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Strategy Guides.

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Ok so I was reading the TES forums.. And read a couple of posts about the usual stuff like game difficulty ,character building etc.


Then some guy pops up and starts to lecture the poster on having no idea on how to build a character, and how he's got Umber at level 9. Thing is, this is all because he's read the strategy guide :lol:


So it got me thinking. Do you use strategy guides ? I collect them, and I've got nothing against them. But I wouldnt dream of using one without first completing a game on my own.


Then again I've also read about people buying a guide and then playing the game while constantly refering to it. Dosnt strike me as particularly fun but how widespread is that sort of thing I wonder.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Why pay for a strategy guide when you can get one off the internet?


Anyhow, I don't mind asking for help when I get stuck on something. In the old days, you didn't have the luxury of asking for help when you came up against a Granite Wall. So, no problem there.


I think it's extremely poor form to flame some other member by citing the strategy guide, but I usually think it's poor form to flame another member. That's true even when I'm the guy flaming.


So, some schmuck proves his superior mental acumen by admitting that he needs the strat guide to create a decent character? *shrug* I'm impressed.

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Why pay for a strategy guide when you can get one off the internet?


Me ? Same reason I collect books. It's just something I like to do.


No, actually I meant in general. If you collect the damned things, that's something different. Probably still crazy, but crazy in a way I understand a bit better, I suppose.

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The strategy guides are dumber than me as far as actual strategy goes in the games I actually use them for; which are generally GTA and other games where there's annoying collectibles scattered all over a huge game world. Do any of them ever suggest parachuting into a heavily occupied area bypassing a lot of fighting? No.



Specifically I'm referring to the mission where you need to jack the Sky Crane to steal the armored car. Instead of trying to fight my way through the ammo dump, I went to my airfield, got a plane, and parachuted onto the roof directly below the Sky Crane. This made it so I had to kill four MPs plus the two Hunters with the gun emplacement. It was hella easy but I've never seen this strategy bandied about anywhere.



EDIT: Edited because of horrible grammars.

Edited by Fenghuang



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I think the last strategy guide I bought was for Ultima VII: Serpent Isle.


I use the internet guides for any game that I've finished but haven't found everything yet - Baldur's Gate 2 and Morrowind are good examples of games with lots of goodies hidden away that I learned about through gamefaqs. I use them to enhance my gaming experience. :lol: But I could give them up any time I wanted to, really I could.

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I haven't bought a stratedy guide in a long time. I think it was for Star Ocean Second Story.


I like them for the same strange reason I like the manuals for some PC games like Baldur's Gate and NWN.


Strategy guides usually incorporate all the info from the manual plus of course everything else about the game.

I find it makes for great casual reading on the bus or metro and the books quality is usually top notch.


However with internet, their use is rather limited and it is hard to justify a 20-30$ price tag for information you can get for free.


I don't think I would've been able to find Cloud in FFT without the guide...



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I buy everytime I buy a game. I really don't use them just for strategy but to see what is in the game. It will usually have item list of weapons, armour, etc. Plus they may be informative in regards of charcter development, npcs that may join your party.

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There's a guide? The game is a lot of fun but simplistic(so far). What is the guide for? Any interesting stuff?


Can't help you there.

04/04/2006 777110 - Dragon Quest The Journey of the Cursed King + Official Strategy Guide Awaiting Processing

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I've purchased a few Strategy guides before. Most of them have been package deals with the game.


I picked up Riven with the guide for $30. That was one awesome strategy guide though. It had one walkthrough section that gave you all the answers and another that was written in a journal style from the point of view of the main character which was really cool. Best strat guide I've ever seen.


The next two were the strat guides for BG2 and ToB. They were nice colour guides that were being offered for 75% off when you bought the game. When you're buying a $60 game, what's another $5 for the strat guide?


And the last one was for Republic: The Revolution which was very informative. There was so little documentation with the game so it was a little confusing.


I also have the Homeworld strat guide, but I got that one for free so I wouldn't count that one. :huh:

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Ive never bought one and I never will. Gamefaqs.com is all I need.

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No guides for me... If I need help on ingame stuff I just visit the forums or view the FAQ's, or seek an Walkthrough online...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Some of the art in Strategy guides is cool, in fact I nearly bought the WoW one just for the Penny Arcade strips. Still, I'd rather have surprises all along the way and just search for specific hints when I need them. I just hate when the EB Store guy tells me I should get the guide. Leave me the F- alone you pimply metagamer!

Edited by Hurlshot
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I'm with SP, I buy them to collect them. Just for fun. And, then I read them after I finsh the game once. For games like D&D, I'll also likely read the sections on spells, feats, and the like as well since I don't consider that 'spoilerish' as sometimes the strategy guide will explain clearer than the game itself or the manual on how spells and stuff work in game as opposed to pnp which is fair knowledge that we as players should know. Using them for spoilers is silly.


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I needed one for IWD 2... :">

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Who the freaking crap collects strategy guides?


Yeah, but I can understand a collector. Sure, it's an eccentric habit, but at least it's not someone who can't ever finish a game without the strat guide making fun of someone for having trouble building his character. Granted, I'd rather waste my money on a new game than a strategy guide. :Eldar's slapping Llyranor on the back while grinning icon:

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