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What Gender did you choose for Revan & Exile?  

191 members have voted

  1. 1. What Gender did you choose for Revan & Exile?

    • Revan-Male, Exile-Male
    • Revan-Female, Exile-Male
    • Revan Male, Exile-Female
    • Revan-Female, Exile-Female

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The first dozen times in KOTORI I was male. Then I finally went to female. Exile, first time male darkside, and I'm going through my second time as male lightside. (Hey, I just got it a week ago and I just got Republic Commando as well so Live keeps me from this game) I'll try a female next time most likely.

  witchzenka said:
No, it's not.  That's quite subjective, and not fact in any way.



It's just the feeling I get. My first play through the exile was female. When I played through it with a male exile there seemed to be more to the story.


There was more dialog from Kreia considering certain relationships.


What really hit it home for me was the landing at Telos. The Handmaiden is seen outside your ship whether the exile is female or male, but she only joins you if the exile is male..


While playing through as the female exile I wondered why they left that part in of the handmaiden being outside the ship if she's not going to join you.


Another part that led me to believe the exile was male was on Dantooine when a cutscene shows the Disciple (Mical - only way I learned his name was having the exile be male) telling Carth that he located you.


Subjective or not I don't see how one couldn't think that they were being led to believe the Exile was male. There are other clues too.

  Xeranx said:
In my opinion Revan is male.  Revan, to me, sounds way too masculine to belong to a female while I would like to entertain the notion that the Exile is actually female.  Though playing through the game it's clear the exile is male.

Yeah, I mean depending upon which country you're from esp. I think "Revan" sounds feminine, as does the name "Jaden" from Jedi Knight. I mean, I think the name "Ryan" sounds feminine.


  Xeranx said:
Subjective or not I don't see how one couldn't think that they were being led to believe the Exile was male. There are other clues too.

OR it could be that due to certain obvious and much bitched about time constraints, the devs were not able to implement many many many things.

  Xeranx said:
Subjective or not I don't see how one couldn't think that they were being led to believe the Exile was male.  There are other clues too.

I never got the feeling from those tidbits that the Exile had to be a male. *shrugs* I felt the story worked much better from a female view, esp the added complexity with Sion. I'm not sure why not having Handmaiden or having her outside the ship demands a male Exile, I just don't understand your reasoning there.

Kreia's jealousy is interesting but certainly not indicative that the Exile "should" be a male, either.

Like I said, subjective.


I still am a tiny bit annoyed that my female PC gets stuck with Disciple and can't get Handmaiden. Just because she only falls in love with a male PC dosn't mean I shouldn't be able to have her in my party.



please ignore me i suck

  Xeranx said:
What really hit it home for me was the landing at Telos.  The Handmaiden is seen outside your ship whether the exile is female or male, but she only joins you if the exile is male..


While playing through as the female exile I wondered why they left that part in of the handmaiden being outside the ship if she's not going to join you.

Because that's one of Atris' servants (and not necessarily *the* handmaiden) about to hijack your ship which happens no matter if your character is male or female..?

  stop_him said:
Perhaps, but do you really think KOTOR would have sold as well with ONLY a female lead? I mean, just read all the posts here about how awkward these male gamers feel about a female Revan much less romancing a person as a woman...


I wouldn't care if KotOR had only a female lead. However, I would in that case prefer if they had left out the romance parts.


Well for me its great that you can chose which gender you want and that the storys arent the same (more time to play the game) to bad no Aliens can be chosen.

Ive played both male DS/LS and female DS/LS when with a male i went with strengh and constitution when female wisdom and charisma


I imagine Revan to be male; the force-bond with Bastila enhanced by that "fell in love on sight" just fits very well.


The Exile seems more female to me. Don


LMAO at this thread


The whole point is that Revan and the Exile have no set gender - it's up to the player. they can't be the canon in any great depth - the Exile doesn't even have an official name!


Ya well I think now I have indispuitable proof Revan is a guy.


You see Revans human no matter what, and at some point you must win the race on Taris to "save" Bastilla. Say what you want about sexism and crap, but there are women racers and they stink, I don't know about other Star Wars races, but this is atleast true for human. So as you see if Revan was a women, theres no way that they would have won the swoop race thus forever proving Revan was a guy :*

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

  Laozi said:
Ya well I think now I have indispuitable proof Revan is a guy.


You see Revans human no matter what, and at some point you must win the race on Taris to "save" Bastilla. Say what you want about sexism and crap, but there are women racers and they stink, I don't know about other Star Wars races, but this is atleast true for human. So as you see if Revan was a women, theres no way that they would have won the swoop race thus forever proving Revan was a guy :*

(w00t) (w00t) (w00t)

Hmmm. You got a point there. You a crazy guy. :) In a good way. :D

  witchzenka said:
  random evil guy said:
oh yes, the great celtic empire. yeah, it was massive and impressive.... hehehe.

Thus you reveal how simple it is to conceal information from you in books.


But how many female generals have there been? Boudicca is less a general than a rebellious queen. She lost to the Roman governor of Britain and then committed suicide a la Cleopatra. Now, if she had freed Britain and kept the Romans out by military might then you would have a case for women generals.


Also, I would like to point out that talking about 'Celts' isn't quite an easy task. While Celtic is an ethnic group, it covered a wide range of land and several thousand years. Treating 'Celt' as a monolithic whole doesn't work well. :-

  stop_him said:
Read my last point about why men will sometimes play games with a female lead: basically men play games like BloodRayne and Tomb Raider because the female protagonist is aethetically pleasing to look at. She's either wearing short shorts or tight-ass leather with spiked heels. It's all about the sex appeal and little else.


Cosmopolitan. ;-) Female-oriented stuff uses sex appeal just as much as male-oriented stuff. Sex/physical attractiveness is effective across the genders.


But certainly less emphasis is placed on a man's looks for a female-orientated audience (wait, has there ever been a female-orientated game?!) - at the very least, not such a great deal is made.


Anyway, I'm curious as to why so many men balk at playing a female character. I quitye enjoy playing male characters. I even find it fun playing male characters and chatting up female NPCs, and I'm sure that most women here voted in the female character polls. Yet men are so afraid to flirt with male NPCs or vote in the male character polls :-


I've never been very sure about that myself. Most of my guy gamer friends, didn't have a problem with being female in a game; the few who did never came up with much of a reson for it, other than being uncomfortable flirting with male characters...


I always play a male character in the BG games, for example, because Anomen was such an annoying person, whereas a male character could have half-decent romances with Jaheira/Aerie/Viconia (although they were annoying too, in their own way. But more amusing). I tend to base my character's gender on the strength of what I feel to be the better romance - I genuinely felt, for example, that Carth and Atton were more interesting characters than Bastila or Visas or Handmaiden. The gender of the target romance NPC does not really affect me - I'm equally happy flirting with male or female, so long as the dialogue is good.


That's pretty much how I feel. But unfortunatly I'll prob'ly end up being a guy in my *new* game of KOTOR 2, sorry, but Atton and D. just don't do anything for me...now if it were Bao-dur :p


Not that Visas or Mira are much better in my perspective (though I am partial to Handmaiden...)...I'll shut up now...

  Janson said:
But certainly less emphasis is placed on a man's looks for a female-orientated audience (wait, has there ever been a female-orientated game?!) - at the very least, not such a great deal is made.


Right. So you wouldn't mind of Carth and Atton weren't so easy on the eyes? :p


Anyway, I'm curious as to why so many men balk at playing a female character. I quitye enjoy playing male characters. I even find it fun playing male characters and chatting up female NPCs, and I'm sure that most women here voted in the female character polls. Yet men are so afraid to flirt with male NPCs or vote in the male character polls :p


Afraid? I don't think that's accurate to say. To me, at least, it would feel awkward and undesireable to flirt with a guy in real life - and I thus feel the same ingame. I have trouble acting ingame too much unlike what I would do in RL. In fact, I'm even finding it awkward and wrong to play DS... I just don't feel right about being a mean and cruel **** in that scale. :D

  Ohma said:
I've never been very sure about that myself. Most of my guy gamer friends, didn't have a problem with being female in a game; the few who did never came up with much of a reson for it, other than being uncomfortable flirting with male characters...


That's the point of a game though, you play someone who you are not. When playing Fable or Harvest Moon I have a great time trying to chat up the girls and get myself a hot wife ;) Though I must admit I always go for the Tomboy chick in Harvest Moon cause she reminds me of myself...


Though if there is no choice in the matter, most males will happily play as a girl, like in Oni, Metroid, Perfect Dark, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, No One Lives Forever, Primal, Beyond Good and Evil, P.N.03, Project Zero, Sudeki, and I think I am out of ideas... but you get the point. (Not that there is much flirting in those games, though if you play Fear Effect you get to be a lesbian...)


Oh, I just want to add the usually we are outnumbered so we can't complain too much, but in this forum I'd say there is probably at least a 50% female population, so watch out guys ;)


Playing KOTOR1 and 2 I always tend to start as a female ls and then after that I go through the game as female ds, male ls, male ds. I find it quite entertaining playing the male character just to see their options and how they differ from the female PC's options in the same situations.


Revan is and will always be a female in my eyes and she was awsome as a darksider! ;)


Exile felt a little less interesting than Revan, but her followers made up for that part of the game, especially Bao-Dur ;)


Would have been interesting to know what happens to Exile after defeating Kreia.


Well, in many of the games that I can recall having a female protagonist, there's usually a lesbian love interest or lesbian subtext that keeps the guys happy, or no romance at all. In Bloodlines they even went so far as to actually make it easier for a female character to chat up another female than for a male to do so.


Carth and Atton were easy on the eyes, yeah. But could you say that Bao-Dur has such a large following because of his looks?


I might actually disagree with you there. I really warmed to Bao-Dur after learning about the past his character had with mine.


And he understood sarcasm - unlike Disciple.


If LA tried to fix Revan as one particular gender, they'd upset a lot of people, regardless of their choice. They'd also have to set Revan's alignment - was Revan reedeemed, or did she kick Malak's tail and retake the title of Dark Lord of the Sith?

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