NWN2.

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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This is probably the first "fair and "balanced" review I've seen for NWN2  so far.


Jeff Green seems more like someone who has actually played it than some of the more rosey reviews with obligatory high scores doled out based on the franchise name alone, as well as seems to echo most of the real world reactions to NWN2 than anywhere else.


Personally I think the game as is deserves a 5/10.


I wouldn't. Neverwinter Nights 2 is easily the best PC CRPG released this year. The story is far superior to any PC CRPG released. Unlike other PC CRPGs or games that tout being a CRPG NWN2 is an actual CRPG with substance. Oblivion has style but nothing of substance because it is too consolized. Make a PC Game or a Console game. Not both. Gothic 3 looks way to buggy to even consider and Dark Messiah is an fantasy based FPS and not a CRPG.


Sure the game has bugs but NWN1 had more bugs than NWN2 yet went on being very successful and more than likely NWN2 will be the same. So I disagree with the low scores. For me this game is a 9.5 out of 10. Yes, I have played many other games. From the days of Zork to the games of today. NWN2 is definitely in my top 10 games of all time.


Also I don't get how people are getting performance issues out of this game. I got an average system and with everything set on Medium I am getting 30 to 45 frames per second. I think that people with "high end" systems are either lying or had expectations way too high.

Edited by Sand

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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There is a dramatic difference in performance between high and medium though. I can also play it fine with everything on medium, but cranking stuff up to high will impact performance.


People with a GeForce 7800 or higher or people with an Radeon X1950 will expect to be able to run everything on high in most games. More so when the graphics of the game aren't more stellar than they are in NWN2. And those are the people who complain about performance issues (and since most reviewers test on such systems, they tend to complain about perfrmance).


Don't get me wrong, I personally like the graphics of NWN2 and think they are just fine for this type of game. But other people have dfferent standards.

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The Problem is that those people usually have huge LCDs and are forced to run the game at ludicrous resolutions (1600x1200 and above) if they want it to look good. If they were playing the game on a 19" CRT at, say 1280x960, they wouldn't be complaining about performance.

Edited by Pidesco

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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I'm running a X1900 GT on a 20" LCD at 1400 x 1050 and having no performance issues.

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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I only have problems with shadows turned on and running the game using the main nwn2.exe.


I use the nwn2_amdfx.exe (Or whatever it is) on all the highest settings, except for shadows, and it runs damned fine. Only problem is that I don't have an AMD chipset.


I'm running a 1900xt 512 MB with 2gb of memory and frankly, I'm amazed that I'm having so many problems with the game. Hell, even Oblivion ran very well on full settings with 4x AA and 8x AF.


Overall, I'd give it an 8/10 so far. It seems very interesting, but I havent been able to pry myself away from other games just yet.


Anybody having a problem with a black box covering the text/chat box at the bottom left? It's driving me crazy to not be able to see anything in there because of it.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

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