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To all naysayers yet to play the game

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Never quite understood why people want games to be difficult. Difficult games are frustrating. If you've played Ninja Gaiden on X-box you know what I mean. :ermm:


There is a fine balance between difficult and challenging. When I play an RPG, I want to be challenged. Not to the point where I'm totally frustrated, throwing my mouse/game controller across the room.


But to the point where I'm not blowing through the game with extreme ease. When you change the difficulty setting in K2 from 'Normal' to 'Difficult' you receive a message stating that the game was designed with 'Normal' difficulty in mind.


Problem is the 'Normal' difficulty setting is a complete joke. I have solo'ed this game on my 2nd play through on the 'Difficult' setting. Solo'ed meaning nobody in my party, unless it was forced on me.


There comes a time when the fun starts to disappear, as you're running around with all your attributes in the 20s, slaying everything in your path with considerable ease.


- dr cloak

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Never quite understood why people want games to be difficult. Difficult games are frustrating. If you've played Ninja Gaiden on X-box you know what I mean. =]




I loved Ninja Gaiden, one of the few *twitch* games that I didn't feel like a moron for buying

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Laozi, exactly my point. Not everyone here needs easy games to feel better about themselves. Some of us have the intelligence and the experience to play games at a higher level of difficulty. KotOR 1 was an insult to one's intelligence in terms of difficulty and it looks like KotOR 2 is even worse.


Not everyone went on the short yellow bus where it comes to games.

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This discussion is beginning to feel familiar...


Unfortunately, we are in a minority with respect to the gamers that want easy games. I don't hold my hopes very high in regards to games becoming as hard as they used to be, or at the very least, harder than they are now.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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I didn't like it....


... That however, doesn't mean that other poeple can't enjoy it.

What I don't like is the fact that the game has been released for the US Xbox only. You live in Finland. Guess you "imported" it, huh?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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.... I wonder why the whole question has to be about "difficulty"? I usually don't care how difficult or easy a game is as long as the story (<-- most important part of any game for me) is good, wonders where that places me... <_<

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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A good story is needed no matter what. Doesn't matter if the game is easy or hard, a story needs to be good. But I often find myself getting bored with the story when the game is too easy. It really hurts the drama.


Prime example is when you face Malak on the Leviathon. Your character could have easily taken out Malak right there and then if it wasn't scriopted to do so. I had Malak next to death while I was at full hit points. There was no need for Bastilla's sacrifice. None whatsoever, because Malak was an easy kill. It really killed any sort of thrill and drama the escape had built up to that point. Now if Malak was wiping the floor with your character and you were next to death and Malak was at full hit points Bastilla's sacrifice would have value.


See the difference between an easy game and a difficult game and how it effects the story?

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A good story is needed no matter what.  Doesn't matter if the game is easy or hard, a story needs to be good.  But I often find myself getting bored with the story when the game is too easy.  It really hurts the drama.


Prime example is when you face Malak on the Leviathon.  Your character could have easily taken out Malak right there and then if it wasn't scriopted to do so.  I had Malak next to death while I was at full hit points.  There was no need for Bastilla's sacrifice.  None whatsoever, because Malak was an easy kill.  It really killed any sort of thrill and drama the escape had built up to that point.  Now if Malak was wiping the floor with your character and you were next to death and Malak was at full hit points Bastilla's sacrifice would have value.


See the difference between an easy game and a difficult game and how it effects the story?


Oh, right. Can't deny that you have a point there. Well, I don't mind difficulty as long as it doesn't become TOO difficult...


On a side note, if it had been Malak who had been escaping, would that have been a better solution? >_<"

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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.... I wonder why the whole question has to be about "difficulty"? I usually don't care how difficult or easy a game is as long as the story (<-- most important part of any game for me) is good, wonders where that places me... <_<


If you want a good story, read a novel. >_<


- dr cloak


Oh, I do, I do. But playing a game can be like reading 20 novels at once. Besides, in a game you ARE the main character and feels more like him/her, whereas in a novel you might just see things out of that characters eyes and you have absolutely no control of what he/she does, but you do in a game (through it depends onw hat kind of game, of course).

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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You know what I've seen a lot of here?


Ahem. Whinewhinebitchbitchcomplainmoanwhine.


Yes, the game has it's faults. But you know what? I'm having fun. It's alright to be critical of something. But to flat out flame it and anyone involved with making the game is downright rude and uncalled for.


The people at Obsidian worked their asses off to make something for other people. How would you feel if people did nothing but whine and flame about something you put your heart and soul into?


If you don't like the game, then great. Leave it at that. Return it, get your money back and spend it on something else.

Proud purveyor, owner and operator of the Wonder Twins

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We sat here and demanded features. The Obsidian crew put out a pretty good game, and people do nothing but bitch.


People hear have been screaming that no one makes RPGs any more. Perhaps it has something to do with the fanbase. They're next to impossible to please, and there is less money to be made.


Obsidian would be better off making a Halo killer from a financial standpoint. I'm glad they're trying to make quality RPGs when very few people seem willing to even try anymore.


I'd rather not play games like FO:BOS and the like. If we didn't have Obsidian, we'd be left with Troika and Bioware. And while they're decent companies, neither of them put out truly great games either.

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KOTOR:1 was pretty good.  I thought the game was worth playing.


Was it a truly great RPG?


I haven't seen one of those since Ultima VII/Torment, etc.




But yes, from a RPG POV, Torment rules them all. Still Anachronox is my personal second. And KOTOR1 my personal third.


I really think K2 has more features, but i was more emotional bound to part one.

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