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Xbox 360 sales going strong

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That's nice.


Actually yes, it is. The larger the installed userbase for a platform, the more diverse the gaming library will be. On top of that, smaller development houses and publishers will be more willing to risk a product due to the sheer number of users. It's a win/win for everyone involved, especially the consumer.


Now if they'd just fix that heating problem, they'd get one more.


The heating "problems" haven't been a problem. The fail rate of the console was under 5% at launch, and has since declined even further as manufacturing processes have yielded better results.

Ya but the thing gets so hot after you've played it for a few hours, you just get paranoid.


Get the 3rd party Intercooler, it's teh only way...

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I just don't get the whole attitude over the heating problems. You have a 95% chance that the system will run fine. If it does break down, like Bok's did, then you get a new one for free. Sure it eats up a bit of time, but honestly it's Microsoft that should be whining. 5% of 5 million times $300-$400 is...uh...a lot of money. Hmm...I'd be surprised if anyone followed my train of thought on that. Oh well.


Viva La France!

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10K is a angry? LOL I think many of those 'countering' him are the angry ones. They seem to take it as a personal afront that someone would are to say soemthing positive about MC or the xbox 360.


And, yeah yeah, this must mean I'm a xbox/ms/xbox360 fanboy... even though, I haven't even bought an xbox 360 yet, and likely won't 'til next year at the earliest. In fact, I used to be a 'Sony fanboy' until the FF series started boring me... Plus, my fave RPG dev (when it used to be SS) seems focused on MS's platform for their console RPGs.



:p:o for 19k.


>_<:ermm: for the Trolls.



P.S. Not everyone debating 10k are in that second category. the ones whoa re know who theya re, and are likely the most offeneded by that comment.



When games like ME1+2+3, and JE2 come out then I shall think about a xbox 360.


A PS3 is a likely maybe when its price is cut in half.


And, I will NEVER buy a machine called 'Going To The Bathroom'.


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Not that I want to sully myself in this fanboi holy war, but I must interject to say that you are comparing apples and oranges (and I hope you know it).


The latest gen consoles are NOT just games machines, so to compare them to a different consumer electronics item (like a DVD player) is pointless.

Um, what? The PS2 is a video game console that plays DVD's, the Xbox 360 is a video game console that plays DVDs. They're both billed as video game machines, it's not apples to oranges.




You are both oversimplifying the market.






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Not that I want to sully myself in this fanboi holy war, but I must interject to say that you are comparing apples and oranges (and I hope you know it).


The latest gen consoles are NOT just games machines, so to compare them to a different consumer electronics item (like a DVD player) is pointless.

Um, what? The PS2 is a video game console that plays DVD's, the Xbox 360 is a video game console that plays DVDs. They're both billed as video game machines, it's not apples to oranges.




You are both oversimplifying the market.




No we're not man. Don't say we're wrong like you're god and know everything, you're not and you're wrong about this.


You're not comparing apples to oranges like you say, the PS2 and 360 are both video game consoles that use the same media format how can you not put the 2 in the same category? This isn't like comparing the N64 to the PS2 where you have 2 different types of media(cd-rom and cart) and one system does more than the other. The PS2 and 360 both use DVD, both can get online to play games, both allow you to watch DVD movies, both have these things called controllers, and funny enough, both connect to your TV. What doesn't the PS2 do that the 360 does? Is it because the PS2 isn't labeled a "next-gen" console? :p


But then again, what exactly are you comparing here? If it's sales figures then they fall into the same category, if it's tech specs then the 360 has the clear advantage and it's not really a fair comparison or if it's games then the PS2 has the advantage. I'm looking at the sales figures and they're telling me that more people are buying a PS2 over a 360. People want games and the 360 doesn't have them.......yet.

Edited by Setzer
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No we're not man. Don't say we're wrong like you're god and know everything, you're not and you're wrong about this.



That's a perfect quote. That seems to be arguing style of many on these boards. God forbid we actually respect other people's voice and opinions.


Also Darque, I was attempting humor by pointing out that the more I pay for something, the more problems I have with it. Houses, cars, major appliances, wedding rings :p


I apologize for not amusing you.

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No we're not man. Don't say we're wrong like you're god and know everything, you're not and you're wrong about this.



That's a perfect quote. That seems to be arguing style of many on these boards. God forbid we actually respect other people's voice and opinions.


How was his response any different? If people around here want some respect then they better be willing to show it in return. It works 2 ways, man.

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You are all wrong and I'm right. Now shut up and bow down to the might of views.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Not that I want to sully myself in this fanboi holy war, but I must interject to say that you are comparing apples and oranges (and I hope you know it).


The latest gen consoles are NOT just games machines, so to compare them to a different consumer electronics item (like a DVD player) is pointless.

Um, what? The PS2 is a video game console that plays DVD's, the Xbox 360 is a video game console that plays DVDs. They're both billed as video game machines, it's not apples to oranges.




You are both oversimplifying the market.



No we're not man. Don't say we're wrong like you're god and know everything, you're not and you're wrong about this.


You're not comparing apples to oranges like you say, the PS2 and 360 are both video game consoles that use the same media format how can you not put the 2 in the same category? This isn't like comparing the N64 to the PS2 where you have 2 different types of media(cd-rom and cart) and one system does more than the other. The PS2 and 360 both use DVD, both can get online to play games, both allow you to watch DVD movies, both have these things called controllers, and funny enough, both connect to your TV. What doesn't the PS2 do that the 360 does? Is it because the PS2 isn't labeled a "next-gen" console? :lol:


But then again, what exactly are you comparing here? If it's sales figures then they fall into the same category, if it's tech specs then the 360 has the clear advantage and it's not really a fair comparison or if it's games then the PS2 has the advantage. I'm looking at the sales figures and they're telling me that more people are buying a PS2 over a 360. People want games and the 360 doesn't have them.......yet.

Read what I wrote AGAIN. I did not say that one console was better than the other. (That is YOUR erroneous inference). I simply stated that the PS2 and XBox 360 are different consumer electronics, and thus exist in slightly different markets. Like four wheel drive vehicles and compact cars, just because they both run on an internal combustion engine and people use them to get from A to B, doesn't mean they are the same.


If you do not know why they are different, you may ask or (better yet) do some research: the PS2 is not competing directly with the XBxo 360, the XBox 360 is trying to be a living room interface to the internet (hence "next-gen"), not just a games console. Hence comparing their sales figures will only lead to poor conclusions.


If you don't understand that, then I can't explain it any clearer than that.


Actually, I am just as likely to but an XBox 360 at this point FOR THAT REASON, as I will eventually be looking for a living room internet computer.




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Also Darque, I was attempting humor by pointing out that the more I pay for something, the more problems I have with it.  Houses, cars, major appliances, wedding rings  o:)


I apologize for not amusing you.




Don't apologize :p


It's my fault for not catching it :lol:



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Not news, nothing new, just a blog that happens to express my feelings about the current game library on the Xbox 360 dead on.


I'll decide around christmas whether or not I'll pick up a Xbox 360, Playstation 3 or Wiiiiii. Or maybe just upgrade my PC to unhealthy levels? :)

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Read what I wrote AGAIN. I did not say that one console was better than the other. (That is YOUR erroneous[b/] inference). I simply stated that the PS2 and XBox 360 are different consumer electronics, and thus exist in slightly different markets. Like four wheel drive vehicles and compact cars, just because they both run on an internal combustion engine and people use them to get from A to B, doesn't mean they are the same.


If you do not know why they are different, you may ask or (better yet) do some research: the PS2 is not competing directly with the XBxo 360, the XBox 360 is trying to be a living room interface to the internet (hence "next-gen"), not just a games console. Hence comparing their sales figures will only lead to poor conclusions.


If you don't understand that, then I can't explain it any clearer than that.


Actually, I am just as likely to but an XBox 360 at this point FOR THAT REASON, as I will eventually be looking for a living room internet computer.


Microsoft is pushing their console in the same market that the PS2 dominates. So your four wheel drive and compact car analogy is out. You wouldn't market four wheel drive cars to consumers that drive compact cars, but you would market the Xbox 360 to the same people that own and purchase video game consoles, namely, the PS2.


Just because the Xbox 360 has an optional feature for being a media center, and has a marketplace for downloading optional content, doesn't detract from the fact that the Xbox 360 was made for two main purposes, to play games and movies.

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My friends X-box works flawlessly or so she says. It's not like I play it or anything.


Keep us posted.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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Read what I wrote AGAIN. I did not say that one console was better than the other. (That is YOUR erroneous inference).


WTF?! I never said that. Where the hell did you get that from? You stated that you can't put the two consoles in the same category when comparing their sales figures and I disagree with that. I never implied that you said one console is better than the other, this is about sales figures here, buddy.


I simply stated that the PS2 and XBox 360 are different consumer electronics, and thus exist in slightly different markets. Like four wheel drive vehicles and compact cars, just because they both run on an internal combustion engine and people use them to get from A to B, doesn't mean they are the same.


If you do not know why they are different, you may ask or (better yet) do some research: the PS2 is not competing directly with the XBxo 360, the XBox 360 is trying to be a living room interface to the internet (hence "next-gen"), not just a games console. Hence comparing their sales figures will only lead to poor conclusions.


I understand what you're saying in terms of vehicles but this isn't like that. You're saying the 360 is like a 4wd vehicle and the PS2 is like a compact car. It's like the 360 has more features than the PS2. The only thing different between the two consoles is that one has a better engine than the other, aside from that they both offer the same features...


BOTH systems play DVD/CD games

BOTH systems have online(internet) capabilities

BOTH systems have optional hard drives

BOTH systems play DVD movies

BOTH systems use controllers

BOTH systems connect to your TV via Component, S-Video, or composite.


So, when looking at the SALES FIGURES there's no reason why you can't compare the PS2 to the 360.

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Man, I can't wait to get my Weii

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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