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Well I'm back in Hell. I'm on my last leg of the Resurrection of Evil journey. Let me tell you, I'm only finishing the game because I started it and I'm interesting in finding out if the protagonist (that's me) ends up become some sort of uber-Demon lord and invading Earth. I get a bad feeling about that artifact I've been hauling around. It's not your mother's Soul Cube. In fact, it's not a Soul Cube at all. it's somes sort of goat's head looking thing that makes my hands look like I've aged a hundred years.


Anyhow, all shootered out for the moment. After this, I'll probably download HoMM 5 and play something a little less frantic for a while.


Oh, BTW, if you aim a little to the side you can kill the NPCs in DOOM all you want. Of course, I don't want to kill the NPCs, but it's interesting that you can. What would make it even more interesting is if you could harvest their souls. I've got a bad feeling my character is heading to Hell in a handbasket already, so I don't think I'll add murder to the list. Still, for a lot of folks, it would make for a real moral dilemma.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Football Manager 2006 and Fahrenheit.

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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I finished DOOM 3: RoE. Anyone else find the ending weird and dissatisfying? What the hell? People complain about the ending for KotOR 2, but I was quite unhappy with the end of RoE.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I finished DOOM 3: RoE.  Anyone else find the ending weird and dissatisfying?  What the hell?  People complain about the ending for KotOR 2, but I was quite unhappy with the end of RoE.


I think people just have low expectations for the storylines in shooters, and high expectations for RPGs from veteran devs.


It's a heritage that goes all the way back to Wolfenstein 3D and Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold, continued through the various Quake and Unreal games that everybody just bought for the multiplayer anyway. Although I suppose the Half-Life games have tried to change the way a story can work in a shooter.


Anyway, I'm playing Bloodlines again. That is, when I'm not playing Shenmue 2 or DOA2 Ultimate for the Xbox. Yes, I've been gaming a lot lately.

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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Yup.  Just be a sneaky bastard.



I would except that one light that flickers isn't affected by the OCP and I can't shoot it out. When I'm carrying a guy I move too slowly to get out of the way before it comes back on.


Is there somewhere to sneak to I'm missing?

Just knock out the soldiers.



Don't you have to blow up a tank or two, and that kills all the left-over grunts?



I did it first time.




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Ah.  Is RoE worth getting?  I finished Doom 3 and was disappointed by its ending too.  :wub:



The ending for DOOM 3 disappointed me for a variety of reasons. First of all, I hate games where I'm the only survivor. I wouldn't hate it except that it seems like, in so many of these games, I'm the only survivor. That's what made Half-Life such a good game. You met with folks and you had the idea that you might be able to save some of them. All those folks I met during DOOM 3 died? I didn't manage to save a single one? I fought like hell through hordes of enemies to defeat the minions of Satan and everyone died anyhow? Well, I guess I saved Earth, but it was still disappointing.


The other thing I hated was losing the Soul Cube. I wanted to keep it handy just in case I needed to smack down more bad guys.


Okay, that's all well and good, but at least DOOM 3 was just the same ol' business, even if that's all it was.


RoE was just... well... weird. The ending was odd. The game-play wasn't that bad, but it did get a little tedious, what with the revenant at every other step. I mean, once I had to fight five revenants in a row. There was an area that spawned several waves of those big blob things who shoot powerful fireball and hellknights. I can play it on easy, but it's just a pain.


Now, to be fair, the artifact is cool, but I found myself saving it up for the big battles which meant I slogged through most of the game without using it. Too bad, however, as it really is a kick-ass little bundle of evil goodness. If I came across something like that in real life, I'd probably spend my whole life seeking some method to destroy it, which I guess is part of the idea behind RoE.


Anyhow, if you really enjoyed DOOM3, I'd suggest RoE. If you were neutral or bored by DOOM3, I would simply not suggest buying this expansion. I guess, if you were neutral and didn't have something better to play, you might want to see if you can get it for $10 or less, depending on how hard up you are.


EDIT: What I meant to say is tha I could have played it on easy, but why should I have to choose between tedium on either end. Hard should mean harder, not "great, another twenty random spawns in this room." I didn't mind the spawns in DOOM 3, but they sure as hell finally got to me in RoE.

Edited by Eldar

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Hard should mean harder, not "great, another twenty random spawns in this room."  I didn't mind the spawns in DOOM 3, but they sure as hell finally got to me in RoE.

I too dislike this approach to "harden" a game. Creating large spawn groups, increasing creatures' HP beyond reasonable amounts, reducing the Medpack spawn etc. make a game more tedious, not more challenging. Challenge comes from superior enemy AI, better enemy aiming abilities, friendly fire in team-based games, increased potency of simple weapons for both you as well as the enemy, tighter time-limits for timed missions, etc.


I guess the single most important factor is enemy AI, something that has shown marginal improvement over the years. Allan, we seriously need you to get into the industry!

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GTA:SA for some reason! Since I got my new soundcard it gives me the option to play FEAR finally(i had sound problems) yet here I am getting sucked in to GTA a Game I already have beaten. I have also dabbed in HAlf Life2 Episode 1. What are everybodies thoughts on HL2:E1? My fastidious friends at Valve have done a great job with facial expressions. :blink:


I have to beat System Shock 2 still also, I'm Slackin! Thats ok, I have time to kill till I play Oblivion and other extra highend games that I want to wait to get my new computer so i can play it with ALL bells and whistles. February is when I build my next Machine.


I just have to think of a name for it! :D

Always outnumbered, never out gunned!

Unreal Tournament 2004 Handle:Enlight_2.0

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I'm playing Munchkin a card game by Steve Jackson Games.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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A conversation with a Japanese soldier being held at knifepoint in Chaos Theory.


Fisher: Hi, I'm the Good Guy trying to save the world.

Japanese Soldier: I thought I was the Good Guy.

Fisher: No, you're the guy on the team with the Super Secret Underground Base, I'm the guy trying to break into the Super Secret Underground Base; that makes me the Good Guy.

Japanese Soldier: Oh.



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Wasn't he Korean? :D



Nah man

, last level, Japanese.



So uh, finished Chaos Theory, overall score 95%.


Ending was anticlimactic, the ones with Sam's daughter at home were better IMO. Hit a bug right before the last cutscene that made me have to turn on thermal optics for the rest of the game. What a pain. Crashed my computer several times before I finally stopped messing with settings and decided it was a bug.


Thanks for spoiling the ending for me!

Edited by metadigital



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