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Can KOTOR 2 redefine the RPG genre?

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Can KOTOR 2 give a new meaning to hero?


Can KOTOR 2 give a new meaning to villan?


Can KOTOR 2 offer a world interaction never seen before in a RPG?


How far do u think KOTOR 2 will go?


I think they will find it very hard to add a new meaning hero for people that play it.


Personally i feel it will create great villains and definatly have in-depth background stories about them.


No i dont hold hopes up that high, KotOR is my favourite CRPG but i feel that saying a sequel using the same game engine can never outwade its predessor that far.


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i dont think kotor 2 is gunna 'redifine' anything really since gameplay is going to be pretty much the same as kotor as far as we know. i do think that its gunna hav an incredible story tho and more depth this time round, meaning more replayability which is a big factor in my eyes

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I think it will be incredibly difficult to redefine anything in a sequel to a well-known game based on a well-known universe. I don't doubt that Obsidian has the talent to redefine the genre, but I highly doubt that's what they set out to do with KotOR2.

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To my mind, BIS's strength has always been an ability to craft really memorable NPCs and an engaging, well-written story.


Working within the confines of Lucas's world, I don't think Obsidian will be able to reinvent the wheel, as it were, but I think that it should be able to transcend the 'space opera' genre it occupies, something Lucas has failed to do in two of his most recent films.

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I think that it will be at least a mediocre to a good game, but I doubt it will redifine anything!


Guess we'll have to wait and see. Ask that question again in 4 months :)

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I don't think TSL will redefine the genre. I do think that it will improve every aspect of KOTOR making it a better game. I don't really want them to redefine anything. I liked KOTOR's style very much. No need to change it, just improve it. Obsidian's next game could redefine.

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Well Obsidian ''developed'' Planescape. If the scenario is as good as half Planescape's, Kotor II would be this year's best scenario


PS:Torment was a great game :)


But KOTOR II won't be ;)



How would you know?

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Obviously KOTOR2 will be much better then KOTOR. The great thing about any starwars game is that there is like 50 000 star wars games, 6 movies, and novels so it creates the most in-depth plots. And you can virtually do anything you can think of in the SW universe. I don't think it will redefine RPG's though, because RPG's will always have different ideas of combat systems, plots, and extras. This is one of the top RPG series out there though.

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KoTOR was the milestone, K2 will probably be as good, but I dont think an expansion-like sequel can do anything the original game couldnt.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I agree.... many things like sabre colours and the progression of combat techniques could be done in KOTOR. I just like to think of it as reading a new book. If you liked the last book it's always fun to read a new and exciting story. All these extra items and techniques are a great bonus though.

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After playing Baldurs gate 1 and 2 I thought NWN kind of sucked except for the online part, and I loved kotor about as much, and in a way its plain better because its Star Wars

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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You all forget about Jade Empire.


KOTOR was great but not perfect. Linear storyline was its main disadvantage


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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Can KOTOR 2 give a new meaning to hero?


Given the options that are available, nope.


Can KOTOR 2 give a new meaning to villan?


Maybe not a new meaning, but a good character of a villain


Can KOTOR 2 offer a world interaction never seen before in a RPG?


Hardly, eventhough BioShock will not be a pure RPG, more of a hybrid, i have more expectations about that perticular game than KotOR in the interactivity department.


How far do u think KOTOR 2 will go?


In terms of character and story, pretty far actually. But as a genre-breaking game? no.

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"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
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Educated guess, based on all trailers & pics ect.


NWN was 4.7 time the game KOTOR was...


KOTOR was still OK though, but far from GREAT.


I'll just have to respectfully disagree with this and state that people obviously have different tastes. But IMO, NWN was boring and I uninstalled it after an hour of playing. KOTOR, on the other hand, was good enough to keep my interest for 6+ play throughs.

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I'll just have to respectfully disagree with this and state that people obviously have different tastes.  But IMO, NWN was boring and I uninstalled it after an hour of playing.  KOTOR, on the other hand, was good enough to keep my interest for 6+ play throughs.



I agree. I traded my copy of NWN for a few DVDs within a week of getting it. I can understand how people would be excited for the MP capabilities, but the OC was, to my mind, utter crap for the lack of a better word.

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