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What are you playing ? (looking forward too)

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Jeez,I'd like to give Bloodlines another go.But I still remember the piss poor performance.

Same here. I was one of the unlucky ones when it came to piss poor performance, so I've never attempted to play it more than the one time.


Shame really, considering there's a bunch of different clans to try to play through as.

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I've always wanted to play a Malkavian.


4 weeks till my birthday.


I'll be getting myself 512 DDR.


With 1 GB Ram,the game should run more smoothly.


Too bad Troika is no more,they were one of my favourite developers.

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With 1 GB Ram,the game should run more smoothly.


Too bad Troika is no more,they were one of my favourite developers.

It worked for me. :thumbsup:


Is there any news on what happened to Troika's employees? Did they end up in other companies or start another company or just disappear? Anything they produced would be high on my looking-forward-to list.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Don't worry, I'll be getting the latest patch for Bloodlines.. Hopefully that addresses most of the bugs --knock on wood--.

Err... not to be raining on your party or anything, but the biggest issue people seemed to have with the game was its poor performance. And since that was caused by the game's use of an unpolished and poorly optimized early build of the Source engine, the patch doesn't fix it. Lots of people (myself included) reported the game suffering memory leaks, too.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Still playing harvest moon. Had a bit of a set back a few days ago but i'm just about to pull in a bumper pineapple crop (with the help of the harvest sprites).


Got a few more to add to the looking forward to list.


Phoenix Wright:Ace Attorney - This one looks really interesting it's a sort of timed RPG where you have to interupt other conversations during arguements in court. Then gather evidence, question witnesses that sort of thing.


Looks similiar to sprung, but nothing to do with dating.


Lost in Blue - Which looks similiar to that Brook Shields film Blue Lagoon. You and a young girl are shipwrecked on an island and you have to surive. Supposed to have tons of endings which will change depending on what you actually do while on the island.


Odama - which is a pinball game set against the backdrop of a war game. It's far more weird than that though and looks really interesting.


Trauma Center looks interesting too although it's a bit further down the list than the others.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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It worked for me. :thumbsup:


Is there any news on what happened to Troika's employees?  Did they end up in other companies or start another company or just disappear?  Anything they produced would be high on my looking-forward-to list.


having 1GB of memory certainly helps, as does playing in short bursts rather than extended periods of time. It's not a bad idea to shut your comptuter down and restart the game after every major quest.


The thing that really seems to drag the game down is when you transition a lot in a very short space of time.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Don't worry, I'll be getting the latest patch for Bloodlines.. Hopefully that addresses most of the bugs --knock on wood--.

Err... not to be raining on your party or anything, but the biggest issue people seemed to have with the game was its poor performance. And since that was caused by the game's use of an unpolished and poorly optimized early build of the Source engine, the patch doesn't fix it. Lots of people (myself included) reported the game suffering memory leaks, too.



Memory leaks? As in mysteriously disappearing saved games?




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Memory leaks? As in mysteriously disappearing saved games?


Funny. :lol:

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I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
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Silent Storm.





This game was *insane* fun....until....



it jumped on the bizarro bandwagon of "hey, human enemies just isn't fun anymore...let's make SUPER human enemies, and throw the germans into walking mechs and other crap that just didn't exist in WW2!




I really, really, REALLY loved the game up until then. My guy was a master sniper :D

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Don't worry, I'll be getting the latest patch for Bloodlines.. Hopefully that addresses most of the bugs --knock on wood--.

Err... not to be raining on your party or anything, but the biggest issue people seemed to have with the game was its poor performance. And since that was caused by the game's use of an unpolished and poorly optimized early build of the Source engine, the patch doesn't fix it. Lots of people (myself included) reported the game suffering memory leaks, too.



Game ran fine for me....but I did upgrade my computer specifically for Half-Life 2.


Athlon XP 3500+

1GB of RAM

Radeon 9800 Pro.



*zoom zoom*


No performance problems at all :lol:



In fact, I never really had a hard time playing it for really long periods of time...although there likely is a leak somewhere, as performance did begin to degrade (particularly loading times), but I was already on the third part of town before that happened!



Haunted House = teh :ermm:

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I really enjoyed the game. And even though Troika no longer exists, I was kind of happy to see that Activision let them hang around long enough to release their patch. I think it was a bit too coincidental that Troika just ups and disappears a week after the patch :ermm:



As I said....Haunted House = :lol::)

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Memory leaks? As in mysteriously disappearing saved games?

No. Memory leaks as in the game taking up more and more memory until there is not enough left for itself to run, at which point the game crashes. This seems related to area transitions, as performance degraded significantly with each subsequent transition.



Yeah, well. I guess the game runs fine on NASA computers too, but they don't ask for one in the game requirements.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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No. Memory leaks as in the game taking up more and more memory until there is not enough left for itself to run, at which point the game crashes. This seems related to area transitions, as performance degraded significantly with each subsequent transition.


yep... definitely not a good thing.




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I've been playing GTA:SA way too much lately. And today after work I picked up X-Men Legends for thirty bux. It pays to wait sometimes. And speaking of waiting, a new Justice League of America game has been announced for release in 2006. Apparantley its going to be a RPG. I can't say I've ever played a good game from the DC universe but I really dug the Spider Man movie series... o:)


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Current games in progress... Pirates! and Baldurs Gate 1 (+Tales of The Swordcoast)


After that ? I'll continue my BG1 character in BG2.


Once I get bored with Pirates! (which is unlikely in the near future) I'll probably pick up either Kotor2 or VMBL again.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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This game was *insane* fun....until....



it jumped on the bizarro bandwagon of "hey, human enemies just isn't fun anymore...let's make SUPER human enemies, and throw the germans into walking mechs and other crap that just didn't exist in WW2!


Then again, the game wasn't meant to portray the events of World War II with one hundred percent acurateness. Much like, say, Lionheart used real events contrasted with fictional ones, so did Silent Storm. In my opinion it really works because it gives the story and gameplay a fun twist, B movie meets sci-fi. Although I can see why people wouldn't like this, it's how the game is made. And personally the fun still exists after it.


The only real problem I had with that element was that the mech suits felt overpowered.

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