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Hello There,









I must admit I loved the game and it was exellent but a few things I did not get but any way here is about the sith lords.






Ok I have beaten the game and now I know what people were talking about how easy the game was. I was like a jedi god in the game. though the fighting styles were exellent and the lightsabres and things and the robes were super cool! and so was part of the story line....but the ending was terrible! any way this is what I have my opinion on about the three sith lords Kreia,Sion and Nilihis,


When I finally finished the game I had my changed thought about the three eith lords. first of:


Kreia- really I didn't think Kreia was that good at all. I thought she was pretty cool at the start but When I learned she was one of the sith lords I was shocked,any way to my honest opinion I didn't like Kreia at all because she was boring and was not as interesting,I would much preferred Malak again!


Sion- LOL well his looks are terrible! (of course the dark side does that to you or too!) but when I fought Sion on Malachor V he was really not that interestng either I dont know why but Kreia and Sion aren't my type of sith lords! any way and the environments of where you fight Sion and Kreia are plain boring! I didn't like the planet Malachor V at all,very boring indeed!


Nilihis- Well I would have too say that Nilihis was the best out of the three though he was a too easy too beet lol and having Canderous and Visas with you to beat him LOL. I liked the deep voice of Nilihis and his sithy looks...but the best of all I really liked the environment of where you fight nilihis on the bridge first of you get a cool space view too look at and lots of space to run around on while fight nilihis so I would have to say that nilihis was the best sith lord of the bunch.



any way what are you thoughts of the sith lords?


People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.


i also liked nihilis dude ( i know im def mispelling his name , but , w/e) he is like badass of badasses, sucks tho, they dont talk about him at all, u dont even know who he is, what he is, and like w/e , they dont say anything about him


I can't say Kreia shocked me. Its pretty obvious to anyone but our blinded-by-loyalty exile.


Sion scared me slightly at first. I think he could have been a real menace had be been used more in the main plot.


Darth Nihilus....wow....one of the scariest looking bad guys in a computer game for a while, very well done by the artists and what not. Now...if only someone could tell me...who the heck was he?


Funny I thought Traya was the third Sith Lord hmm...




1) Kreia: I like so far in her dialogues, I think she's a well written character, how much that changes and how bad or good she is as an opponent I don't know.


2) Sion: I hate the way he looks. I loved his intro in the Harbinger and depending how many times I confront him before game's end and how good he is in each one I may or may not let my dislike of his appearance influence my appreciation of him as a character.


3) Nihilus: This guy had me from the first picture ever published of him. I love his alien speech, his demeanor and look, he is genius as a character concept also. The only thing I don't like about Nihilus is he barely shows up ingame, I would have loved to have fought him at least a couple of times before the confrontation on the Ravager.


4) Traya: I liked her twist as much as Kreia's, I kinda thought this might have been a possibility since I first saw her. I like her Sith appearance, it was very reminiscent as stated of the wicked queen in Snow White, very cool.


I agree that the game had some real "huh?" moments at the start of Malachor V. Back to the main topic though:


Kreia: Very well done. A little too obvious though, just like the PC being Revan in KOTOR1 was a little obvious.


Sion: It would have been better if he continued to hound you through the game as he did on Korriban. He had the potential of being a truly great menace, as it was he was decent.


Nihilus: Wonderful concept, too bad there weren't things like a flashback about Katar, Malachor, or other ways of seeing him to get the backstory without directly confronting him.


If you pay attention throughout the game, it's not really too hard to figure the whole thing out. It's played out like a movie - you see the fact that Kreia is leading you up to a big point all throughout the game.


Kreia isn't really good or bad, light or dark. On my darkside playthrough (my current one, bwahahahahaha) I discovered that if I went around going GRRR I CRUSH YOU FILTHY I get darkside points but loose influence with Kreia.


To fully get the most out of TSL, you have to have influence and pay attention. It's quite simple, really. The game isn't as good/evil as KOTOR1 was. There's more of a blur between the two.


I liked all of the sith lords. Why? They each had a single element. There was no grand revelation, no surprise. There was merely a war, a woman, and an outcast. A story about how your cause may be just but have a bad outcome. A story of friends. About making oneself whole once more and coming to terms with yourself.




<insert request for thread to be moved to storyline or spoilers with tag in topic for those who haven't played yet>



They totally ruined Darth Nihlnlus or whatever his name is. He has no ****ing background or character development at all. While it is true that some characters don't necessarily require any development in order to play the role of the villain but as it stands in this type of game with such a stress on plot and character development he just comes out as 2 Dimensional. Too bad since he is so cool ,and could have potentially been memorable. Instead I hacked him to pieces in 5 hits.

"For ourselves, we shall not trouble you with specious pretences- either of how we have a right to our empire because we overthrew the Mede, or are now attacking you because of wrong that you have done us- and make a long speech which would not be believed; and in return we hope that you, instead of thinking to influence us by saying that you did not join the Lacedaemonians, although their colonists, or that you have done us no wrong, will aim at what is feasible, holding in view the real sentiments of us both; since you know as well as we do that right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."


Traya = Witch

Sion = Corpse

Nihilus = Clown


I liked how one of the load screen messages explained the three as each taking away and focusing on one aspect of the Malachor V Academy, Sion learned Pain, Nihilus learned Hunger, and Traya learned Betrayal. That being said, I think Nihilus was by far the worst of the three. He had no backstory, he sounded like a baby ewok, he looked like a female clown, and he popped into the game at the end without any mention (Although somehow my character knew about it, another "huh?" moment). It would have been better if it was revealed that he was someone from KotOR 1.


Kreia/Traya: Pretty good character, although I am still a bit shocked by the fact that she could kill three Jedi Masters with one Force Power, but that might be because they were all weak and old that stuff.


Sion: Great guy, really unsubtle and aggressive, a bit like Malak I guess.


Nihilus: He was really scary, although I did find him easy to beat. I hope we get some answers on him in part 3.



She was the best character of the game in my opinion. Although her intentions were obvious early-on in the game to anyone who paid enough attention to the story, I liked her appearance and attitude - not good, but not really evil either. She reminded me of the Emperor in the Star Wars movies.

(I should probably metion that I play Sith Lord myself, so evilness does appeal to me a lot. I can see where a lightsider might not like her that much though).

Either way, she put up a good fight in the end, it's a shame I had to kill her.



I thought he looked cool in an evil sort of way. He reminded me of a spoiled child, jealous because his mother paid more attention to the sibling.

He was nevertheless a worthy opponent; a little tough to beat in the first game, but after that it was easy.



Great character. I would have loved to see more of him throughout the game.

As it is, his appearance was too short and he was far too easy to defeat.

  ISG1 said:
Kreia/Traya: Pretty good character, although I am still a bit shocked by the fact that she could kill three Jedi Masters with one Force Power, but that might be because they were all weak and old that stuff.


Sion: Great guy, really unsubtle and aggressive, a bit like Malak I guess.


Nihilus: He was really scary, although I did find him easy to beat. I hope we get some answers on him in part 3.


I was under the understanding that she killed the three jedi by simply showing them first hand the weight you were carrying on your soul from Malachor. It wasn't a force power so much as opening them up to the vacuum you created. And since they weren't as strong in the soul as you, they perished. Perhaps I am wrong, but that is how I read it.


I liked them all pretty well. I agree that Nihilus should have had a little development though...they could have done it all through Visas in some interesting flashbacks/personal insights. The problem with the Sith Lords wasn't so much that they were lacking something, it is that there was a ton of potential in the characters that was never really used. Nihilus was under-developed...Sion wasn't nearly tragic enough. He in essence played the part of Traya's forgotten son. They could have made his death truly tragic. And Traya...well she was great as Kreia and decent at the end...so I have no comments there.


The Jedi Masters were too dependent on the Force, too in tune with it, to be able to seperate themselves from it as the Exile did, I get the feeling. The Masters seem certain that the wound in the Force can be fought by those who are strong in the Force, they believe themselves the only ones who can save the galaxy, and that the Light Side of the force will always triumph no matter what happens as long as they're in tune with it.


As Kreia says - such arrogance...




Nihilus... the utter lack of exposition on him makes me wonder if there really is anything to him. Think of it this way - all the pain that the Exile cut himself off from, it's got to go somewhere.


And so we have Darth Nihilus; not a man, but a spirit born of all that and sustained by the Force. After all, we have force ghosts, so why not? We never see his face, his body simply disappears in a burst of energy when he finally gives out, and when the Exile is given his mask he gets a boost in Force points - almost as if a part of him, another part of the connection to the Force he severed years ago, was given back to him.


This explains, perfectly, why Nihilus has to feed on force-users; he is a primal creature following an instinct to continually sustain himself, with no real life or existence of his own. He is the


A bitter one-handed blind woman, her undead apprentice, and a sith demi-god in a Japanese Kabukki mask? Malik and Reven would have shredded through them as if they weren't even there.


The lack of background on any of them prevents them from being good villains. Nihilus was good as a monster, or a force of nature, but he wasn't really fleshed out as a villain.


In a lot of ways, Malak, for all his Vader-isms and cliches, was a better villain. Like with Luke and Vader, Malak and Revan have a very deep, very personal connection to each other. Malaks former friendship to Revan, coupled with the fact that Revan was responsible for the evil bastard Malak became, makes Malak a very sympathetic villain. The same doesn't exist for Darth Traya, Darth Sion, or Darth Nihilus. They made the effort, but it just didn't work very well.


Darth Nihilus was great. He's the icon of evil in the game, the manifestation of everything you are fighting against and what will happen to the galaxy if you fail.


Darth Sion should have had an expanded dialog in the ending, and added material when you fight him at Korribon, if nothing else. He's a slave to the Force, a representation of the Force being downright cruel to those who use it, even evil. It should have been explored much more.


Darth Treya's encounter was lackluster, though the ending in general was. The final conversation was a bit short, and exploring and expressing her hatred of the Force, to the point of getting in a debate about the matter (it would have been great to see a DS character debate the purpose of the DS with her at the end), or at the very least the sort of discussion that would have been on par with the one you have with Malak in KotOR 1 at the end.

  Bastilla_Skywalker said:
Hello There,









I must admit I loved the game and it was exellent but a few things I did not get but any way here is about the sith lords.






Ok I have beaten the game and now I know what people were talking about how easy the game was. I was like a jedi god in the game. though the fighting styles were exellent and the lightsabres and things and the robes were super cool! and so was part of the story line....but the ending was terrible! any way this is what I have my opinion on about the three sith lords Kreia,Sion and Nilihis,


When I finally finished the game I had my changed thought about the three eith lords. first of:


Kreia- really I didn't think Kreia was that good at all. I thought she was pretty cool at the start but When I learned she was one of the sith lords I was shocked,any way to my honest opinion I didn't like Kreia at all because she was boring and was not as interesting,I would much preferred Malak again!


Sion- LOL well his looks are terrible! (of course the dark side does that to you or too!) but when I fought Sion on Malachor V he was really not that interestng either I dont know why but Kreia and Sion aren't my type of sith lords! any way and the environments of where you fight Sion and Kreia are plain boring! I didn't like the planet Malachor V at all,very boring indeed!


Nilihis- Well I would have too say that Nilihis was the best out of the three though he was a too easy too beet lol and having Canderous and Visas with you to beat him LOL. I liked the deep voice of Nilihis and his sithy looks...but  the best of all I really liked the environment of where you fight nilihis on the bridge first of you get a cool space view too look at and lots of space to run around on while fight nilihis so I would have to say that nilihis was the best sith lord of the bunch.



any way what are you thoughts of the sith lords?

This has removed all doubt, those who thought Bastila was a 6 year old are correct!


Anyway i totally disagree, Nilihis was the least developed therefore the worst (i still thought he was good but the worst of the 3). Kreia was the best, devious, manipulative and the teacher of Darth Revan. Sion was cool but we could have had some more back story.


Bring back Malak! WTF, Malak was a fool. He had no idea of what was going on, all he wanted was conquest. After play TSL it is even moreobvious that he was totally clueless.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!


Kreia: even for me best char in the game, deep, complex and passionate... i compared her to Palpy too, mostly for the way she act, her ability to "hide" and her power in the force. I think she is the most powerfull of the 3 also don't know how much we can consider her a real sith lord, as she say about that she was both a jedi and a sith but now is something different.


She probably want to destroy the force to free the mankind from its control and that is also very different to the sith perception that is the force that grant power and freedom to the one who use it.


Also her "betrayal" can be predictable but i really dunno if it can considered that, there was a point the game that i was quite sure that she where going to betray the character and to take off the cloak and reveal herself as a true sith lord...

but gradually during the story i changed my mind and tought about Atris as the sith of betrayal.


after finishing the game i'm still more inclined to consider Atris as the betrayer, Kreia never do such act in my eyes, it promise to the Exile to train him, to help him to stop his enemies and she do that during all the game, is a guide to him, even their fight in the academy is a test, the last one that will give to the Exile the knowledge of what he truly is.

There i see Kreia as the master that is teaching the final lession to her apprentice and to do that she use the cloak of a sith lord.



Sion: a quite standard sith lord but is nothing more than a puppet in the hands ehm hand of Kreia and probably is why we don't see him too much in the game... Is not the bad guy that try to stop you at every move you make, is a test in your training that Kreia use in the right situation. He is not meant to stop you, but to make you grow stronger.



Nihilus: A very intriguin character, a wild force of destruction... I assimilated it to the exile for a while and sometimes had some troubles to see the difference between the 2.


I see it too as a sort of ghost, of hungry beast, but i don't think it can be considered it as the exile's shadow... i see him as a sort of personification(?) of the dark side, a behing that "awakened" at Malakhor 5, a man that fueled its power with the deaths of the battle.


I hoped to see more flashbacks about him, but i must say that i was not disappointed by his weakness... As said he is a force of destruction and that doesn't really mean that he is exeptional strong in the force or a skilled warrior. His "power" is to consume living creatures, but Exile have nothing to be consumed, and whitout that power Nihilus return to be "just a man".



I think is also very interesting that Kreia, Nihilus and the Exile actually share the same powers.... both of them can extabilish strong boundings, both of them can leach the force, the main difference is what they are and choices they have done.


Could it be that the Nihilus was also a Jedi who fought in Malachor??

But instead of exile he choose a different path?

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom


It is possible... but, in all honesty, the similarity between the 'Nihilus is born of the Exile' and the eventual revelation in Planescape: Torment (Black Isle's old, great masterpiece that KOTOR 2 tries to emulate) are just so similar that part of me is *sure* it is the truth.

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