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Technology you hate

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Technology is mostly a wonderful thing. But which gadgets do you hate ?


Top of my list camera phones. I loathe them. I want a law passed that allows you to smack anyone who points one in your direction. :(


Mobile phones are not much better although I will grudingly carry one if required.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I despise cell phones. ALL cell phones.


Their existence created the "need" for them, before they were utterly useless. I don't have one and I do very fine thank you very much, even in emergencies.


I despise anything that will allow almost anyone to reach me at any time. Cell phones do that. Plus, they turn decent people into total jerks in theaters, in stores, on the road, at parties, on dates, etc.

And I won't even go in the effects it has on the younger crowd.


Useless pieces of junk.


I also have a big gripe against printers for 2 reasons.

1- Ink cartridges are the same price as a new printer (1xB&W+1xColor=1Printer easy). Seems like a ripoff to me. I just buy a new printer, cartridges are included.

2- Usually there are no cable to connect it to the computer. This is like getting a Console without a controller included. Utterly retarded!


I could also go without all those expensive sensors in cars. Correct me if I'm wrong but when one detects something wrong(that is their function), 8 out of 10 times the sensor is defective and needs to be replaced. So why have them in the first place?

Edited by astr0creep
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I despise cell phones. ALL cell phones.

I would extend that dislike to cover ALL phones. Short of somebody kicking in your door, it's the thing with the most potential to be intrusive on your privacy. Show Caller ID will only help you to a certain extent to filter out the noise. Perhaps if phones came with filter settings a'la killfiles for email... :(

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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You know, you can turn your cellphone off?


And I agree - they are useful in emergencies.


If you would keep your cell phone off, why would you need one in the first place? One carries a cell phone so that others can reach him/her. It is very rare that when one needs to reach someone it cannot wait until he/she finds a payphone or a store or even getting home.


Cell phones are not that usefull in case of emergencies either. Although it may help in contacting aid faster, there is still the same dependencies on others. And they will take the same time getting to you and help you, wether you contact them via cell phone or pay phone.


Example : Your car breaks down on the highway(which is not a real emergency although some panic is involved). If you have a cell phone, you call a towtruck, your boss, your friend, your familly, whoever you need, right away. If you don't have a cell phone, you either wait or you walk to find a phone. In both cases, you are completely dependant on somemone else, the towtruck driver, who will take as much time to get to you no matter which phone you used.


Of course it makes things easier sometimes but it's more like an insurance policy. You could eventually need it but most of the time you're just throwing your money away because most situations can be dealt with without one.

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You know, you can turn your cellphone off?

ZOMG!1 U CAN!?!11



If you would keep your cell phone off, why would you need one in the first place? One carries a cell phone so that others can reach him/her. It is very rare that when one needs to reach someone it cannot wait until he/she finds a payphone or a store or even getting home.


Cell phones are not that usefull in case of emergencies either. Although it may help in contacting aid faster, there is still the same dependencies on others. And they will take the same time getting to you and help you, wether you contact them via cell phone or pay phone.


Example : Your car breaks down on the highway(which is not a real emergency although some panic is involved). If you have a cell phone, you call a towtruck, your boss, your friend, your familly, whoever you need, right away. If you don't have a cell phone, you either wait or you walk to find a phone. In both cases, you are completely dependant on somemone else, the towtruck driver, who will take as much time to get to you no matter which phone you used.


Of course it makes things easier sometimes but it's more like an insurance policy. You could eventually need it but most of the time you're just throwing your money away because most situations can be dealt with without one.

Following that logic, cars themselves are useless. Donkeys can fulfill the same role, and they are cheaper to acquire and maintain. Furthermore, any telecom technology is superfluous. Smoke signals are perfect for conveying messages through long distances, without the need for cables!

And electricity? Pfft. Where's the love for the good ol' mechanical work?


And finally, we arrive at the crux of the question. Who needs those pesky undies that keep your package constrained and unventilated? Go commando 4TW!

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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I hate pacemakers and dialysis machines. Artficially extend someones life my ass!


People who live without mobile phones - cool.

People who have mobile phones but harbour a pathological hatred for them - weird.


I just remembered, I hate all frivolous convergence technology e.g. camera phones and the like.

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You know, you can turn your cellphone off?


And I agree - they are useful in emergencies.


If you would keep your cell phone off, why would you need one in the first place?


I keep mine off to save the battery. Use it to ring for a lift when I get off the bus - very useful tbh.

There are none that are right, only strong of opinion. There are none that are wrong, only ignorant of facts

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You know, you can turn your cellphone off?


And I agree - they are useful in emergencies.


If you would keep your cell phone off, why would you need one in the first place?


I keep mine off to save the battery. Use it to ring for a lift when I get off the bus - very useful tbh.



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I agree that is much more the way people use them. Civilised use of ANY phone means only using it when you will not disturb people nearby, and only ringing people at civilised times, or by appointment.


Now texting people by phone is pure genius.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I hate public transportation.


This is the first thing I detest. No, wait, the second. The ultimate first place are the commercials- posters, TV and movie commercials, radio announcements, free brochures, and much, much more.


I also don't like my computer and cell phone, but there were numerous times when these two thigs helped me greatly.

Нека Силата винаги бъде с теб!


I reject your reality, and substitute it with my own.


Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted.

John Lenon


This thread is a big "hey, f*** you!" to the humanity's intelligence.


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