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KotOR2: What a disappointment...

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Nothing new here I know, but I've been wanting to voice my feelings about KotOR2 for a while now.

Based on KotOR1, I had high hopes for this sequel and eagerly awaited it's arrival, buying a copy as soon as it hit the shelves at Wal-Mart.

It began giving me problems immediately, and it required several visit to this forum and three installs to get it to run at all. Then came the crash to desktop problems, the "black screen" cut-scenes, the freezes, the broken and mixed-up story lines, my player character getting stuck, etc., etc., etc.

Maybe KotOR1 got my hopes a little high, but I sure expected better than this, especially for nearly $60 (US).

Do I blame Obsidian? YES! Do I blame LucasArts? HELL YES!

You would think that both companies would have a vested interest in making sure the product they released was up to minimum standards at least, but I guess not.

It's just my opinion, but nothing about this game was worthy of it's predecessor.

Yes, I played it through, and it was a dissapointment at every stage.

There is supposedly a patch in the works, but I have my doubts that any so-called patch can fix this clunker.

KotOR1 was the best PC game I've ever played, bar none. KotOR2 isn't the worst, but it is definitely the most disappointing.

Now I hear that Obsidian is working on a sequel to the second best PC game I've ever played, NWN. I do believe I'll hold-off on buying it until I read some comments about it in the forums here.

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NWN is pretty good, but I hear the BG II and PS:T beat the tar out of it... How many official expansions to NWN are there? Are they worth getting before I check out BG and PS:T?

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

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If KotOR2 is any indication of what we can look forward to, I'll pass.


Until KotOR1 was released, NWN: Hordes of the Underdark was the best looking and playing PC game I'd seen.

Both are BioWare products by the way. Coincidence?

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Guest MacleodCorp

Maybe return it for a newer version if you have problems, or was it a story arch and character problem. Maybe, the game is not ment for your tastes... Thats cool!

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NWN is pretty good, but I hear the BG II and PS:T beat the tar out of it... How many official expansions to NWN are there? Are they worth getting before I check out BG and PS:T?


I can vouch for NwN. For one thing, once you play the Official Campaigns, there are literally thousands of fan modules out there. Hack and Slash or endless character interaction, take your pick from the exhaustively catalogued list. And I personally think some of the Hall of Fame members' efforts are better than the OC. Check it out here:

NwN community Hall of Fame


LucasArts have done their best to prevent any community modules for Star Wars. Guess they never heard of CounterStrike and HalfLife ... o:)




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Until KotOR1 was released, NWN: Hordes of the Underdark was the best looking and playing PC game I'd seen.


I take it your experience with RPGs is limited?


I might be able to understand 'best looking', but playing? Pffftt. It was good, but it was way too dungeon crawlish, with the end game being the biggest Monty Haul fest to be found outside Diablo.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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NWN is pretty good, but I hear the BG II and PS:T beat the tar out of it... How many official expansions to NWN are there? Are they worth getting before I check out BG and PS:T?


2 expansions - The first is not that good really, the 2nd is awesome.

And like metadigital already pointed out, you can get dif. modules for the game - Either premium or free user made ones (which is just as good).

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im so sick of these nubs ranting about how bad kotor 2 sucked....this one is by far the worst because this idiot has failed to keep his computer up to date and clearly hasnt done his research since obsidian is to blame yet again.....


oh and also no one gives a sh*t about your little sob story so dont b1tch on these forums because your parents are separtated, your dogs died, you have no friends or whatever reason it is you people are mad these days.


end of thread.

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Was that a very pessimistic way of being an optimist? :ph34r:


I'll get Kotor III, just to get some closure. Kotor I was one of the best games ever, and Kotor II's only shortcoming was the lack of a few key parts of the story. I'm not an idiot, and I can fill in the blanks where things SHOULD have been (HK vs Goto at the end), so I don't see why people complain the way they do. The story wasn't exactly meant to be upfront in the first place, really.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

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Let it go already, what the hell are all these bugs you're ranting about anyway, I've had a couple of bugs sure, but no game stoppers or system crashers, nothing I couldn't work around, so what's got you all riled up. When it comes to PC games there's always bugs, and if you think Kotor2 is so horribly faulty, try replaying Kotor, and I swear it'll shut you up, it had alot more bugs. All those RPGs you remember so fondly like Fallout, don't you remember how buggy that was ? it could corrupt your save files, this is cakewalk compared to it, it's clean as a whistle.


Sure the plot had a few holes, but what can you do, it's the business, and there's been enough ranting about it to write a novel out of, that's enough.


All you people please get over it, I want Kotor3 to happen, but if you keep bitchin like this, they're gonna figure it's a no go and we'll never see it, my only hope is they never read these boards. Has the lack of an ending troubled you so ? If you it did, you're not thinking straigth.

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The part about NWN2 that worries me the most is that it's a sequel of NWN.



I didn't even visit the NWN2 forums when they were located here :ph34r:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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KotOR1 was the best PC game I've ever played, bar none. KotOR2 isn't the worst, but it is definitely the most disappointing.

Now I hear that Obsidian is working on a sequel to the second best PC game I've ever played, NWN. I do believe I'll hold-off on buying it until I read some comments about it in the forums here.


Nwn was one of the worst rpgs I have ever played. Because of that I stayed clear of bioware products for sometime. I

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NWN is pretty good, but I hear the BG II and PS:T beat the tar out of it... How many official expansions to NWN are there? Are they worth getting before I check out BG and PS:T?

Neverwinter's expansions are decent, with Hordes of the Underdark being the favorite.


However, I'd wholeheartedly take a trip into Planescape right away if you've never played it before. The writing and story, along with dialog options (if your character is intelligent) are enough for you to jump right out and get it immediately.


Give Planescape a chance to get a bite on you (doesn't take long) and boy are you in for one HELL of a treat!!! Go now!!!

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PLanescape is very good though I do think BG2 is marginally better. But then again it has cut endings (apparently) though there is more than one, missing npc's unfinished plot + character points, unfinished locations. Its also done by allot of the people now here at Obsidian coincidence that isn

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I'm going to try NWN's expansions, then I'll get BG I, and any expansions, BG II, and expansions, (MAYBE) Icewind Dale I & II, and then I'll try out PS:T (hopefully with another couple of months to try out Dungeon Siege before Kotor III SHOULD come out.)

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

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