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NWN2 only 20 hours long?


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PCs make you pay $400+ for a single component.


Only if you are a graphic whore, and if you were, you'd propably be buying a 2000$ HDTV system for your console, as well. Nice for movies i guess.


Truth is that you can buy a new PC right now for something like 800$ and play pretty much anything on the market if you wanted to.


I really don't have a problem with consoles in general, i don't like them, but that's me.


My beef is with the Xbox. Limiting PC games just to pander to that infernal device feels me with grief...

Edited by Lyric Suite
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You guys actually did some research/polls on this? I'm sure people in that age-group don't want to cough up 50 bucks for a game they can beat in a weekend. If you buy a game you want to play it for a while.


It depends if you have large chunks of freetime or not. If you only play for a coupld of hours a week then a 20 hour game is a pretty good fit. If on the other hand you play for 10 hours a day. Then it's going to be a blink and you miss it affair.


Most of the people on here fall into the latter catagory.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I wish I still fell in the latter :blink:


As I get older, I have less time for games. Of course, that IN AND OF ITSELF isn't much of a reason why I'd want shorter games 'just because'. If the game is long, I'll just play it during a longer timeframe. I want a change in quality in the genre, not a change of length in and of itself per say.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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That's not actually a bug.  Exploits typically aren't bugs either.


A game-stopping "event" because you sold a quest-important item is NOT a glitch :blink:?

Also if a game allows you to exploit by for example carry a shield and 2-handed weapon or allows your characters to be buffed for free when they should pay cash what makes it "no glitch"...


Please; explain me once again the definition of "bugs", since I always thought they were programming errors allowing things to happen that should not, like game-stopping events and exploits...

Also if exploits are usually not bugs, what are they then? Exploits? :lol:




What is more of a letdown then you having a great time and then see the credits run over the screen when you feel like "just started"?


I want a change in quality in the genre, not a change of length in and of itself per say


Which will NOT be archieved if we just allow devs to make

Edited by Hassat Hunter




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Good can mean "complete" as well

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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What is more of a letdown then you having a great time and then see the credits run over the screen when you feel like "just started"?

When I've invested dozens of hours into the bloody and still no sign of the 'good' part. Just because I don't mind longer games because I can allocate larger timeframes to them doesn't mean I'm accepting time WASTED.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I wish I still fell in the latter :lol:


As I get older, I have less time for games. Of course, that IN AND OF ITSELF isn't much of a reason why I'd want shorter games 'just because'. If the game is long, I'll just play it during a longer timeframe. I want a change in quality in the genre, not a change of length in and of itself per say.


Well I never made much progress in Lunar because it was so long (handheld).

Although, I can think of many games I've ignored (or rented) because they were too short. I can't think of a single one that I did likewise because it was too long.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I'd separate purchasing and renting depending on how good the game is. If a game is only 'good' (and on console etc in order to allow the possibility of renting), I would rent it even if it were relatively long. Heck, I rented Front Mission 4 when I had access to a PS2. It was definitely a fun game, but not something I would have bought, even if it was relatively long.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Good can mean "complete" as well
Edited by Hassat Hunter




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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I read the first half dozen pages... didn't see anything I haven't seen before in these discussions about games getting shorter and shorter. Initially these discussions were about games dropping to 40 hours. Comments were split between fanboi "That's great, I don't want no stinking 60-100 hour game anyway" and "What? They expect $50 for a 40-hour game??" Now we got the same fanboi-types going "That's great, I don't want no 30-40 hour game anyway" and the rest saying "What? They expect $50 for a 20-hour game?"


Well, I'm in the "other" category. I'm not going to spend $50 for a 20-hour game. Period. And to the developers who smugly figure I will simply because it's that or nothing... you lose. It's nothing.


Crap. Next year we'll be seeing developers bragging about a game that took 5 years to develop but delivers TEN WHOLE HOURS of gaming goodness, and the same bloody fanbois screaming, "That's great! I don't want no stinking 20-hour game anyway."


This is ridiculous.


[/annoyed rant]

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A lot of people in their late 20s and early 30s simply don't have the time (or don't want to make the time) to become embroiled in 60+ hour games.


You guys actually did some research/polls on this? I'm sure people in that age-group don't want to cough up 50 bucks for a game they can beat in a weekend. If you buy a game, you want to play it for a while, no? Also, I've heard this comment before, and I must say I find it particularily ridiculous when it comes from people who frequent these boards for years waiting for a game, only to hear them say: hey, gimme a 20 hrs game, you see I don't have a lot of time to play these days.



People that frequent video game message boards are not representative of the majority of gamers.

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Boycott? I just said that developers had reached my personal economic limit. I'm not going to pay $50 for a 20-hour game, because the product is no longer worth the cost... for me. If y'all want to buy it, do so. If you want to pay $50 for a game that can be completed in 30 minutes, knock yourselves out.


It seems apparent to me that Obsidian is counting on people paying this exhorbitant (in my opinion) cost-per-hour figure in order to have the basis for a modding community that they are counting on to do what they have not done, give the fans significant play time for their investment. Probably not totally Oblivian's fault; development costs, distribution edicts all play a part. That doesn't mean I'm going to support a product that I believe counting upon my love of the genre to prey upon my wallet and rip me off.


If, upon release, NWN2 is found to offer substantially more gaming experience than it currently appears to, I'll reconsider. As of now, however, it has been crossed off my list.

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"I know that's disgustingly arrogant of me (the above), but you're the type of person that wouldn't know quality if it ran up to you and hit you in the face with a 2 by 4. I mean, you think that Neverwinter Nights in single player is a good game.."


Yeah, that's because we all know professional reviewers do such a wonderful job. Oh, btw, your colleagues sure LOVED NWN including the OC. In fact, I believe one of the major sites when they did their 'we overrated series' admitted that they likely went overboard with their praise on NWN's mp, toolset, and DM client yet still continued to call the OC 'great'.


So, yeah, the fact you think professiona reviewers are awesome. I'm sorry; but if bad taste equals thinking that the ES series is garbabge while 'professionals' eat it up; I'm happy with my opinions.


Exactly what's good about DQ8's story? Let me guess, like SP says, the first few hours sucks and then it amazingly gets better. HAHAHA! How *convienent*. The story brings nothing new, the characters are ALL cookie cutter, and their is no heart or soul. In simple tersm, the game gives nothing to care about. It's a kiddy game; but without the fun or decent story. Even Mario has a better story!





"Next year we'll be seeing developers bragging about a game that took 5 years to develop but delivers TEN WHOLE HOURS of gaming goodness, and the same bloody fanbois screaming, "That's great! I don't want no stinking 20-hour game anyway."


So, people who view things different than you are simply fanbois? HAHAHA! Hello, Codexer!


To point, I personally prefer longer games myself; but there's nothing wrong with someone wanting shorter games. There *is* soemthing wrong with people looking down on those who do, however.. :p

Edited by Volourn


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Exactly what's good about DW8's story? Let me guess, like SP says, the first few hours sucks and then it amazingly gets better. HAHAHA! How *convienent*. The story brings nothing new, the characters are ALL cookie cutter, and their is no heart or soul. In simple tersm, the game gives nothing to care about. It's a kiddy game; but without the fun or decent story. Even Mario has a better story! HAHAHAHA!!


It dosnt suck, it's just not particularly representative of the final game. IE only two characters, small range or no skills (depending on your spending etc).


DQ tells the "story" through flashbacks. So yes the story gets more fleshed out the further into the game you get.


If someone said they played Jade Empire for 20 minutes and said it sucked I expect you would have something to say about it.


Just how far did you get in your "few hours" anyway ?

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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That's not actually a bug.  Exploits typically aren't bugs either.


A game-stopping "event" because you sold a quest-important item is NOT a glitch :p?


It's poor design. If you were able to sell it, when code was provided to ensure that you shouldn't be able to sell a quest-important item, then it would be a bug. If it was never considered, it is a mistake in the game, but the game is still working as designed.


Also if a game allows you to exploit by for example carry a shield and 2-handed weapon or allows your characters to be buffed for free when they should pay cash what makes it "no glitch"...


This likely would be a bug. I didn't say that exploits weren't bugs.


Please; explain me once again the definition of "bugs", since I always thought they were programming errors allowing things to happen that should not, like game-stopping events and exploits...

Also if exploits are usually not bugs, what are they then? Exploits?  :)


Yes. That's why people refer to them as exploits. Being able to maniuplate existing game mechanics in legal ways that the developers have allowed, in a way that they never considered, isn't a bug. If it does something like let you walk through walls (an intentionally placed barrier), then it would be a bug. Something in the code is actually broken and not working as intended.


I should probably reconsider how I worded it, as many exploits are bugs. But there's many that aren't either. Players have just taken a legal game mechanic and used it in a way that was never considered in design.

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"If someone said they played Jade Empire for 20 minutes and said it sucked I expect you would have something to say about it."


LOL According to some around here 20 minutes of JE would mean half the game!





"Just how far did you get in your "few hours" anyway ?"


It's been awhile, and like I said the game wa sso boring and pretty much forced me to quit and also attempt to wipe it from memory. I beleive I made it to some castle.


The biggest problem with the game for me was that it keeps the worst parts olf the Japanese RPG while getting rid of the charm which is engaging characters, and decent combat.

Edited by Volourn


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