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Memoirs of a Geisha - Fairly decent, pretty, and Ken Watanabe was sexy as always. I didn't like the all-English tho - it just felt out of place hearing them speak English. I much prefer subtitles for period movies like that. Not as good as some other Asian period films but not bad.


Haven't read the book.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I just re-watched Serenity. *sniffle*

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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The Cave - Better than i expected it to be though thw twist ending was not a stwisty as they thought it be. A good 'ol fashion adventure story.


King Kong - Better than the original. With ease. No contest. The only thing the original wins in is the simple fact it is the original. LOL Otherwise, the newest version has better action, drama, music, monsters, writing, and the list goes on. Actually, one thing the original did do better was that the Island Natives were simply boring in this one.


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I saw Dogville on TV over the weekend, and loved it - some interesting ideas and some great acting. =]


I found it hard to take The Core seriously, and it would have been a better movie if they'd played it for laughs.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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The Crow - Biggest piece of crap i've ever seen. Aweful in almost every aspect, and this is supposed to be a cult classic?


It attained cult classicness because the actor, Brandon Lee, son of Bruce Lee, died while shooting the scene where he is on the table surrounded by bad guys. When he gets shot and falls off the table, it is for real. Or so they say.

For the last scenes of the movie they used a stand-in and pasted BL's face on him in order to finish the film.

This film's history and Brandon Lee's demise is even more strange after watching Dragon, with Jason Scott Lee(no relation).




I had the misfortune of watching Cursed last night. Suite, if you're ever in the mood to watch Hollywood garbage this is the one to see. It actually smells...

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Has anyone seen slither? I feel obliged to support the firefly crew. I don't mind good bad movies.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I think i'll see it anyway. Congratulations on the wedding, by the way. Hope you'll be happy ...even if she can't appreciate dumb movies. :(

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Over the course of this past weekend I managed to watch some movies:


I thought the Chronicles of Narnia movie was boring. But the casting was much better than in the old BBC series.


Derailed had some pacing issues, but by the time the plot unfolds you don't really mind. Man Clive Owen has some bad luck in that show.


And I picked up the two disc version of Scarface with Casino bundled in for only 18 bucks!! I still cringe when they take Joe Pesci out in the dessert in that one.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Also, I just watched Rollerball: cool 70's futuristic dystopia ...

That looks like the running man with the Governator.


Running Man is a good Arnie movie. :(

It's a much, much, much better Richard Bachman (aka Stephen King) book.


King Kong - Better than the original. With ease. No contest. The only thing the original wins in is the simple fact it is the original. LOL Otherwise, the newest version has better action, drama, music, monsters, writing, and the list goes on. Actually, one thing the original did do better was that the Island Natives were simply boring in this one.

It is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. Mr Peter "Lord of the Rings" Jackson needs to stop believing his own press. He made an epic mess.


The good:

CGI Kong

1930s NY streetscape

CGI dinosaurs

CGI dinosaurs battling dinosaurs

CGI dinosaurs battling Kong

CGI Kong climbing Empire State building


The bad:

Introduction waaaay too long

Too much CGI dinosaur battling: at one point the Spielberg-like action sequence goes on for at least ten minutes, by which time I was just bored.

Too many "oo, here's somewhere else we can put another CGI monster" moments on the island: the (giant, natch) nemotodes and armoured arthropods scene was OtT.

Very, very poor writing.

The worst last line of any film in recent memory.


I didn't give a f




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"It is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long."


I say it wans't long enough. The return trip with King, and the NY scenes at the conclusion coulda been longer.


The writing was good overall; but I agree with you on this: "For example, at lesat three times the captain saves Jack Black's film crew, even though he has stated that he doesn't care if they live or die."



"The love story between Naomi Watts and the Piano guy is ... confused ... when she seems to be directed to "love" Kong, as well"




1. You never heard of loving more than one person (well, in Kong's case, beast?)


2. Just because she cares about Kong doens't mean she loves him in the 'I wanna have sex with you way' either.



I'm not like you. I actually cared for the characters for the most part. In fact, i didn't feel Kong was all that sympathetic of a character until he got to New York. Before than, he was just another monster with a fetish (for the girl).

Edited by Volourn


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Zu Warriors(US version)


Quite possibly the worst (popular)HK action film since Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, overrated hacks of the world unite! Look at me, mama, all wires(or CGI, or whatever)!


For my next journey into the Asian mind I will attempt to watch the famed Vampire Cop Ricky. Wish me luck, true believers!


PS: I miss old Jackie :' (

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