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Sweet and Lowdown for the first time in forever.


I don't see how Sean Penn didn't win one of those prizes for this movie.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Underworld Evolution...


Alot more linear than the first one. You can tell right off the bat what's going to be the last fight.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Assault on precinct 13. Good action movie.


I agree, and I liked the fact that there were a few surprises in it. I had low expectations because the reviews trashed it, but it was better than I thought it would be.


That reminds me. I need to go rent that one. I missed it by one day in the theatres... <_<

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I watched Dirty Harry this afternoon. All I need now is to track down 'Magnum Force' (I won't mention which blonde haired star of Three's Company and Thighmaster fame who has a topless scene) and my DH collection will be complete.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Assault on precinct 13. Good action movie.


I agree, and I liked the fact that there were a few surprises in it. I had low expectations because the reviews trashed it, but it was better than I thought it would be.

Yeah, I recently saw the re-make and wasn't dissapointed. We are talking about the re-make right? :ph34r:

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Assault on precinct 13. Good action movie.


I agree, and I liked the fact that there were a few surprises in it. I had low expectations because the reviews trashed it, but it was better than I thought it would be.

Yeah, I recently saw the re-make and wasn't dissapointed. We are talking about the re-make right? :ph34r:

yep, the re-make. it wasn't as bad as the reviews said it was, but it wasn't the best movie. i got what i wanted though: guns and shooting and alamo :thumbsup:

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Watched L4yer Cake last night (yes, it has a 4 in the title). Its about a drug dealer trying to retire but gets sucked back in for one last score. Pretty good flick although at times I had trouble following the dialog as it was spoken with an English accent and sometimes they were talking very rapidly.

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Watched L4yer Cake last night (yes, it has a 4 in the title). Its about a drug dealer trying to retire but gets sucked back in for one last score. Pretty good flick although at times I had trouble following the dialog as it was spoken with an English accent and sometimes they were talking very rapidly.

I had trouble following it and i'm from London!! Daniel Craig could be a good bond.




^ I don't know if thats an official pic or fan made, but he certainly looks the part.

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Terminator 3.


I have to say I liked it. It was like the writers had thought lots of situations how to wreck a terminator, so it was fun to watch. I would have liked if eViL terminator would have some dialogue with hunams. Now she was just a one sided killing machine.

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On the Waterfront



A really great movie.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Terminator 3.


I have to say I liked it. It was like the writers had thought lots of situations how to wreck a terminator, so it was fun to watch. I would have liked if eViL terminator would have some dialogue with hunams. Now she was just a one sided killing machine.

A good movie but with a sad ending. The Apocalypse actually happened.

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