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Your Favourite Game Sequence ?

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Which cut scene/FMV or sequence is your favourite and why ?


Mine would still have to be the song 1000 words in FFX-2.

When the sphere kicks in and Zanarkand appears around Yuna, thats just jaw dropping. Then when Lenne and Shuyin are in front of Vegnagun it just fits so well with the words, and when Lenne appears side by side with Yuna its just emotional.



That and in the context of the build up of events prior to it, just brings it all together.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Aeris's death.


The end sequence from Halo 1 where you drive the Warthog out of the ship is amazing.


Yesterday I was playing Battlefront 2. I am at the Tantive IV mission and I hadn't use a Hero in a while.


Suddenly at the bottom of the screen I see the caption "Press F1 to play as Darth Vader"...


Every other Jedi/Hero in the game runs around or are very fast and they all kick some butt for a short while.


When I activate Vader, he enters the ship through that same door in the same hallway that is seen in Ep4 and he walks. He walks around like a really bada** mofo. He cuts down those rebel soldiers with fantastic ease, one swing 2 kills ease and he's super tough. I was woohoo-ing so loud my wife came in the room all shocked.

That sequence made my weekend whole.


And of course... Psycho Mantis.

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The opera sequence near the end of Gabriel Knight 2. It has everything - comedy, tragedy, tension, music, juggling: Gabriel's attempts at juggling are hilarious and pathetic, given what's happening to him. The reaction shots off Grace's face as she watches him fall apart on stage and desperately tries to hold the plan together, watching the bad guy sitting in the audience next to the police chief, laughing and unaware of what's about to happen - there are too many triumphs in this sequence to list them all. An absolute classic. :huh:

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The opera sequence near the end of Gabriel Knight 2.  It has everything - comedy, tragedy, tension, music, juggling: Gabriel's attempts at juggling are hilarious and pathetic, given what's happening to him.  The reaction shots off Grace's face as she watches him fall apart on stage and desperately tries to hold the plan together, watching the bad guy sitting in the audience next to the police chief, laughing and unaware of what's about to happen - there are too many triumphs in this sequence to list them all.  An absolute classic. :)

Right on Steve! What a great game... I miss that caliber of talent. There is something special about what sierra had with its games. Phatasmagoria, Kings Quest, Gabirel Knight, Police Quest, ect ect ect. They are the most memorable to me. But by far Gabriel Knight 2 was my favorite game of all times.


Another one of my favorite sequences was in KoTOR2 in Dantooin where the Jedi Academy was being rebuilt. When your character walks in and they deciude to kill, then Kreia walks in to stop them... powerful

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Maybe I was niave, but I really was shocked when I found out who I was in KotOR. That was an excellent moment.


Old school wise, the whole rush to get off the spacecraft in the original Space Quest. It's been done to death by now, but that was an excellent moment.

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Maybe I was niave, but I really was shocked when I found out who I was in KotOR.  That was an excellent moment.


Old school wise, the whole rush to get off the spacecraft in the original Space Quest.  It's been done to death by now, but that was an excellent moment.


If a series deserves a return it's Space Quest. Who has the rights?

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Maybe I was niave, but I really was shocked when I found out who I was in KotOR.  That was an excellent moment.


Old school wise, the whole rush to get off the spacecraft in the original Space Quest.  It's been done to death by now, but that was an excellent moment.


If a series deserves a return it's Space Quest. Who has the rights?

Sierra has the rights still, its just that the Williams' don't own the company anymore.

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return to sigil and talk with mebbeth after you has already encountered ravel in maze.




is culmination of work that went into a wonderfully crafted character... best in a crpg.


HA! Good Fun!

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The last sequence of Full Throttle with the truck/plane chase was the first time I really felt like I was taking part in a film so it gets my vote for best FMV/scene. Best sequence is hard to pinpoint, I'll have to come back to that later.

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Maybe I was niave, but I really was shocked when I found out who I was in KotOR.  That was an excellent moment.

I agree ... in recent memory, none had me as shocked and excited as when Malak told me I was Revan ... I know there are better ones, but watching the montage of clues was a great "revelation" cut scene for me. Not cinematic, by any stretch, but very well done.


For cinematic cutscenes that I've loaded up the game just to watch ... most of the cutscenes from WarCraft III had me in awe of the detail and (in some cases) drama.

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The last sequence of Full Throttle with the truck/plane chase was the first time I really felt like I was taking part in a film so it gets my vote for best FMV/scene.  Best sequence is hard to pinpoint, I'll have to come back to that later.


I couldn't get passed that town after you crash your bike. Couldn't figure out what to do, so I used the UHS, and it told me I needed to get some meat from a fridge, and I couldn't find the fridge. I thought I could see it, but the guy I knocked out was in the way so I couldn't select it.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I couldn't get passed that town after you crash your bike. Couldn't figure out what to do, so I used the UHS, and it told me I needed to get some meat from a fridge, and I couldn't find the fridge. I thought  I could see it, but the guy I knocked out was in the way so I couldn't select it.


It's circled in the attached picture, I'm surprised you had trouble finding it. The first thing I usually do in a location is rifle through all cupboards/drawers/chests.


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I don't know if I have one favourite, perse.


Some of my favourites include:


Reaching the Surface of Black Mesa in Half-Life 2

Reaching Polito's room in System Shock 2

Meeting Liquid on top of Rex in Metal Gear Solid



I know there's more, but I just can't think of any at the moment.

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Oh, the sewer scene from Vampire: Bloodlines, where the bloated cop was hung from the meat hooks. I actually thought he was the security guard from earlier. I was kinda attached to that guy. It was just a real creepy area.


And when I beat the swordmaster of Melee Island. All I got was a lousy T-shirt.

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Cinematics seldom stand out as the notable portions of a game, for me. Actually, I can't remember a single instance in which one did stand out as a crowning highlight of a game. Aeris's much-vaunted death cinematic was nothing to me. Her character was devoid of personality or intrigue. She died. Too bad. Imaginary pretty people getting killed is unfortunate, but it isn't tragic. Only well-developed, multifaceted characters can be tragic. And that Aeris was not in the least. The Opera scene in FFVI on the other hand, that was very lovely.


Deionarra's sensory stone in PS:T was a great moment for me. Experiencing the Ocean House for the first time in Bloodlines was certainly an experience. But these are interactive experiences that make the most of the game engine and system, not just images you sit back and watch go by.

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"The death of the Ebon Hawk" because the title makes you think that it is going to be destroyed, but you are so happy when you see it fly away unscathed!



<_< then you realise the game is over and you want to strangle a baby kangaroo...

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The Haunted Ocean Hotel in Bloodlines. Well done and it was a scare the first play through.


The revelation in Kotor when you find out you're Revan.

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For me it would have to be the revelation scene in Kotor. Primarily because that was my first experience with an RPG and my introduction into this whole genre. Because of KOTOR I've gone back and played all the classics: BG, BG2, FO, FO2, PS:T, IWD, IWD2, NWN and all it's expansions and mods. KOTOR also compelled me to even check out new RPGs and to browse these forums for so long, and even invest hours of my life into MMOs such as World of Warcraft, City of Heroes, and Guild Wars.


I would never have played any of those games if it wasn't for KOTOR. So, maybe that's a curse rather than a blessing. :)


But something about the revelation sequence in KOTOR will stand out in my mind for as long as I continue to play video games. The game was just so well put together that I felt like my character was growing, and I had become attached to the NPCs in my party, especially Bastila. The growing aspect of my character is a critical point here to me. During the course of the game, I remember seeing all those other Jedi NPCs and Dark Jedi and hearing the stories about the great Jedi Masters and Sith Lords that had come before the era I was playing in and thinking, damn, those are badasses. Wish I could be all...uber and stuff like that. And then all the stories of Revan. How he was a great Jedi Knight, perhaps the greatest that ever lived up to that point, and how he then became the most feared Sith Lord to ever reign - how he became the Dark Lord himself.


I remember thinking while I was playing, it'd be cool if I was a Sith Lord...and then POW! There I was.


Though I've seen some great moments after that and I'm sure there have been great moments before that, this sequence will always stand out as one that I'll always remember. :blink:

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A mission in Myth: The Fallen Lords (the name escapes me), where I had to defend a hilltop against wave after wave of bad guys with a handful of archers and swordsmen, because rain caused my explosives to only work about 1/3 of the time.


The entire Fortress of Regrets sequence in Planescape: Torment, from conversations with my companions just before stepping through the entrance portal to the rooftop.


Yoshimo in Baldur's Gate 2 ... I never saw it coming. It really pissed me off.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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His kit being tied to his place in the story only clicked after he made questions about the PC's past. If there had been more but subtler interjections, instead one large dialogue clearly foreshadowing his exagerated concern about the PC's lineage, maybe his intention wouldn't have been so noticeable.

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