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This Game Plasma review mentions the 16 square mile figure.


Hmmm. This Gamespy preview says different:

Technically speaking, the world of Oblivion is actually larger than Morrowind

Interesting that the developers are fully aware of the criticisms levelled at Morrowind:

but as Howard himself pointed out, Bethesda doesn't want "hundreds of hours of gameplay" to consist of a few minutes of fun punctuated by hours of boring traveling. Instead, the game will include a revised fast travel map that will hopefully eliminate a great deal of the annoying repetitive travel over long distances.

Not sure about the merits of instant travel, though. :lol:

Travel between places has been greatly improved over its predecessors with the ability to instantly move to a place you
Edited by metadigital




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"Cyrodil is 16 virtual square miles

That's about 140-160% of Morrowind landscape"


Source: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.p...3entry3495763


I don't get it. I am absolutely positive that Morrowind is A LOT bigger than 16 square miles. Boiling Point is 25x25 kilometers in size, but the dwvelopers themselves claim the map is approximately 450 square kilometers (~175 square miles) and Boiling Point is a lot smaller than Morrowind. Somehow this just doesn't add up.

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Morrowind was not all that huge. You could run from the southern tip of the island to the northern tip pretty easily. But also remember, after dungeons and keeps are put in, you have quite a bit of ground to cover. Daggerfall had a fast travel option too, so I don't think it will be bad for Oblivion.

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"Cyrodil is 16 virtual square miles

That's about 140-160% of Morrowind landscape"


Source: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.p...3entry3495763


I don't get it. I am absolutely positive that Morrowind is A LOT bigger than 16 square miles. Boiling Point is 25x25 kilometers in size, but the dwvelopers themselves claim the map is approximately 450 square kilometers (~175 square miles) and Boiling Point is a lot smaller than Morrowind. Somehow this just doesn't add up.

Depends on mode of transport. Boiling Point allows travel by motor vehicle (60km/h = 16.7m/s), which is over six times faster than foot transport (3m/s).

Morrowind was not all that huge.  You could run from the southern tip of the island to the northern tip pretty easily.  But also remember, after dungeons and keeps are put in, you have quite a bit of ground to cover.  Daggerfall had a fast travel option too, so I don't think it will be bad for Oblivion.

That's a good point: are the dungeons' floor space included in the overall square footage? (Think shelf space : countertop area).




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I like epic games, and the game world should feel big in an epic game, but that doesn't mean it actually has to be big. Attention to detail in the crafting of the landscape, winding treacherous paths, hidden coves, back alleys full of interest, all these matter more than miles of featureless landscape. I hope never to use the rapid transit systems in Oblivion, and I hope the game never requires it.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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True enough. And I don't mind using distance as a tool to create isolated areas that are difficult to deal with because the PC can't just jump back to town and heal and jump back into the middle of the same battle *cough* KotOR *cough*. I just think that Morrowind overdid it. A lot.




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Mercenaries. I've finished capturing the Clubs today and have begun gathering intelligence for the next suit.


I never did finish it. Big game so couldnt finish it over the rental period.


Drakengard II is excellent. Improves over the first one in every area. In fact I dont think I've seen a game that has shown so much improvement between original and sequel.


It's much more of an RPG this time around and it's a lot less obscure when it comes to additional characters.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Ace Combat 5...


surprisingly deep and an antiwar story.


(why do I always LOVE antiwar stories? First Zone of the Enders now this!)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Ace Combat 5...


surprisingly deep and an antiwar story.


(why do I always LOVE antiwar stories? First Zone of the Enders now this!)


This one ?



I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Drakengard II is excellent. Improves over the first one in every area. In fact I dont think I've seen a game that has shown so much improvement between original and sequel.


It's much more of an RPG this time around and it's a lot less obscure when it comes to additional characters.

Excellent! That's so good to hear. I hope my local rental joint gets it in soon.




What do you think about it? :p

Oh, I love Mercenaries! I've played through it a couple of times already on a rental; once catching the cards and once killing them. Usually I only used the light machine gun the cards drop, and a sniper rifle. Good stopping power for up close and the long rifle to pick em off. :p The last thing I did yesterday was the mission to blow up a bunch of Chinese gas trucks, so they're really pissed with me.

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Rome: Total War. Boy, where has this game been my whole life?


Also, I would be replaying some of the good ol' C&C games from the recent "The First Decade" compilation, if it wasn't so badly ridden with bugs. Not only did they not fix the old, known issues, but they also managed to create brand new ones! GO EA!

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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