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Yellow should've been made golden, or more lemon-yellow, as it's rumored to be in KotOR II.

In the movies, did any characters use the yellow blade?


Off the top of my head, Mace used purple, Luke's RotJ saber was green, Vader's was red, and wasn't Obi-Wan's blue?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Pry just a single silver saber(if it's in)unless there's a darker shade of red in which case I'll dual with the silver and that one.


If they have a dark/black robe with the white under shirt I'll use that. If not the brown robe with the white under shirt will work. Heh,unless for some strange reason they have Tusken Raider robe without the mask.


Skills will pry be Repair,stealth,and persuade.


Force powers I'm not sure because it will depend on what ones they add to it. Heal is a must no matter what though.

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I am just saying, yes there is a Light Side ending and a Dark Side ending but what of the neutral ending. Not everyone likes to be at the extremes and there should be an option for those players.

You aren't "just" saying that. In fact you rarely say it.


Usually you complain that the game doesn't appeal to you.

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Journey with me, archaeologists of the Obsidian Era, back to the moment of this board's creation, back to a time when all sorts of single-celled organisms and rudimentary crustaceans were squirming, crawling, and slurping out of the primordial ooze that marked the infancy of this board. Visceris Obstinatous (or Hades_One, as the species is more commonly known) was at the vanguard of this primitive, fundamental migration.


An evolutionary anomaly, Visceris Obstinatous comprises both the bottom and the top tier of its evolutionary chain. While other organisms occupying such a peculair state in evolution are either simple enough to subsist off of veritably any environment (such as Darthus Genericus, commonly known as Darth Nobody, an organism capable of only the lowest functions of life, such as tedious repetition, lacking even the most basic of grammatical and indeed, logical, skills) or have gone extinct long ago (An example being the ill-fated Adrius Impersonous, simply referred to as Atek, whose exquisitely poor chameleon-like camouflage abilities left itself open to extinction via natural predators and a harsh environment), Visceris Obstinatous is neither simple, nor extinct. Indeed, the species has flourished virulently in any of the environs it has occupied, not to mention the fact that it is capable of the very highest functions of life, such as pontification and proselytization.


The sheer tenacity, the sheer adaptability of the species is astounding. Visceris Obstinatous, an evolutionary marvel, was instilled at the very instant of its formation with a survival ability that c***roaches no doubt envy. Its armor of simple-minded resolutivity, thicker and sturdier than any nigh conceivable, is not so much armor at all but the fundamental composition of its being. Peirce it, rend it, slash it, shred it -- it matters not; armor is but a protective husk, unable to sustain "fatal" injuries. Viceris Obstinatous has the, indeed, otherworldly component of being nothing but a husk, through and through, unable to be destroyed, nay, or even wounded! Break it into a billion pieces, break the very atoms of each piece into a billion pieces themselves and it will endure: less organized perhaps, but completely and totally ready to resume its tritely horrifying routine of attack and defense once more.

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I believe that I will use a Double-bladed Blue Lightsaber. Then I think I'll have in my quick slots a Gizka, so in the middle of a heated dual, I can throw one down and my enemy will slip and fall. Then I shall smite them. I do wish that when I used Force Wave on the Starforge, sombody would've fallen off the catwalk. They are sith, aren't they supposed to fall down a hole when they die?? <_< I found it strange that even though there were no walls they stayed on the path. It must be a darkside power, "Force Stay".





P.S. I think that the Yellow Lightsaber first appeared in Dark Forces 2:Jedi Knight

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Male Light Side Jedi Consular going on Jedi Master, one saber, green.


If stat points are the same: Bump Wisdom to max, Charisma to 15 or 16, Intelligence to 12, and leave all physical stats undeveloped.


Next game:


Male Dark Side Guardian going on Sith Marauder, two sabers, one red and one blue.


If stat points are the same: Bump all stats to at least 10, physical stats to the 14 range.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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I believe that I will use a Double-bladed Blue Lightsaber.  Then I think I'll have in my quick slots a Gizka, so in the middle of a heated dual, I can throw one down and my enemy will slip and fall.  Then I shall smite them.  I do wish that when I used Force Wave on the Starforge, sombody would've fallen off the catwalk. They are sith, aren't they supposed to fall down a hole when they die??  <_<  I found it strange that even though there were no walls they stayed on the path.  It must be a darkside power, "Force Stay".





P.S.  I think that the Yellow Lightsaber first appeared in Dark Forces 2:Jedi Knight

Exar Kun used a blue double bladed ligtsabre. I want Exar Kun's lightsabre!


Purple ligtsabres also appeared first in JKII, or the Mystreries of the Sith expansion (which pre-dates Mace Windu). However for some reason my graphics card didn't like that colour and kept crashing.

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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Purple ligtsabres also appeared first in JKII, or the Mystreries of the Sith expansion (which pre-dates Mace Windu). However for some reason my graphics card didn't like that colour and kept crashing.

Didn't Mara Jade have a purple lightsaber? I've only read the first book of the Zahn trilogy, but here's a pic for the SW: CCG (a card game).



"You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin temple." Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon

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Purple ligtsabres also appeared first in JKII, or the Mystreries of the Sith expansion (which pre-dates Mace Windu). However for some reason my graphics card didn't like that colour and kept crashing.

Didn't Mara Jade have a purple lightsaber? I've only read the first book of the Zahn trilogy, but here's a pic for the SW: CCG (a card game).



Yes, you played as Mara Jade in Misteries of the Sith.

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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