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Who would win if the following fought?: Darth Revan, Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus, Darth Maul, Darth Tyrannus, or Darth Vader? Please reply as to why you chose the Sith you chose!  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would win if the following fought?: Darth Revan, Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus, Darth Maul, Darth Tyrannus, or Darth Vader? Please reply as to why you chose the Sith you chose!

    • Darth Revan
    • Darth Sion
    • Darth Nihilus
    • Darth Maul
    • Darth Tyrannus
    • Darth Vader

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Personally, I believe that it would come down to Revan and Nihilus, or Vader and Nihilus. Either way, Nihilus would wipe the floor with either one. Simply by using his abilities and consuming the force from either one, Vader would be a feast!


Now, I'm not sure if that is what Nihilus does, but from reading the various posts and articles, I'm making assumptions. If what he does is different, please tell me.


I personally think Nihilus would destroy them all. I mean for crying out loud, the guy consumed planets and Jedi constantly. The only reason as to why the Exile won, was due to Nihilus stupidity in trying to drain him, another wound in the force. So yeah, I think Nihilus would just consume them all.

"When the foul sore of envy corrupts the vanquished heart, the very exterior itself shows how forcibly the mind is urged by madness. For paleness seizes the complexion, the eyes are weighed down, the spirit is inflamed, while the limbs are chilled, there is frenzy in the heart, there is gnashing with the teeth."

Quit spamming the boards dumbass! You've made 2 of these identical topics in the other fora as well.


I thought I was the only one that thought it was annoying to post the same topic in different forums. :thumbsup:


Perhaps this is the extra sketchy version were we can say spoilerific stuff.

Quit spamming the boards dumbass! You've made 2 of these identical topics in the other fora as well.


Oh! Well, I sincerely apologize for that. The site said that my post wouldn't go through, and I didn't think it did after the first time so I tried again. I had no idea I did that at all! Seriously, I really do apologize, is there I way I could have the other two erased? :thumbsup:

Quit spamming the boards dumbass! You've made 2 of these identical topics in the other fora as well.


Oh! Well, I sincerely apologize for that. The site said that my post wouldn't go through, and I didn't think it did after the first time so I tried again. I had no idea I did that at all! Seriously, I really do apologize, is there I way I could have the other two erased? :thumbsup:

Yeah, yeah...lower right hand corner delete. But since you're polite about it, I'll enlighten you:


*opens envelope at Sith Academy Awards*


"And the winner is....Darth!" ^_^







P.S. I steal jokes Gorth. :blink:

Personally, I believe that it would come down to Revan and Nihilus, or Vader and Nihilus.  Either way, Nihilus would wipe the floor with either one.  Simply by using his abilities and consuming the force from either one, Vader would be a feast! 


Now, I'm not sure if that is what Nihilus does, but from reading the various posts and articles, I'm making assumptions.  If what he does is different, please tell me.


You forgot Darth Traya that is probably stronger than Nihilus by a good degree... and Palpy?


but between these ones i think Nihilus will win, he simply will consume the force of the others that are defensless against him.


I don't think he is strictly the more powerfull, that one should be Vader, but it will not be a fight with sabres and force powers.


Exar Kun > all.

"For ourselves, we shall not trouble you with specious pretences- either of how we have a right to our empire because we overthrew the Mede, or are now attacking you because of wrong that you have done us- and make a long speech which would not be believed; and in return we hope that you, instead of thinking to influence us by saying that you did not join the Lacedaemonians, although their colonists, or that you have done us no wrong, will aim at what is feasible, holding in view the real sentiments of us both; since you know as well as we do that right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."


Naga Sadow was the most cunning

What if I wanted to kill the other bounty hunters but still have the Twi'leks chase me?


You forgot Exar Kun. :thumbsup:"


He brought back the Sith after 1,000 years of lying dormant. He was the first to turn Jedi into Sith. He absorbed the spirit of Freedon Nadd. He even had a double-bladed lightsaber. He could have defeated the Jedi if Ulic Qel-Droma had obeyed him. Then he rescues Ulic while Ulic is in court. No one stopped him. He's definitely up there.


As much as I love Revan, now he seems midpack at best. Nihilus destroyed life on a planet. His presence drains lifeforce. Vader defeated all the Jedi. The Emperor conquered the galaxy while aiding Vader in destroying the Jedi. No Sith had ever defeated the lightside of the force as the Emperor did.


Oh yeah. Out of the choices given, I chose Nihilus. In spite of his very sorry performance against a mere three opponents, he does have the power to snuff out all life (except one apparently - Visas :blink: ) on a planet. He'd just dump all the others into space by speaking backwards or something.


It'd have to go to Nihilus. The only reason he was defeated is since the Exile is a case of fighting fire with fire.


Nihilus isn't really a Sith Lord in the traditional sense though, he's more of an elemental force.


In the regular bad guy realm though, I'd have to hand it to Palpy.


I put Revan, simply because Sion and Nihilius are pathetic and disappointing, Maul was beaten by a padawan, Tyranus is a stupid character anyway (I hate the prequel films) and Vader was almost killed by Luke in ROTJ (the 'hand' scene).


Revan would win.

Nihilus and sion are killed by the exile.

Vader is killed by Emperor.

All others are dead and he wins by deault. :rolleyes:


Revan is supposed be bright--you'd have to be pretty dim to not just let them all go at eachother and do the work for you. She'd take the opportunity, I think, and more so if she were leaning towards the DS. If she were more light, well... that tends to create a considerable loss in mental agility, doesn't it? Those good guys usually do dumb things... then again, this is Revan, so maybe she'd break the trend. Anyway:


That doofus Nihilus would be the first one down due to sheer stupidity; Sion's will would be broken because he'd realize his life was one big waste of space (I like him actually, but really...) and he'd commit suicide; Palpatine would die at Vaders hands (how could it never occur to him that perhaps, just maybe, despite falling so far, that maternal instinct might kick in and Vader would send him plummeting to his doom?); Vader, as we all know, would die. Or not. 'Cause, you know, Luke wouldn't be present. I don't see a problem though; Vader may be the "big daddy", but all things considered, he's just not on the same level as Revan--power over the Force or otherwise. Finally... I don't think the Exile can even control his power; he's a cypher, yes, so it tends to just "happen", but Revan's will is virtually unshakeable from what we know (the wound tends to exert itself over the weaker willed, eh? Revan was never even comsumed by the dark side, she merely used it to achieve her goals), and she simply wouldn't allow such a thing to take place--she's too sly for that. And hell, if Revan could be beaten, I don't think she'd run off to go fight some ancient evil; it'd be over before it began. It's already kinda been infered though that if Revan can't do it, noone can.


Thus Revan=Ze Winnar. But this is a silly discussion because the only official characters are Palp, Ty, Maul and Vader, so the others would magically poof out of existence due to the magic of canon. Vader would kill the ones remaining.


Though, since they're all imaginary anyway....*rambles*


These "Who would win ?" polls are problematic if characters are from different era. It seems that peak of Sith era was long before KotOR or Exar Kun and obviously way before Vader.


When you visit the Sith tombs in KotOR 2, you'll learn that current Jedi or Sith lightsabre skills/techniques are not as advanced that they were ages ago. Theme of lost knowldge is very apparent in Star Wars universe. Maybe Vader really is the greatest of all time, but it's difficult to say when we don't know general skill level compared to heigh of Sith era.


So, it's better to ignore traditional jedi/sith powers and find out what special skills they have.


Clear winner would be Darth Nihilus. He is like his name, oblivion and void. His other skills might be worst in Star Wars continuum, but his special talent is more powerful than Death Star.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.


getting headaches out of this, does it really matter at all? bottomline you should think about is you don't need to be the strongest and mightiest to cause ultimate sorrow @home, work, town, continent or in your local galaxy. :devil:" As for comparing non-canon with canon, c'mon guys that is just a wasteless mindf*ck.





The answer's kind of obvious and here's why:


Which "Darth" is the only one still alive in his storyline?


Revan. :rolleyes:"



More seriously, probably Nihilous. Not only did he get a cool t-shirt made of himself, but his particular power (as someone else has said) seems to dwarf/suck everything else into it.


Vader, frankly, (and Luke as well, unfortunately) compared to these guys is a real wuss.

Exar Kun > all.

Indeed. All hail Darth Ponytail! His actual campaign may not have been that long, but he managed to do some impressive damage with it, even if he left the actual fighting against the Republic for his underlings and concentrated on the Jedi himself. KJA's storytelling might not be that great, but he did manage to create some interesting characters and locales.

SODOFF Steam group.

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