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Your favorite type of game to play

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RPGs are my favorite, followed by classic Adventure games, then the newfangled Action Adventure games like Beyond Good and Evil and X-Men Legends.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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1. FPS

2. RPG

4. RTS

3. Action/Adventure

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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X Men legends was an okay game but I wished I could have made my own mutant main character than all the premades.


If they did an X-Men Legends game with more character and story scenes and less combat, it would rock hard. Also a more PC style RPG where you can create your own mutant would be cool too.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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My favourite game type is a fun game.


If the game is fun and interesting, regardless of genre, I'll play it. I couldn't really pick a specific type of game. I have plenty of RPGs, TBS, and FPS games though.


I typically do not play RTS or adventure games, though if the game is good the game is good.

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I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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The first game I played on a computer was the text-as-graphics Star Trek game on my Apple ][.


I played it for hours at a time. It provided the framework for my imagination to fill in the details. There was a rudimentary story (basically the original Five Year Mission of the original series), and colourful baddies in the form of frequent encounters with Klingons and rarer encounters with the Romulans.


Now I can play games as varied as chance-based backgammon, and including brain gyms like Civ 4 and Rome: Total War, and onto the graphical gluttony of Half-Life 2.


Fun games like Freedom Force versus the Third reich fit comfortably in this grouping. As does Tetris.


Is fun "learning"? Possibly. Putting learnt observational intel to work sucessfully, for sure.


But fun is one of those concepts, to paraphrase the late Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart who once memorably said of obscenity, "I know it when I see it."


Or when I play it.




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-RPGs: Console or PC but I prefer PC. RPGs give me more bang for my buck and the escapism they offer is *usually* hard to match with other types of games. I can also get out of my skin and play a role. Being a hero instead of a stupida** loser is a great thing. My favs are M&Ms, Lands of Lore, Ultima Underworld, Morrowind and KOTOR1.


-FPS: Immersion is better for me when in the first-person perspctive. FPS are also a very good way to blow off some steam. I prefer single player experiences with some story involved but for pure action and escapism, I love FPSs. Favs include the original DOOM, System Shock 2, Serious Sam 1, Deus Ex, Half-Life 1, Unreal Tournament(any) and Jedi Academy.


-TBS: Turn based strategy games are the most addictive of all types of video games. I play them with a big, hot mug of coffee for hours, sometimes days. They are relaxing while fun and I always feel smart when I play them. Favs are Civ4, HoMM3, Disciples, Master of Orion 2, X-COM and Jagged Alliance 2.


-Space Flight Sims: Virtually a dead genre, when I think about them I have fond memories X-Wing most of all, then Wing Commander, Starlancer, Freespace 2. And then I salivate at the thought of another. Where are they???


I hate RTS and sports games(except racing) and most real-life simulation games like Flight Simulator, Tycoons and The Sims. Too real, not enough escapism.

RTS are all the same and I just can never make it work.

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RPGs, and sports.


RPGs - Stories, characters, the ability to influence outcomes, and fun combat make this a good place. As a wannabe (crappy) writer; I love stories so a well written one even if not wholy original is cool.


Sports - I love sports games because I love stats. And, sports are simply fun.


P.S. The average R[G is 40 hours long. LOL Not in my 20 year experience. LOL

Edited by Volourn


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I prefer RPG's, but I also like sports games, racing games and adventure games. I'm not fond of platform games and I never play strategy games, mostly because I suck at them.


Sometimes a good FPS can capture my attention for a few hours, like Battlefield 2.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Good TPS games are always in my list. Mafia is the best TPS(probably action also) i've ever played. Both Max Payne games are great(i liked the second one better). TPS parts of Jedi Knight 2 are great as hell.

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RPGs, RTS and FPS are my main styles of choice. But really anything with a fairly good plot will keep me entranced.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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1) Survival Horror (Resident Evil FTW)

2) Turn Based Strat (Alpha Centauri)

3) First Person Horror or RPG shooters (Like System Shock 2 and Deus Ex)

4) Turn Based Strat RPGS (Disgaea)

5) Real Time Strat (Starcraft)

6) RPGs (Fallout 2)

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Overall, I'm more of an RPG man, myself, as those types of games give me the most freedom (i.e; character customization, romance options, etc...)


Goldeneye back on the N64 was the only FPS I enjoyed for a while, until Halo. Now I'm an avid first person and third person shooter fan.


I recentley bought Empire at War, and this is starting a tentative like of RTS's, which I usually find boring.


Other then those, I play other genres quite regularly.



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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(1) "Sci Fi" simulators ... I can waste away days on end playing games like Freelancer and the MechWarrior series

(2) Real-time Strategy ... I agree that StarCraft is not really "strategy" ... It's really at the tactical level of combat, but it's my favorite of the genre

(3) Role-Playing ... the story's the key here ... along with immersion into the setting

(4) First-Person Shooter ... it's guilty, mostly mindless fun, but I enjoy


I think I'd enjoy racing games as well, but haven't tried one in years.

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