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KOTOR II Characters

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Maybe the weapons master has new and improved abilities. For instance maybe with a high repair skill and saber mastery you can improve your hilt/ hilts changing thier appearance or give them varios upgrades. Maybe take two and join them together to make a double bladed just a thoght it could happen

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I'm worried that they are going to throw in some insane exotic lightsaber.

I wouldn't mind a beefed up version of the mantle of the force crystal with some really unique color. However I do agree with you saber axes and saber whips for that matter would be kinda lame. Then again if they are in the game we arn't being forced to use them, we can simply choose not to.



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Combining the uberness of the Ultimate Power !!! with the coolness badass of the Jedi !!!


At times like this I can say ... Lucas you are a genius, not only the prequels are masterpieces but also the Xmas special is a great show (alas not from you) compared with what the "fans" come up with ...

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Update on characters:


We've been informed that your party in Knights of the Old Republic II will consist of 10 characters. There will be more than 10 available NPCs, but you'll only be able to have 10 at a time, and there sometimes comes a time where you must choose between characters.


1. Your Character - Jedi Guardian, Sentinel or Consular

It remains to be seen if your main character has a real name (like Revan from last time) or if they will just keep the moniker that you give them. This character's attributes are up to you.


2. Kreia - Jedi Consular

She is the older female Jedi in the brown cloak. I remember seeing her with a green lightsaber, so I'm assuming she's a Consular.


3. Altris - Jedi Guardian

She is the beautiful younger Jedi with the platinum blonde hair. She always has her blue lightsaber, so again, I'm assuming her class by it's color. The name may be slightly different, I think they're trying to keep it under wraps.


4. Atton Rand - Scoundrel

He is the Han Solo-esque character we see from time to time. He has brown or black hair and wears a vest. Ah, he just looks like Han Solo. Simple enough.


5. Mira - Scout

Mira is the red-headed firecracker bounty hunter with the bare midriff that we've seen in recent clips. She's also got a super-cool rocket launcher thing on her wrist!


6. T3-M4 - Happy Li'l Droid

One of the least popular characters from KOTOR I, T3 is now supposedly upgraded. This remains to be seen, but he can't be all that bad, can he? How he meets up with your character remains to be seen.


7. HK-47 or another, similar droid - Combat Droid

It has been announced that a droid similar to a certain homicidal "meatbag" killer will be in your party. Whether this is HK-47 or not remains to be seen, but heck, there's always two droids. Just look at the movies.


Unknown characters:


Since you get at least one of each class in your party for variety, we can estimate by logic what the other characters will be.


8. Male Jedi Sentinel

Since we've already got two female Jedi, it stands to reason that the third will be a male. So it looks like a man is behind the yellow lightsaber in this installment of the series, also to those of you expecting Bastila, Juhani or Yuthura Ban in your party, it looks like your chances are slim.


9. Soldier

We haven't seen a soldier yet, so it is reasonable that there will be one in your party. It is uncertain whether they will be male or female. However, following precedent, in your party there are seven humanoid characters, discluding yourself and the droids. Last time there were four men and three women. It could be different this time, but I'm betting it's still the same ratio.


10. ???

What other character class, gender, species has been left out of the mix? Hmm...


Also, we've seen nothing but droids and humans up to this point, so I'm betting that at least one, if not all of the remaining characters are aliens. We had three (or four) aliens in the first game (Zaalbar - Wookiee, Mission - Twi'lek, Juhani - Cathar, Canderous - Mandalorian), and we will probabaly have a similar number in this one.


Possible species:


Any of the species from KOTOR I:

I think Wookiee, Twi'lek, Cathar and Mandalorian may be out, since they'll want to give us something new. They may introduce any of the following:


Mon Calamari - we haven't seen any of these yet.

Bothan - I hope not. Not my favorite alien.

Zabrak - Would be cool, but really only if similar to Darth Maul. I dunno.

Rodian - Could get annoying very quickly.

Sullustan - Another potentially annoying alien. Who really liked Nien Nunb anyway?

Aqualish - Hmm. Well, maybe not.

Selkath - Since the "pathetic fish" look all alike, this one may be out too.

Iridonian - We saw one in the first game, the really evil guy in the yellow armor.

Echani - They look just like people, so this may be pointless.

Duros - They don't do much besides get killed. Hmm.

"You shall not pass!"
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What if Kreia is a Jedi Master and not just Consular?

Then there won't be much left for you to do after she joins your party near the begining of the game...

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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Combining the uberness of the Ultimate Power !!! with the coolness badass of the Jedi !!!


At times like this I can say ... Lucas you are a genius, not only the prequels are masterpieces but also the Xmas special is a great show (alas not from you) compared with what the "fans" come up with ...

Drakron if we don't get that stick out of your ass immediately it could become permanently rooted to your colon! I need the jaws of life stat nurse and 300 cc's of anti superiority complex. This may hurt a bit Drakron but you will thank me later when we've got that damn stick out of your ass that is making you so irritable. :)



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Darth Gandalf, do you ever quit spouting info that everybody already knows.

I wouldn't complain too much about the way Darth_Gandalf operates. I'm guessin one of the reasons he does that is cuz not everyone reads all of the posts so him doing that decreases the chance of people asking the same questions over and over again. I find this very helpful. Keep up the good work Gandalf, that's all I gotta say.

Well you know what they say. If you want to save the world, you have to push a few old ladies down the stairs.

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Darth Gandalf, do you ever quit spouting info that everybody already knows.

I wouldn't complain too much about the way Darth_Gandalf operates. I'm guessin one of the reasons he does that is cuz not everyone reads all of the posts so him doing that decreases the chance of people asking the same questions over and over again. I find this very helpful. Keep up the good work Gandalf, that's all I gotta say.

Thanks. I'm just trying to help, since these threads get so vast, I really don't expect anybody to go back and read through all we've discussed.

"You shall not pass!"
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