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What Gender?

What Gender did you choose for Revan & Exile?  

191 members have voted

  1. 1. What Gender did you choose for Revan & Exile?

    • Revan-Male, Exile-Male
    • Revan-Female, Exile-Male
    • Revan Male, Exile-Female
    • Revan-Female, Exile-Female

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Both male.


Even in real life most leaders and generals are male.


My objective view isn't affected at all by the fact that i'm male :p"

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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Both male.


Even in real life most leaders and generals are male.


Which is precisely why I think Revan works so well as a female (my opinion only, obviously).


Plus I just love to imagine how annoyed and inferior Malak felt to a smaller, physically less imposing female Revan. Plus, like someone once said on this board, we can imagine that maybe Revan was a spurned love interest of Malak's.

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I prefer the Exile be a woman, just for the idea that a woman is the death of the force. Women are traditionally regarded as being closer to nature than men. The idea that one woman could undo the force, seems unique.


Revan is a male though. For the love of Batila. :ninja: And a platonic relationship with Carth. :p

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I say revan was a female cause of her way of doind subtle things, being more intelligent instead of smashing everything in her path. I also say that the exile is a male because of the decisions he took at malachor V, and also because he is represented as being a male  :p


:chuckle: There are many more men than women at the high-end of the intelligence scale. Before anyone gets their knickers in a knot, there are also many more men at the low-end of the intelligence scale. Balance, even. ;-)


I also liked how Kotor 1 showed that even for all of Revan's subtly and brilliance, Revan was still taken out by Malak's application of brute force. You can get so lost in your webs of strategy that the _now_ will catch you off guard. You can see the same flaw in Kreia in her actions.

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Because in our male-oriented society most leaders are men does not mean females are somehow less capable of leadership.

Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world aside, even.

Females have shown themselves to be just as capable of leadership (or incapable - never believe anyone who tells you women are more peaceful simply because they are women) throughout history, and they've had to do it in male-oriented cultures.

Generals are always men is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever heard.

I am no less in capability or intelligence than most men I meet. I am more intelligent and capable than many men I meet - it has nothing to do with gender, it has to do with the individiual regardless of gonad-arrangement.

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Carth was pretty whiney, I'll admit that. But at least his arguing was more amusing than Bastila's priggishness. And since I am female and English and proper, her accent held no appeal whatsoever for me :p


My late wife was English and had that headstrong stubborn streak that reminded me of Bastilla, so Bastilla had quite the appeal. I did want to tell Bastilla to act her age ... until I remembered she was. :-D

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Well we all know Revan is a guy and has a Mullet


I wonder if for the purposes of the EU, will the Exile be a woman, for balance? Personally after the first playthough being male, the second as a woman made more sense. Especially since the Exile followed Revan and it wouldn't make any sense for it to be the other way around. You wouldn't want a woman general unless a man was teaching her what to do. That is unless your an army trying to annoy the enemy into submission by constantly asking stupid questions and badgering them with your ceasless whining.


And in the end how after such a long time in close quarters with the Exile no one really wanted to pursue a relationship any further with them, thats something only a woman could do to a group of people

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Because in our male-oriented society most leaders are men does not mean females are somehow less capable of leadership.

Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world aside, even.

Females have shown themselves to be just as capable of leadership (or incapable - never believe anyone who tells you women are more peaceful simply because they are women) throughout history, and they've had to do it in male-oriented cultures.

Generals are always men is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever heard....


sure they have... the history is full of female, millitary leaders throughout history. or maybe not....

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Well we all know Revan is a guy and has a Mullet


You wouldn't want a woman general unless a man was teaching her what to do. That is unless your an army trying your trying to annoy the enemy into submission by constantly asking stupid questions and badgering them with your ceasless whining.


And in the end how after such a long time in clse quarters with the Exile no one really wanted to pursue a relationship any further with them, thats something only a woman could do to a group of people


Second stupidest post on the subject. I'm hoping you are deliberately pot-stirring.

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They're both officially male like every single game hero* ever because the game industry is full of sexist jerkheads. Better to have default-male and default-Abdels for everything, EVERYTHING, than maybe, omg, freak out a few guys by implying that their character was a chick. *Especially* if it's a chick who's not defined hugely by her sexuality.




*sorry. There are a few female leads in a few games. With breasts. And, um, maybe one or two of them had a personality or something, not sure.

I am following my fish.


A temporary home for stranded ML'ers

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Well we all know Revan is a guy and has a Mullet


You wouldn't want a woman general unless a man was teaching her what to do. That is unless your an army trying your trying to annoy the enemy into submission by constantly asking stupid questions and badgering them with your ceasless whining.


And in the end how after such a long time in clse quarters with the Exile no one really wanted to pursue a relationship any further with them, thats something only a woman could do to a group of people


Second stupidest post on the subject. I'm hoping you are deliberately pot-stirring.



Ofcouse I'm kidding, after all this is fantasy, the whole purpose of fantasy is to write about stuff that could never happen in real life


Its like on that show Murder She Wrote, how that woman could be a sucessful mystery writer and solve actual crimes, I wouldn't be suprised if there was even a sucessful "ladyscientist" on the show

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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revan was a stratigic genius. ergo, he couldn't be a woman...


And if Revan was a brilliant fighter, using his physical might to crush his enemy, would he also not be a woman?! :lol:


what do you mean? if revan was a man, then yes, he'd be a male... women can't fight and they can't lead.



I'm saying that however Revan was a brilliant, powerful person, you could make the argument that he was male. If he was physically strong like Malak - you'd argue he was male. If he wasn't so strong but relied on his brains - you'd argue he was male.


Women can fight and they can lead - they just typically haven't had much of a chance! Women in the military is a relatively recent phenomena, and it is perhaps that we just have not seen how great women can become in terms of military might yet.

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Well it seems that we as males aren't as good as we are supposed to be.


In Greece we have a phrase.

Behind any great man there is a great woman.


So women can indeed be influential without history recongizing them. Because they move in the shadows.

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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books written by men i take it... it's all a conspiracy...?

No, it's concealed because it's only available to the literate, leading me to assume it's somehow possibly beyond the reach of certain people.

One of the greatest Celtic warriors of all time was a woman, for instance. Did you know the Celts were/are a people with an amazing and rich mythology and culture, and not just a basketball team? Well, now you do. This is just an example of the treasures you might find concealed in books.

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Because in our male-oriented society most leaders are men does not mean females are somehow less capable of leadership.

Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world aside, even.

Females have shown themselves to be just as capable of leadership (or incapable - never believe anyone who tells you women are more peaceful simply because they are women) throughout history, and they've had to do it in male-oriented cultures.

Generals are always men is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever heard.

I am no less in capability or intelligence than most men I meet.  I am more intelligent and capable than many men I meet - it has nothing to do with gender, it has to do with the individiual regardless of gonad-arrangement.


You'll get no argument from me about women leaders. Where I work all of the managers (line and above) are women. :lol:


There is, however, a difference between leadership and being a general. Generals tend to be male because combat soldiers tend to require abilities (physical strength[1], testosterone drive aggression, endurance, etc.) that are much more common in men than women. I'm not saying women can't, it is just that it takes an exception woman (eg, Joan of Arc) to get there.


Note I said "general". Admiral Dodonna was definitely plausible because capital ship-style naval operations wouldn't require the same physical attributes a soldier needs.




[1] As an example, basic training requirements for women in the armed forces is easier _physically_ for women than it is for men. When the two had the same requirements women ended up with many more injuries.

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