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Congratulations on Screwing it up Obsidian

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I played this game for several days, with several marathon sessions. I had one crash. No missing feats, could've been spelling errors but if so they weren't so major as to overshadow the gameplay. The problem isn't the game, its substandard PCs trying to run the game. You should know that when they say "minimum requirements", they really mean your hosed and the games gonna have trouble if you don't exceed the suggested reqs. Every company does this, its part of the business, has been for quite a while.

yeah but the thing is that most people having problems either meet or exceed the "minimum requirements", and they are either having problems with the equipment that is suppost to be supported or the are having problems with glitches in the game coding itself. SO as another person has said don't going blaming the persons computer just because it works on your because if you do you must just be a fool to think that your computer is the standard computer out there.

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BTW the reason i am always cranky in my posts, is that i only post when ive crashed. This time, it corrupted part of my harddrive, forcing me to run checkdisk (again).


I play it like mad becouse it IS a great game, its also a game with horrible bugs, that needs to be fixed ASAP. The worst thing isnt the bugs. The worst thing is the total apathy of the dev crew, and not informing the community.


So, devs, where are you? I have yet to see ONE SINGLE POST here that was written in response to a bug-report, hell you dont even have a bug forum, only one for "self-help". Self help?! Where the hell is your tech support?!


They are busy creating some more buggy games, a la NWN2 or KotOR 3.

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if it only crops up on some computers, then it's a compat issue.  Odds are that one of the following isnt' jiving:

a) Graphics Driver

b) Sound Driver

c) Raid driver


or it could be your virus protection software, or the porn spyware on your system, or...or...or...or


Point is, Bugs on PCs happen.  It's impossible for a dev house to test every possible software/Hardware configuration that a consumer may have.  Just testing compat on various OSs and just the top brand hardware can cost up around $20K.  But even that is generally done off site by a third party test company like Veritest and generally only gives the most baseline results.


and about the Beta testing, since when have you head of single player games having open betas?  Sure, they may have some in-house pizza playtests that we'd never hear about, but a true blue open beta? you've got to be kidding.


Yes, exactly my point. The thing is though, thats what you get when you decide to develop a game for the PC. A ****load of problems. And, yes, its expensive to fix, but so is every part of the dev process.


Every other succesful (or damn near every) manage to get their products to work without major issues, at release. Those that dont aplogize quickly, then release a patch.


When a developer house creates a buggy game, people are pissed off. When the same people are ignored and get no answers, they get even more angry.


Thats not true Sun.


Just immediately off the top of my head I know I experienced bugs and problems that required a after release patch in


1) Diablo 2

2) Civ 3 AND the Conquests expansion

3) Rollercoaster Tycoon (original one)

4) Call to Power

5) Axies and Allies (original one, dont have the most recent released one)

6) Pool of Radience (the newer one, not the old gold box game)


And any and all MMORPGs to date.


Im sure there is far more that im forgetting or never played in the single person game genre (PC games).


And that short list covers some HUGE HUGE selling games by some MAJOR forces in game creation.


So its not fair to say that all other single player games are released bug free. They quite simply are not.


*most common issue for them all I listed was graphics and incompadability with specific drivers and or video cards. Not all patchs were for game stopping issues either and patching was optional at best. I wouldnt be surprised to hear the mass majority of people that bought the games never bothered patching as you only found out about patchs by going to respective companies web site and searching for the fix/patch.*


There has never been a game that has been released that was bug free, and i dont think there ever will be. And thats not what i wrote. Major issues, by that i meant things that make the game unplayable. There is what, 2-3 such issues with the game?


Yes there have been buggier games. Most are patched very quickly though. Obsidian havent even had the courtesy of telling its fanbase if there will even be a patch.

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People just want a game that plays as stable and as well as the first.


Somebody has a twisted sense of humour. As stable and as well as the first...

The game was unplayable unless you exited it at two places in particular and started tweaking settings and resolutions. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to complete it, and that was after the 1.03 patch :("

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I'm guessing you have the PC version? I can't debate that since I don't own it for PC. However it doesn't seem to be tht bad for xbox. Maybe for once xbox gets the advantage....  :D


But I must agree that if you don't test a game, you can't expect it to actually be 'good'. If I wasn't such a fan of Star Wars and Kotor 1, I probably wouldn't have got it. I mean simple things like spelling errors are just not excusable.

I also must concede that if I wasn't such a Star Wars and KotOR fan, I probably wouldn't have bought K2 (given the progress inferred from following the development).


That's probably why I haven't bought V:TM yet (and don't intend to for the foreseeable future).


I maybe a n00b on these forums, but i join alot of game forums (yes i have nothing better to do)  (w00t)  and i find that alot of people flame games because they dont work how they want them too, like our friend here who started this thread. now myself and 4 other friends run a small community where by we all get the game and test it out on our consoles, now i have to say i have  it for xbox so does one of my friends, my other 2 friends have it for pc, and they have encountered no problems, nor have i. so the problem in the eye of the beholder so to speak, if u hve it for pc and its crapping up its more likely your pc, if u have it for xbox and its crappin up, its more likely the game yes i agree there, well ive had my say and i hope people dont flame it nemore, cos its a gr8 game. but ur all entitled to your opinions.

It's a lurker! Run for your lives! :ph34r:


That is one thing I hope they put in KotOR 3 and any future Obsidian games.  I want a list of all the Botched Quests.  That is one of the things I liked about Arcanum.

That would be awesome. It would do much to differentiate between genuine broken quests, and merely botched ones. :)

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I HONESTLY cannot imagine why the hell you seem to have so much trouble. I encountered some small bugs, but nothing that's stopping me from enjoying the game. It never crashed for me. As for spelling: I noticed 2 words spelled wrong... and yes, I've finished the game.

Word economics

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Just immediately off the top of my head I know I experienced bugs and problems that required a after release patch in


1) Diablo 2

2) Civ 3 AND the Conquests expansion

3) Rollercoaster Tycoon (original one)

4) Call to Power

5) Axies and Allies (original one, dont have the most recent released one)

6) Pool of Radience (the newer one, not the old gold box game)

But then again all of those games (except Diablo 2 as everyone just loves Blizzard...) got their fair share of complaints because of that, and that was something they truly deserved. Worst was probably Pool of Radiance 2, which also flopped badly because of this. Noone wants to install a game where your harddrive could be wiped because of it. And after a few days the sales went downhill as the problems began to surface.

Personally I gave up on Dialbo 2 after a few days and didn't play it again until LoD was released, as I got so damned tired by the fact that multiplayer was almost unplayable because of the lag, sync problems and frequent crashes. And I was very happy that I hadn't payed money for that bag af crap and swore I never would. The game did become very enjoyable after a few patches though, but I still didn't think Blizzard deserved the money.


But I truly hoped Obsidian would try to be better than some of the worst examples you could come up with in the last five years...

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To everyone who complain about bugs, just can't help but answer in the words of Yuka Laka: "You bought it. Sold as is with no guarantee. Sorry but any problem it's having is yours alone." :ermm:


I mean most of you guys, at least PC users knew very well the game was bound to be buggy. Well so... :lol:

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I just wanted to extend my congratulations for shipping a sequel littered with major gameplay bugs that could not have been missed if this game had been beta-tested *at all*.


Good job on screwing up the franchise.


Honestly, did you think that you could get away with pushing out a game that didn't even play right?  Let me list just a FEW of the problems that I've had so far and I'm not even half way through the game:


-Random crashes (that never happened in the original)

-Voice-over dialogue sequences being skipped/don't display properly at times

-Horrible framerate at times

-Many spelling errors/typos in dialogue

-Trained Feats reseting and forever lost after training them (flurry mastery, for example)

-MANY broken side quests (especially on Dantooine)


When are you going to learn that gamers do not stand for this BS.  Here's a piece of advice; don't make a game unless you're going to do it right because all you do is let down the community.


godammit im sick of ****eheads like you. If you don't like the game dont play it and dont come here. I can say that u are wrong with quite certainty as I have purchased it and it is on the top of my best ever llama games. It rocks so much, it even rolls. Ive reached nar shadaa, after telos and peragus and ive beeen playing about 15 hrs, still without a lightsaber, whoa getting sidetracked, oh yea GTFO and dont come back, BETRAYER

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Rant Warning. If you don't want to read a rant, I highly recommend skimming over this post.




Bought Kotor 2 last night, been playing it pretty much since my purchase without any sleep in between, and I have a few words to say on the title.


Yes, I loved the original Knights of the Old Republic. In my opinion that was hands down game of the year, and I enjoyed every minute playing it. On hearing that there'd be a sequel so soon, I purposely avoided all information on the title, in the hopes that it would all be new and fresh when I acquired my copy. Avoided reviews on the xbox title because, imo, the PC version of KOTOR was more fun to play than the Xbox version, so I waited for the PC release of 2, anticipation building every week that went by.


And I have to say, to put it nicely, I have mixed feelings now that I'm finally playing it. My computer, by the way, is impeccable. I won't bore anyone with specs but suffice it to say, it is more than adequate to play any game on the market with full effects on at a very nice resolution.


That withstanding, Kotor 2 has to be one of the buggiest games I have ever played (Pool of Radiance aside). It crashes at least once a half hour to an hour to my desktop without any sort of explaination, forcing me to reload my last save which was hopefully within the last 10 or 15 minutes, (I just wanna take the time here to thank the powers that be for the occasional autosave) otherwise I'm having to redo sections over and over.


In addition to the large amount of crashes which kills my want to play to say the least,  the amount of in game bugs and errors is noticeably higher than any title I've played recently. I don't really know if it does in fact have more or less glitches than other games out there, all I know is that in this particular instance they are blatantly more noticeable than other games. From party members not following their proper combat orders, getting stuck on things, and lagging behind on poor follow paths, to artifact glitching and visual errors, and even to simple things like npc's refering to my main character by the wrong sex, I find it very hard to immerse myself in the game.


Add to the fact that the whole game feels more like Kotor 1.5 than 2, and Obsidian and LucasArts has put out a title that is just barely worth the trouble and frustration involved to play it. I sincerely hope this is more due to LucasArts trying to rush the game and not some sort of failure at the beta testing level.


So here I am, posting on Obsidian forums, my first inclination to vent some of the frustration I'm feeling. In between crashes I might add.


Here's hoping some patches come out sometime soon, or otherwise, unless this game gets incredibly amazing the last few hours, my copy of Kotor 2 is gonna go back to it's home on the store shelves....




Sidenote--Please don't bother posting asking about system specs, possible hotfixes, and other graphical issues. I've tweaked my fair share of games, and I've already been over more than a few tech support boards looking at possible fixes.


sorry to hear of your trouble. i have yet to play it since it will be delivered tomorrow....hopefully.


Some people don't get a single problem with the game, others like yourself get nothing but trouble.

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I just wanted to extend my congratulations for shipping a sequel littered with major gameplay bugs that could not have been missed if this game had been beta-tested *at all*.


Good job on screwing up the franchise.


Honestly, did you think that you could get away with pushing out a game that didn't even play right?  Let me list just a FEW of the problems that I've had so far and I'm not even half way through the game:


-Random crashes (that never happened in the original)

-Voice-over dialogue sequences being skipped/don't display properly at times

-Horrible framerate at times

-Many spelling errors/typos in dialogue

-Trained Feats reseting and forever lost after training them (flurry mastery, for example)

-MANY broken side quests (especially on Dantooine)


When are you going to learn that gamers do not stand for this BS.  Here's a piece of advice; don't make a game unless you're going to do it right because all you do is let down the community.


yeah every bug you listed i have to.....and i have bought the game but if i could turn it back i would....my game crash most time when i load a game.


some weird framerates to.

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Well me i havent seen this many bug complaints for a game since divine divinty 2 came out of europe.Patches take time plain simple.Helps to post system specs so they know what to fix.If there isnt a patch then LA is to blame as they have a history of making bad SW games.Nevermind they had the technology 30 years ago and put one of the Biggest grossing movies ever on a film screen.Lucas is stingy with his license and greedy to boot.



Devs not posting here means 1 of 2 things either LA wont let them or there busy making a patch(ill give em 1 -2 months to make it).


I went out and bought this game knowing damn well it was going to have bugs just from all the xbox reviews.I can say ive only had 2 CTDs and they werent game ending.


Now in defense of Obsidian-yes newly formed company.New to making games no.A good portion of the black isle developers are obsidian.You ask why did black isle break up?Loss of the fallout 3 license i suspect.The most awaited RPG title since baldurs gate 2 canceled............For those of you who dont know who black isle is let me just make a list of a few rpgs they made-same ppl made you kotor 2














If you never played these then i feel sorry for you.




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I agree with Mars on Page 6, im sick of those peopl that like flaming good games, i have encountered no problems and im 24 hours into the game, for xbox i will have u no, alot of people flamed Prince of Persia : Warrior Within, now that did have bugs but it had no right to be flamed, and as devil cat sed wot yukka lukka sed u bought it, deal with it, for me it works fine, it still doesnt hve that feeling of the first kotor but i love it,


peace out... (w00t)

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I HONESTLY cannot imagine why the hell you seem to have so much trouble. I encountered some small bugs, but nothing that's stopping me from enjoying the game. It never crashed for me. As for spelling: I noticed 2 words spelled wrong... and yes, I've finished the game.


Why? Crappy programming and no beta testing.

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ATTN: Everyone defending Obsidian Entertainment


There is absolutely no excuse for releasing a game before it was ready. Period. It is the developer's responsibility as much as the publisher to ensure the quality of a product. I am a software developer and you can be sure as sh!t that my deliverables are thoroughly tested before they ship, regardless of the deadline. NO EXCUSES!

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To everyone who complain about bugs, just can't help but answer in the words of Yuka Laka: "You bought it. Sold as is with no guarantee. Sorry but any problem it's having is yours alone." :o


I mean most of you guys, at least PC users knew very well the game was bound to be buggy. Well so... :p


We did? I had no idea this was going to be this buggy. I expect some bugs, yes, like in all games, but not game-breaking bugs that go on forever.


I dont really care about how it was for the Xbox, since a port can remove many problems (if done by a decent dev atleast), and many games are made parallel by 2 teams, for the diff consoles.

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