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I found something kind of odd. When Brianna asks what the Force is like, and you reply that you only know what its loss feels like, pick a response. Then, if Kreia is with you, she pipes in with something interesting at the end:

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


Yes, and then I said that it feels like an echo that never stops... Does gender change anything?


Either way, you can learn a lot about Kreia in that convo.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


I think your gender actually determines what Kreia says. I'm currently playing as a LS female and Kreia is nicer to me that when I was playing as a LS male.


I always felt sorry for Krea :thumbsup: she did horribal things but to lose so much its hard not to pity her

Statemeant: you cannot stop me you cannot harm me, in order to do that I would need to stop being one of you; I have concluded that this is something I am willing to accept!


In short you have just shown me your soft meatbag-like underbellies and said


I think she was actually referring to Sion. Throughout the game she seemed to approve of what Revan did, and I can't remember a single dialogue in which she refers to a betrayal on Revan's part.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

I think she was actually referring to Sion. Throughout the game she seemed to approve of what Revan did, and I can't remember a single dialogue in which she refers to a betrayal on Revan's part.





Another question I have, though, is 'Did the Jedi strip Kreia's Force powers?'




There is extra emphasis on the fact that they only do this in extreme instances, but was that just to create doubt as to how Exile lost his? Or was there another reason as well? It is very clear in Kreia's first confrontation with Sion that he has trouble sensing her, and she herself says he cannot kill what he cannot see. All he really zones in on is the Force. That leads me to think that she may have lost her connection to the force too, managing to gain some of it back while in exile. It also adds to the bond between herself and Exile. Did anyone else get that impression, or is there an explanation that I might've missed?



Another question I have, though, is 'Did the Jedi strip Kreia's Force powers?' 

No, it wasn't the Jedi, but she had her Force connection severed, too. If you gain enough influence with her, you should be able to unlock a cutscene that explains it.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


The Exile never had his powers stripped. Here's an explanation:


The Jedi cutting off is building a wall of light around them, sealing them in their own little bubble. It's permanent, and is Jedi 'execution'...


The Exile RIPPED himself out, creating a sudden vacuum, as is said by many who know about Malachor V. Over time, the Exile could have repaired himself, as Visas and the Ithorian on Telos both say in different ways.


Oh, and for the Sion thing: People only see Kreia if she wants to be seen. I think that she may have slipped up here, or she wanted to show the Exile that he still made bonds as usual, or test it.


One thing I don't get: If the Exile survived thousands of dying through their bonds w/ him, how would Kreia killing herself do anything? I know it would create the final echo in her plot, but the Exile shouldn't be affected that badly...


As for Revan's betrayal: The whole reason why she went to Malachor V was to FIND him. She felt lost and sad, even if she never says so. I'm reading the chronicles, but taking it w/ a grain of salt. So, I'll believe this. She feels nothing but hatred for Sion, as she never had any personal ties to him, or none as extreem as Revan.


I'm not sure if Kreia is a Master of bonding... I believe that she KNOWS how to, but can control it. She can influence others' thoughts, so maybe she can open them up, inserting herself into them (to an extent). The Exile would extend this, with his willy-nilly bonding.........


Wow, that was a long post... :ph34r:

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

I think she was actually referring to Sion. Throughout the game she seemed to approve of what Revan did, and I can't remember a single dialogue in which she refers to a betrayal on Revan's part.





Another question I have, though, is 'Did the Jedi strip Kreia's Force powers?'



Nah. It was a reference to Ulic Qel-Droma. As far as I know, he is the only Jedi/Sith to be blocked from the force. It was done so by his lover, Nomi Sunrider.


I think the Exile believed the Jedi responsible for stripping him. Kreia was stripped by Sion and Nihilus, apparently.

As for Revan's betrayal: The whole reason why she went to Malachor V was to FIND him. She felt lost and sad, even if she never says so.

There's no evidence to support this whatsoever.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

As for Revan's betrayal: The whole reason why she went to Malachor V was to FIND him. She felt lost and sad, even if she never says so.

There's no evidence to support this whatsoever.


Yes there is. Like I said in the sentence after, look at the Chronicles. I know some things are messed up, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest it.


You should quote all of the post, only Kreia can only point out what she wants others to think, and not the whole truth. :)

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


Kreia was indeed stripped free of the force, but not by the council, but by Nihilus, whereas the Exile gave up the force, by his own will. Regarding the original question: I believe Kreia was not disturbed by the fact that Revan fell, she actually agreed, on a logical plane anyway, with all that was done by Revan. Kreia made coneections all the time, very deep connections, I couldn't call them bond, because they are not necessarely related to the force, these connections, well, they could be called love, such a love that a mother has for her child. Kreia had no problem with Revans choices, she felt lonely because Revan parted ways with her, even though she approved of his choices. And this loneliness she felt drove her to be the Exiles teacher, and she was happy to die by the Exiles hand, for untill the moment of her death she felt close to him, and she was truly proud.

As for Revan's betrayal: The whole reason why she went to Malachor V was to FIND him. She felt lost and sad, even if she never says so.

There's no evidence to support this whatsoever.


Darth Traya is a fictional character from the Star Wars game Knights of the Old Republic II. Darth Traya is the name that the Force-witch Kreia took after she was exiled from the Jedi Order and became a Sith Lord, one of the three the title of the game refers to. She had also taught Darth Revan when she was still a Jedi. Jedi Master Kreia was consumed by guilt after the Jedi Civil War, wondering if her teachings had led to Revan's fall. Kreia travelled to Malachor V, which she sensed as Revan's last location and, corrupted by the dark side, embraced the secrets of the Sith (LucasArts KOTOR Chronicles).


Define "no".

As for Revan's betrayal: The whole reason why she went to Malachor V was to FIND him. She felt lost and sad, even if she never says so.

There's no evidence to support this whatsoever.


Darth Traya is a fictional character from the Star Wars game Knights of the Old Republic II. Darth Traya is the name that the Force-witch Kreia took after she was exiled from the Jedi Order and became a Sith Lord, one of the three the title of the game refers to. She had also taught Darth Revan when she was still a Jedi. Jedi Master Kreia was consumed by guilt after the Jedi Civil War, wondering if her teachings had led to Revan's fall. Kreia travelled to Malachor V, which she sensed as Revan's last location and, corrupted by the dark side, embraced the secrets of the Sith (LucasArts KOTOR Chronicles).


Define "no".



Hoo boy...Where do I even begin...? :D


Well, first off, let me say that trying to insert Logic into Star Wars technichal writing is a VERY NASTY THING to be involved with, it's effectively commiting Seppuku by way of a Scwartz-stick to your gonads...


I tried for MANY years to insert logic and total realisim into SW in the X-Wing community, trying to make the ships and space combat be more like the real thing, but no matter how much I tried, Sax and others would always disagree and things tended to degenerate into flames by the 12th or so posting, and we'd have infamous wars like the Super Dumb Destroyer War, or the Imperator-Class vs. Imperial-Class Destroyer War, or even the unforgettable "What MC-xxx designator do we give Home One??" war...:D


Trying to make realistic logic out of Kreia and her inane preachy babbling is NOT a very smart thing to partake in...


I could sit here and scrawl out my entire psychological profile for Kreia, her history, and her motives, and it would last for about 10 pages, I assure you...However, let me spare you all that by saying this instead:




Such efforts to insert those elements of our real world into SW have met with utter failure EVERY time they have ever been attempted...


We can sit around the campfire and tell the tall tales of the Exile and his Queen Kreia, but ultimately, nothing we have to say about the matter will be of any real consequence, because whoever makes K3 is going to refute every single opinion we make, then tell us to basically STFU! when we try to revive these topics on the official K3 boards in a year or two :D


What happend to K2? The same exact thing when it was being designed...The general community's concerns were tossed to the waysides by Lucasfarts, Obsidian did listen, but Lucasfarts was ultimately in charge, what they said was Gospel, and Obsidian had no choice in the matter...


I swear, when the numbnuts at Lucasfarts lay their weight down on the hutt-skid-pads, they stifle just about everything around them for millions of miles of the Internet...Pisses me off when they toss the community's suggestions for new games to the way-side, but it never fails with Lucasfarts...Lucas says he wants to change that after EP3 is out, but I don't beleive him for a second, not with what he's done to the EU continuity in the past 5 years!


I understand your scepticism and argument but you forget one thing.

The kotor games...and especially 2 have taken the star wars franshise and upped it to great heights. That's why they are "the best star wars games" after all, that's why people love them so much.

Kotor and especially kotor 2 is full of story and real characters that feel and breathe lively. That's the magic of these games. There is a well developed script that ties all the chars together, with logic and realism(as much realism a galaxy where jedis exist). :shifty:

Nah. It was a reference to Ulic Qel-Droma. As far as I know, he is the only Jedi/Sith to be blocked from the force. It was done so by his lover, Nomi Sunrider.


I think the Exile believed the Jedi responsible for stripping him. Kreia was stripped by Sion and Nihilus, apparently



Thanks for clearing that up. I don't believe they mentioned Ulic in connection with that, in the game, so it led to some confusion. Sometimes the little nuggets on the loading screens flash by a bit too fast on my setup, though, so I might've missed it. That's not bragging; occasionally a cutscene will break into the next without finishing, too.


Kreia said Nihilous was practically unable to control his power, so if anything, he would have killed her by doing his thing. (Like she did to the Jedi Masters)

Sion is the more likely of the pair. He likes causing pain, and nothing was more likely to make her suffer. She does say she was 'cast out, stripped of my power.' I assumed that meant her role as leader of the Malachor academy, but I see it could have other meanings as well.


Exile believed the Jedi responsible only because Kreia told him that. When he questions it, she says, "Who did you think was responsible?" He's just looking for answers, trying to understand what happened to him, and she manipulates the situation to her advantage. She wanted to give him a reason to find the remaining Jedi ... no sense wasting energy if you can get someone else to do it for you. Not to mention that she felt the struggle would strengthen her star pupil.


The Exile somehow knew that the affects of M5 were the things that pulled him out. It was Kreia that said "How do you think you lost it?". She tries (and as DS, or maybe LS, succeeds) to convince you that the Council is to blaim. She hates the council, and she even tells Desciple that this is her reason for EVERYTHING she ends up doing (or trying to do).

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

I understand your scepticism and argument but you forget one thing.

The kotor games...and especially 2 have taken the star wars franshise and upped it to great heights. That's why they are "the best star wars games" after all, that's why people love them so much.

Kotor and especially kotor 2 is full of story and real characters that feel and breathe lively. That's the magic of these games. There is a well developed script that ties all the chars together, with logic and realism(as much realism a galaxy where jedis exist). >_<


Ah, incorrect. You are entitled, in this case, to your opinion...


You really don't know your SW game history if you think KotoR are the only "Best SW Games in History"....Think back to TIE Fighter CD....Think back to X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter, even XWA, which got rushed a full year ahead of intended release (just like K2, no less <_< ), all of that entire series was so enormously successful that it makes KotoR look like a cheap closet hoe in comparison.


In the two polls that Lucasfarts held on their front page about what game people would most want to see: X-Wing/TIE won out over everything else in the first poll, and it also beat KotoR in the second :blink:


Sorry, but those votes do not lie :D


Too bad they did in the 2000 election. :(


How about the Rebel Assault Games? I mean part one even changed history. Like the battle of Yavin. But I think part 2 blew part one away.


Actually you are SO right.

I almost forgot of Tie fighter. What an excelent game. Kept me awake for weeks. Ahhh...what glorious years. I was young then :(


But i have to say that even if tie had that really nice short story/novel on the manual, it didn't create a deep script as like kotor did. Those games were wonderful for their ideas and gameplay but i don't remember one star wars game with such a pretty nice structured story as kotors (always emphasizing to the second part :D ).

Actually you are SO right.

I almost forgot of Tie fighter. What an excelent game. Kept me awake for weeks. Ahhh...what glorious years. I was young then :(


But i have to say that even if tie had that really nice short story/novel on the manual, it didn't create a deep script as like kotor did. Those games were wonderful for their ideas and gameplay but i don't remember one star wars game with such a pretty nice structured story as kotors (always emphasizing to the second part :D ).


Did you buy the 3-inch-thick TIE Fighter strategy book?! That had an ENTIRE story about the most legendary Secret Order pilot ever: Marik Steele!!!


My God, does NO one ever read in this newer generation of gamers??

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