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Bastila vs. Atris

Which do you think is more appealing?  

162 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you think is more appealing?

    • Bastila
    • Atris (or whatever her name is)

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I think by apealing he meant the visual aspect of the character, not the personality. And in such a case I'd have to choose concept art Atris (not promo or magazine cover atris with the weird tan and off facial structure)

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And she has much more clothes than Bastila. :)

Oh, if the dressing system works like before, then you'd be able to change that ;p

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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Look on the lucas arts kotor 2 site, there is a concept art wallpaper showing the atris that I mean (it shows atris fighting the guy with the mask), I think theres one in concept art or somewhere lying around that just shows her with a lightsaber in a semi samuri ish pose (currently my desktop) those versions of atris I like. However the new versions done for the banners and magazine covers look awful compared to the beautiful concept art.


I liked the bastila character, but after playing through numerous times the whole cracking through the tough winy ever dominant shell of bastila's emotions to get to her softer side just gets boring after a while. I hope the atris character differs from this and is just a genuinely good character that isn't overly comsumed by oversized character flaws.

Both bastila and atris have about the same amount of skin showing, hands and head, besides the robe is cooler. Note that this is all just my opinion and I mean no offense

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Bastila looks way better, particularly in the KotOR cover art, and I loved making her crazy with the cheesy Han Solo one liners throughout the first game.


Atris....yuck; I'm not into grannies, no matter how much cosmetic surgery they've gotten. I rather tomboy Mira than her.

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I wonder if a team member and the main character can actually compete for a romance; then become rivals, then enemies. At least the main character can become jealous, etc. small improvements that would make the romance option less err.. boring.


(but imagine how much more he would be hated if Carth were to make advances toward Bastila. Perhaps too silly, it should stay out of the game!)

Zwangvolle Plage!


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I wonder if a team member and the main character can actually compete for a romance; then become rivals, then enemies. At least the main character can become jealous, etc. small improvements that would make the romance option less err.. boring.

You mean kind of like having Haer'Dalis in your party in BG while you're trying to woo Aerie? :wub:

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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I wonder if a team member and the main character can actually compete for a romance; then become rivals, then enemies. At least the main character can become jealous, etc. small improvements that would make the romance option less err.. boring.


(but imagine how much more he would be hated if Carth were to make advances toward Bastila. Perhaps too silly, it should stay out of the game!)

If only that was a method of killing him off Male Darksider.............. :wub:

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I'm surprised that so many people are in to chicks with white hair that they've scarcely seen pictures of.

The concept art is just THAT good..........

Don't worry, someone is going to start a rumour about a nude code soon, then it will really get out of control.

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