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Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

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Load times are soooooooo slowwww.  It makes BL loadtimes look super fast. I'm gonna wait 'til I update my computer to try again... It does look good otherwise...


Strange. It was the opposite for me. I've never encountered slower load times in any game I've played that beat Bloodlines.


However, the load times for the module are extremely slow. And I'm not sure why that would be.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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yeah, none of the areas are really all that large except the town, which isn't big so much as it has a bunch of activities going on (there are people strolling around and such).



comrade taks... just because.

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I chose the Fallouts because they are sad and depressing settings to begin with. Plus mini gun chunks and flame dancing FTW!


Few things are sadder and depressing than the Counterstrike community!



Few things are sadder and depressing than the Counterstrike community!

One thing being the Obsidian forum community!

battle dot freaking net.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Mine was some fancy longsword.  Or was it a bastard sword.  Regardless, it was pretty damn good, but I didn't have the proficiencies to use it.


That is basically what I had for an NWN character, except was using a Fighter class with weapon focus feats for bastard sword and longsword. Yeah, some swords of such classes have names for them, with additional damage properties. One that encountered previously is Bloodletter, with vampiric regeneration +2 on every hit scored against monsters/enemies and a wounding effect.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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Does that even make any sense?


In any case, I'm curious how much experience you have with battle.net people, given that their games certainly are not your cup of tea.


I met a few in real life at the university I went to. If you have met them then what I said would made perfect sense.

Edited by Judge Hades
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Ive got a big problem. I play a Wizard and I need a fighter henchman but the one you can recruit in the beginning just vanished when I told her to wait when I had to go stealth for a while.



Now I get my ass handed to me in every fight.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kaftan: there's a script you can run for that particular bug (which should have been eliminated with 1.1 patch). It is somewhere around page 5 on this thread. You go to DebugMode through tilde -> DebugMode 1, then something like run dmscript. Again, it's definitely in the thread; I too have had to do this, in my case after going through the radial menu too fast and clicking "remove from party", after which the tank instantly disappeared into thin air. :)


Anyway, I finally got this some days ago and played it with a wizard. I can't say there were any special 'wow' moments in this module, but it is a solid game with an impressively consistent level of polish. The exception was a hidden 'mist shrine' of a sorts... had anybody found it? It is in one of those coastal maps in the mazy sand-paths beneath the cliffs, and you find the key in

that antique dealer's shop in Gillian's Hill.

They tried a little thing similar to the Galatea NPC that was linked around here a couple of days back - hit and miss, of course, and it was certainly rusty, but somehow I liked it a lot.


Pity the final battle was rather stupid, and lacked anything special.


edit: did anyone else get REALLY pissed off with the fighter henchman's voice? Oh dear God, it was like having Anomen around all over again.


Or Xan. All your efforts are in vaaaainnn..

Edited by Tigranes
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The exception was a hidden 'mist shrine' of a sorts... had anybody found it? It is in one of those coastal maps in the mazy sand-paths beneath the cliffs, and you find the key in

that antique dealer's shop in Gillian's Hill.

They tried a little thing similar to the Galatea NPC that was linked around here a couple of days back - hit and miss, of course, and it was certainly rusty, but somehow I liked it a lot.

I pulled out NWN a while back and borrowed the expansions for this mod. Aside from the fact that I was playing on a below-specs machine (for the mod, not for the original NWN game) and encountered a lot of bugs (even after updating to 1.1), I found it to be a breath of fresh air WRT the core package. Liked the overland map. The new tilesets were nice, although somewhat annoying in that the 2nd story tiles wouldn't vanish no matter how I arranged my game options, to they were constantly blocking off my field of view. The pathfinding is still absolute crud, far far worse than anything they threw at me in Baldur's Gate, and those "rolling hills" just made it worse, but still... I can put up with that.


I missed out on the "mist shrine", though, I think. So far as I can recall, there are only those two coastal areas in the game: the Crab Claw area and the one with the castle in it. Picked up the

key from the junk dealer (thought those tables were a nice touch, too, but then I tend to be a bit of an item junkie, as long as the items are interesting and/or collectable)

, but never actually found a use for it. Just like I never found the way to

open up the priest of Bhaal's altar in the basement of my stronghold

, if such a thing is even possible. The journal suggests that it is. Oh, and speaking of the Crab Claw coast area, what's up with that

Osprey that's just hovering there?

Anything? And those

berry bushes in the hermit's area? Was playing a relatively low dexterity fighter-type, and predictably crushed the berries to pulp every time I touched one of the plants... and what sort of food is the hermit looking for? Is he really looking for food, or is he just being all "I have a quest that you're not allowed to fulfill"-ish?

Just a few unanswered questions is all.. :ermm:


All in all, though, I agree; it's a pretty straightforward mod. No real standout moments, but just a consistent level of fun throughout. Well developed setting, a couple neat little secrets, quite a few fun little quests, a little bit of intrigue to keep things going, a couple interesting characters... ok, maybe just the one interesting character. Nothing spectacular, but "spectacular" isn't required for me; just a solid mod all around. Good stuff, even if the final fight was a little pedestrian.


That fighter's voice was grating, though, wasn't it? Holy... "Of course I can!" Yikes. Cough drop, anyone? Xan at least was fun to laugh at with his overbearing morose-ness. This one was just... yikes.

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Yeah, the 'mist shrine' thing is in one of them. In both of those areas you start up on the cliffs, but you can find those pathways down to the shoreline; I believe that's where you find the cave / ship for the main plot as well, and that marooned ship with the vampire. I pretty much treated the game as BG and looked at every nook and cranny, and I was rewarded mostly.


The priest of Bhaal's altar can also be opened up. If you walk in and walk straight until you can't (because of the drop), then you will find a secret catch in the floor that reveals a switch (or was it a key? Whatever). It just gives you some items.


My wizard had ~16 dexterity when I tried the herbs, but I crushed them too, so not sure. I assume that they were related with the hermit, though.

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Ive got a big problem. I play a Wizard and I need a fighter henchman but the one you can recruit in the beginning just vanished when I told her to wait when I had to go stealth for a while.

if you turn on debug mode, there's a find henchman scroipt that will bring him back. it is supposedly fixed in the latest release, btw.



comrade taks... just because.

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