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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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It's a shame all the KOTOR III threads from general discussion got lost when this was created.


Yeah and the K3 threads from the Storyline discussion of which some were really good :wacko:


Including mine :wacko:


You can still search for it through your user name and then repost it. Whatever user name you were using at the time I mean :wacko:

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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It's a shame all the KOTOR III threads from general discussion got lost when this was created.

The real shame is that this thread seem to suffer from a collective memory wipe each time a page is flipped and old and new readers keep posting the same ideas, suggestion and desired improments over and over...and that I keep repeating myself on this subject. That's a shame, shame on me, shame on you. We're all ashamed.

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I'm not. You are.



If I was asked, I'd say that people need to forget K3 for the odd 3 years. There's no signs of it being made in the near future and there's also no free, qualified designer ready to make it.


I'm betting we'll see something in E3 2007.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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The real shame is that this thread seem to suffer from a collective memory wipe each time a page is flipped and old and new readers keep posting the same ideas, suggestion and desired improments over and over...and that I keep repeating myself on this subject. That's a shame, shame on me, shame on you. We're all ashamed.


It's inevitable as new people post and people reply to those posts. I wouldnt expect anyone to read all that stuff before making a post. so I doubt whether it serves any practical purpose.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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hey i don't know if it is already being talked about.
  1. but what i would like in kotorIII is that there would be some traingrounds where you can just fight as many creatures as possible so you can grow quickly.
  2. the second thing i would like is that there would be a lot force powers and i mean a lot.
  3. also that you must find some force powers, like finding a very strong dark side power in a cave and it's hidden. it gives you as a player a great feeling when you find it.
  4. someone allready mentioned the idea of starting the jedi of sith all over. like finding a place where they would gather and some trainings.
  5. the third thing i would like to see in kotorIII is the fighting moves with melee weapons or lightsabers, they have to be cooler. also some faster moves.
  6. the fourth thing i want is that you can move on planets by speedbike or something else.
  7. and last the jedi/sith robes there must be a place where you can customize them you're own color or picture some special powers.


Whoa! That must be the most helpful post ever to change newbs post like that. :lol:

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Lucas is sexist that's why Leia was captured so many times. That's why Aalya was put down without a struggle in Ep3 while the male Jedis put up a fight. Hard to debate when the cards are stacked against you..

Women in combat is not a good idea. We can debate it in Off-Topic if you truly wish to.

Afraid you're wrong on that. By all means start a thread on it.

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Flames! Yeah!

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Oooh... This is your lucky day, more goodies. :blink:


I think the SW universe (as well as the gaming world in general) should be rid of all the useless superficial eye candy in favor of a logical context-sensitive bloody embrace. Something that both looks great and has a real purpose is just plain awesome!!!


Light saber Colours and the Force


Having a prismatic saber, because it looks cool? Blargh. Neither Jedi nor Sith are concerned with coolness which is in itself a totally insecure loser concept imposed by people with flimsical, bordering to the point of non-existing, personalities. Only reptiles, ice and rigor mortis are cool. :blink:


Having a prismatic saber, because you are yourself a totally chaotic flamboyant character with multiple connections to the force, that's just AWESOME. (w00t)

[*] Colours should reflect your connection to the force and your current alignment in combat as well, imo.


Maybe your LS saber are hues of blue as long as you fight 'peacefully' but your passion in combat taint it with hues of red towards the DS and your 'passionate' use of Force Powers may also change it. The original idea of K1 Guardians Blue, Sentinel Yello, Consular Green was a pretty nice one, but seeing how the color is separated from the force or class it has really trivial in a meh, moo or boo sort of way.


When a sith lord unsheathes his blade and it's bloodred you know you are in trouble, until you show him your pitch black force blade...because you are really the

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This is a good idea.



If this was any other space-game, I mean. Sheesh, Jan.



Edit: 4000 posts. Ouch.


Edit2:No, make that 6583 posts if WOT is counted.

Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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More detailed influence system. If you have an npc that is ls but you go ds and make that npc ds, than their dialogues should show it. They should praise you for killing the innocents who got in your way not condemning you for it.

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It's a shame all the KOTOR III threads from general discussion got lost when this was created.


Yeah and the K3 threads from the Storyline discussion of which some were really good :)


Including mine :)


You can still search for it through your user name and then repost it. Whatever user name you were using at the time I mean :)


Laugh it up shadow I only have 2 accounts and I don't hide that fact...well I did until Commie figured it <_<

Anyways K3 was the reason I joined this forum and one of my first posts was about a possible K3 story, but those were the days when I was 'young' and naive so you would all probably laugh your pants out if you read my view of K3, I just figured I still have it on my PC but I'm too embarrassed to post it :">

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I'd stll like to hear it and I won't laugh




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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I'd stll like to hear it and I won't laugh


You promised :blink:


Here it goes, this not an actual discription of the story, just guidelines on which a story should be based upon in my view, considering all that Kreia said to you in the end on Malachor is true:


I would like to talk about KOTOR3 and to try to get an insight of it, to try to learn about it only through facts from KOTOR2, especially from the end of KOTOR2 and your talk with Kreia about the future.


I'll start from Kreia's sentence about why Revan came back to Malachor V: "...and he came because Malachor, like Korriban, lies on the fringes of the acient sith empire, where the true sith wait for us, in the dark."


Later during your conversation she also says: that, as we know that Malachor and Korriban belong to the edge of the true sith empire, the true sith have forgotten about them...for the time being...and that they WILL REMEMBER and that Revan knew that.


Perhaps that is why Revan went to bring the fight to them, to attack them first, in The Outer Rim rather then wait for them "to remember", to return to the known-republic space. Maybe he did that in order to protect his loved ones (Bastilla, Carth.....LS ending of KOTOR1) to spare them the suffering and the war with the true sith.

What I don't understand then is how he planned to fight the entire sith empire singlehandedly or did he really went alone?...never mind that.

Kreia said that I have to go after Revan because he will need all the help he can get from all warriors, Jedi or Sith(Dark Jedi). I think by that she probably meant all available and capable fighting force in the Republic-known space. I say that because Kreia said one interesting thing when she talked about the future of Dantooine: "...they will be driven back from Dantooine, the raiders, the mandalorians and ALL THAT SHELL STRIKE AT THE OUTER RIM."


That is why I think that everybody from the Republic-known space, all fighting capable armies, clans, individuales... will go The Outer Rim to fight the true sith, which would result in a war of an epic proportions.


To back that up Kreia said in the end: "...I sense it has one last journey for you . You must go where Revan did, into the unknown regions, where the sith, the true sith wait in the dark for THE GREAT WAR THAT COMES."

Sounds to me like "the great war" that is coming means then that the Jedi, possibly the Dark Jedi, Republic forces, Mandalorians, Raiders, various clans - I mean everybody as I said from the Republic-known space versus the true sith empire in The Outer Rim.


The only problem would be who would be able to unite them all given the fact their diferent views of life, power, politics, sense of right and wrong, you name it. The answer is The Exile naturally.... he draws people around him, in particulare those powerfull and those strong in the force...and as Kreia said he is a natural leader - but these are now ideas not hardcore facts about the future.


I also think that KOTOR3 will be the end of this saga, it makes sense, Kreia also said: "You must join Revan and do battle AT THE END OF ALL THINGS."

Maybe by that she only thought about The Outer Rim as the edge of the galaxy or maybe she thought that as an end of an era, a closure of a time in the history of the galaxy, but who knows....



Edited by Kinslayer
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It's actually pretty good, and doesn't sound like a bad K3 at all :blink:




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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I'd stll like to hear it and I won't laugh


You promised :blink:


Here it goes, this not an actual discription of the story, just guidelines on which a story should be based upon in my view, considering all that Kreia said to you in the end on Malachor is true:


I would like to talk about KOTOR3 and to try to get an insight of it, to try to learn about it only through facts from KOTOR2, especially from the end of KOTOR2 and your talk with Kreia about the future.


I'll start from Kreia's sentence about why Revan came back to Malachor V: "...and he came because Malachor, like Korriban, lies on the fringes of the acient sith empire, where the true sith wait for us, in the dark."


Later during your conversation she also says: that, as we know that Malachor and Korriban belong to the edge of the true sith empire, the true sith have forgotten about them...for the time being...and that they WILL REMEMBER and that Revan knew that.


Perhaps that is why Revan went to bring the fight to them, to attack them first, in The Outer Rim rather then wait for them "to remember", to return to the known-republic space. Maybe he did that in order to protect his loved ones (Bastilla, Carth.....LS ending of KOTOR1) to spare them the suffering and the war with the true sith.

What I don't understand then is how he planned to fight the entire sith empire singlehandedly or did he really went alone?...never mind that.

Kreia said that I have to go after Revan because he will need all the help he can get from all warriors, Jedi or Sith(Dark Jedi). I think by that she probably meant all available and capable fighting force in the Republic-known space. I say that because Kreia said one interesting thing when she talked about the future of Dantooine: "...they will be driven back from Dantooine, the raiders, the mandalorians and ALL THAT SHELL STRIKE AT THE OUTER RIM."


That is why I think that everybody from the Republic-known space, all fighting capable armies, clans, individuales... will go The Outer Rim to fight the true sith, which would result in a war of an epic proportions.


To back that up Kreia said in the end: "...I sense it has one last journey for you . You must go where Revan did, into the unknown regions, where the sith, the true sith wait in the dark for THE GREAT WAR THAT COMES."

Sounds to me like "the great war" that is coming means then that the Jedi, possibly the Dark Jedi, Republic forces, Mandalorians, Raiders, various clans - I mean everybody as I said from the Republic-known space versus the true sith empire in The Outer Rim.


The only problem would be who would be able to unite them all given the fact their diferent views of life, power, politics, sense of right and wrong, you name it. The answer is The Exile naturally.... he draws people around him, in particulare those powerfull and those strong in the force...and as Kreia said he is a natural leader - but these are now ideas not hardcore facts about the future.


I also think that KOTOR3 will be the end of this saga, it makes sense, Kreia also said: "You must join Revan and do battle AT THE END OF ALL THINGS."

Maybe by that she only thought about The Outer Rim as the edge of the galaxy or maybe she thought that as an end of an era, a closure of a time in the history of the galaxy, but who knows....




Yup, agreed sounds like a great buildup for K3.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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That's great researching on your part and logically putting all the pieces together. I think there are a lot of good ideas for any possible K3. There's no shortage of that but to implement the plot is the tricky part. For instance, who is Revan? or the Exile? Our generated characters or developer fill-ins. How do past NPC's impact the future or who will be the new PC? Not to mention all the lose ends of K2. Will they be answered or left as it is? I actually really like your idea. :)

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gotta love KOTOR, Eh Fionavar?


i just want to be able to be differen't races. and have a lot of costomability with the ship, other characters and etc.


also an HK47 quest that i can follow all the way through.(:grumble:)


you get the drift?

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I would love to have a laser cannon on my swoop.  BLAST THOSE BUGGERS AWAY!!!!




Um...  :blink:


So, you DO want a KotOR III afterall, don't you ;)

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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