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NWN2: Forumite Impressions


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Can someone please tell if there are any implications in the game if one decides to take the Shadow Thief and/or the NwnNine prestige classes? Will NPCs react to this or is this a feature just for the players (eye candy)?

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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Shandra's awesome. :D


Give her dual weilding of all flavors and she's a chainsaw :)


And the best part, she stays with you constantly (as in combat) as opposed to Mr. Headbutt who likes to stand around with a clueless look on his face. :huh:



Must be yours is broken. My Khelgar does a fine job of chopping away at the villians.


Oh, he's great when he's in combat.. he just likes to hang farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr back away from the group and he's kinda slow with those short legs of his. :wacko:

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"Thankfully, Volo, the developers sided with the rest of humanity and decided that on balance it wasn't as much fun as their alternative."


That's funny. The 'rest of humanity' sure had lots of fun with little complaints when it was in the BG series as well as a ton of of other game. *shrug*


NWN2 is a D&D game, and since Obsidian bragged about how they were going to go by D&D rules as much a spossible... then, went and did a death system that's even further removed from it than NWN1 OC's death system.


What's hialrious is that BIo got completely blasted for it yet Obsidian is getting praised for it for NWN2 by their fanboys who were the same people mostly whining about NWN1. What's also funny is that BIO got such a hammering over it they actually made it closer to pnp rules in the expansions.




Perhaps Obsidian needs the same type of 'togh love' to understand what most gamers want for the expansions.


D0uble R00fles!



"If they felt that the majority of gamers preferred to have actual death and treks to temples to resurrect people, they would have designed the game that way."


Not neccessarily true. You got no proof of this whatsoever. The m,ajority of gamers don't care about D&D or its rules so why would Obsidian make a D&D game if the majority of gamers don't want to play.


Wouldnt they be bests erved to make Sims or GTA type games?



Edited by Volourn


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What's hialrious is that BIo got completely blasted for it yet Obsidian is getting praised for it for NWN2 by their fanboys who were the same people mostly whining about NWN1. What's also funny is that BIO got such a hammering over it they actually made it closer to pnp rules in the expansions.


Proof please.


I had no problems with the death implementation that Bioware implemented in NWN (or KOTOR for that matter).



Not neccessarily true. You got no proof of this whatsoever. The m,ajority of gamers don't care about D&D or its rules so why would Obsidian make a D&D game if the majority of gamers don't want to play.



The proof is in the pudding (as you like to say). Here Obsidian goes and makes a game about D&D, and then implements non-D&D style death. Do you think they did this because they thought it'd annoy people, and ultimately piss more people off?


When I say the majority of gamers, I refer to the majority that they are targetting with this game. It doesn't take a dunce to realize they probably don't care a lot about what the sports game player feels about player death in RPG games.

Edited by alanschu
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What's hialrious is that BIo got completely blasted for it yet Obsidian is getting praised for it for NWN2 by their fanboys who were the same people mostly whining about NWN1. What's also funny is that BIO got such a hammering over it they actually made it closer to pnp rules in the expansions.


Proof please.


I had no problems with the death implementation that Bioware implemented in NWN (or KOTOR for that matter).

Same here.


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Yeah, because it's real immersive, ain't it?


Bio did get a lot of criticism for it, but of course, this being on message boards, who knows. Bio themselves admitted that lots of people did not agree with the OC's implementation.


If you want to be anally retentive and ask for exact quotes by Bio devs with dates, secure links and signatures by the Pope, go find someone else.

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Oh, I would actually prefer a different approach to both death and resting. I've reached the philosopher's fort, and I've managed to survive a few battles. It's sad because I have to leave my beloved gaming rig now. However, I will entertain myself later by joing the NWN2 discussions.


So far, so good. The usual NPC options and whatnot. I'm extremely happy with the game so far, and I suspect my happiness is directly related to some of the grief I've heard.


I guess I'll get my money's worth out of the game over time instead of digesting it quickly, but there's something to be said for only getting to play in two hour chunks. It brings a little anticipation to the talbe. Things like resting and death are not the only things that make for a great game. I'm quite enjoying some of the obvious story hooks I've seen. That I can look forward to the characters and backstory is a good sign that the game brings something more than combat to the table.


Of course, I like the combat also. Go figure. Maybe a little easy so far, but I'm playing a wizard, which everyone says is tougher, so maybe I've got something of a challenge ahead.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Not only am I having a hell of a time playing this game. It is very FUN, despite some minor issues. But with all the problems it's causing people, I am having a blast reading about their opinions, whining, critiquing, flamewars, and it's always reassuring the level of maturity most DnD geeks display. What a BLAST :thumbsup:

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"Proof please."


Listen to Tigranes. Tigranes knows all. Ecept when Tigranes disagrees with Volourn, and then Tigranes knows very little. Sorry Tigranes.



"I had no problems with the death implementation that Bioware implemented in NWN (or KOTOR for that matter)."


Good for you. The fact remains that BIO got flamed because of the OC death system. Heck, me 'oh great defender of the OC' falmed there for it. R00fles!


And, I don't recall anyone actually ASKING for BIO (or Obsidian) to implement their lame death systems in either KOTOR, JE, or the NWNs.


Again, the majority of gamers sure didn't mind it for the BGs. *shrug*



My point, hwoever, was not really about the detah systems per se; but how certain people act towards them. Certain people blasted BIO for their non DnD version of death in NWN1 yet these same people have not made a PEEP about Obsidian doing the same in NWN2 outside of a shrug. It's what is called hypocrisy.


If the death system didn't bother you in the OC; good on you. Then, obviously, that point isn't directed at you.


Of cours,e I have yet to see any evdience that the majority of NWN's audience actually prefers the lameo method used in either main OC. Heck, there's a reason why BIO altered it in the expansions (outside of SOU ch1 that which had a slight modification of it own).




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I never took a henchman with me in NWN1 and I simply treated every death in the packaged campaign as an excuse to reload. Folks treat death and reloading in these games differently anyhow. That's the long and short of it. I loved the death scheme in Planescape: Torment, and that was hand-crafted for the setting and main character.


Ideally, we'd follow 3.5 rules, but of the CRPG choices, I would rather NWN2 follow the same scheme as IWD/2. Those games certainly seemed to work well.


Resting is different. I hated resting in NWN and I still hate it in NWN2. Doesn't matter. While I don't like that aspect, I realize that it was probably the best compromise for the multi-player crowd. Since they put in some great design decisions for the single player crowd, I don't begrudge the MP/PW folks getting a little boost.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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"Resting is different. I hated resting in NWN and I still hate it in NWN2. Doesn't matter. While I don't like that aspect, I realize that it was probably the best compromise for the multi-player crowd. Since they put in some great design decisions for the single player crowd, I don't begrudge the MP/PW folks getting a little boost. "


What's hialrious about this is that 90% of the PWs I've played on for NWN1 changed the retsing system to make more restrictive. Go figure that they'd do soemthing supposeldy for MP, and the MP ers pretty much laugh at them for doing so. L0LLERZ!


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"Resting is different. I hated resting in NWN and I still hate it in NWN2. Doesn't matter. While I don't like that aspect, I realize that it was probably the best compromise for the multi-player crowd. Since they put in some great design decisions for the single player crowd, I don't begrudge the MP/PW folks getting a little boost. "


What's hialrious about this is that 90% of the PWs I've played on for NWN1 changed the retsing system to make more restrictive. Go figure that they'd do soemthing supposeldy for MP, and the MP ers pretty much laugh at them for doing so. L0LLERZ!

Without rest people die in some time, also clerics and mages wouldn't have the time to pray/memorize.



Canto, Volourn: This is D&D :blink:



PW creators are all D&D players and want their game to look/smell/taste like pnp as much as possible.


Not only am I having a hell of a time playing this game. It is very FUN, despite some minor issues. But with all the problems it's causing people, I am having a blast reading about their opinions, whining, critiquing, flamewars, and it's always reassuring the level of maturity most DnD geeks display. What a BLAST  :)

Sorry but if you don't like it you can leave <_<



PS: DnD geeks made RPG and thus allowed all those games to be created,

so just go to the Sahara and insult people there if you find anyone.

Edited by jorian


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Listen to Tigranes. Tigranes knows all. Ecept when Tigranes disagrees with Volourn, and then Tigranes knows very little. Sorry Tigranes.


I agree with Volo. :blink:

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Sorry but if you don't like it you can leave  <_<
I do not think I will be leaving anytime soon.
PS: DnD geeks made RPG and thus allowed all those games to be created,

so just  go to the Sahara and insult people there if you find anyone.

Since I have been playing DnD myself for about 22 years, I would consider myself one and do not consider it an insult, but a compliment. No need to get bent out of shape. However you can get bent if you wish.
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Great game. It was the game I knew Obsidian had in them when I played KotOR II.

I actually prefer KOTOR II to NWN2. Not necessarily when it comes to functionality (I encountered many well-documented bugs and crashes in KOTOR2) but in regards toward plot elements and characters, especially villains. The villains in NWN2 are mostly out of the picture until you fight them, whereas in KOTOR they're much more prevalent.


I'll see the game Obsidian has in it when they make a SP-oriented, non-linear RPG not indebted to the KOTOR or NWN styles of play. So I'll be waiting for this next one :dancing:

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Kreia was unique and defined the story, regardless of whether one liked her or not. I liked her, so the story was lovelay. I agree that the plot itself was better in KOTOR2; however, in terms of gameplay implementation I say NWN2 was superior (i.e. bringing the trial and Crossroads keep and recurring elements into the game).

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"Resting is different. I hated resting in NWN and I still hate it in NWN2. Doesn't matter. While I don't like that aspect, I realize that it was probably the best compromise for the multi-player crowd. Since they put in some great design decisions for the single player crowd, I don't begrudge the MP/PW folks getting a little boost. "


What's hialrious about this is that 90% of the PWs I've played on for NWN1 changed the retsing system to make more restrictive. Go figure that they'd do soemthing supposeldy for MP, and the MP ers pretty much laugh at them for doing so. L0LLERZ!

Modders and admin can still build maps with restrictive resting; just because Obsidian have implemented a friendlier rest regime in the SP campaign doesn't make it an ex cathedra dictat.




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Haven't had much time to play lately. The combat's getting a little frustrating, but that's mostly because of my party makeup. I'm currently going through the crypts in the graveyard with a level 5 group. Between the fiendling, the dwarf, and my halfling wiz/rog, the dwarf is the only one who does any real damage to the zombies. Plus, they keep diseasing my characters and I've run out of healing kits. I'm finding lots of fun loot, though.

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