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That "Get em, Twitter!" part of it, though. I've seen that, but I've also seen literal nobodies barely hint at something and Twitter deciding to go after it all on its own. How much agency rests with who for outrage culture?

Shouldn't the "agency" rest with the Tweeter? Yell "FIRE" in a theater and see what happens.

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@GD did I say moderators cannot have or express personal opinions? I said they shouldn't let their personal opinions color their work as moderators. I was in agreement with TN's post up until the quoted paragraph, which arguably I may have misunderstood. But I certainly do not want this place to become just another subreddit or an extension of the Paradox forum.


I wasn't really calling you out specifically. That's why I didn't quote you. Just sayin'. The mods have caught hell for voicing opinions in the past. Nothing I ever saw from any of them past or present deserved it.  

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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WTF! Are you saying 72-96% of women have been sexually assaulted? Where do you guys live, Sodom and Gomorrah?


Not really, the implication being that 70+% of all sexual assaults that actually happen aren't reported by the victim, not that 70+% of all women experience sexual assault.


Unless we apply #metoo standards, in which case everyone in the history of ever was at some point a victim of sexual assault. Even I as the evil white cis male hetero guy that I am. I'm really hoping serious studies don't do that - because, let's face it, being whistled after is not the same as being dragged into a dark alley, beaten and violated no matter how much the Twatteria wants to show empathy and compassion by pretending their experiences were as harrowing.

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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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Going by the #me too SJW Nazi standards, I've been 'sexually assaulted' and 'sexually harassed'    so many times I can't keep track. L0L




"Shouldn't the "agency" rest with the Tweeter? Yell "FIRE" in a theater and see what happens."


Poor comparison. Someone yells 'fire' it means people hearing might be in danger of being burned so the physical risk to people is immediate and needs a quick reaction. Someone posting a TRIGGERING statement of Tweeter is not life threatening even though we're told it is so the over reaction is 100% on the idiots overreacting. LMAO    


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That "Get em, Twitter!" part of it, though. I've seen that, but I've also seen literal nobodies barely hint at something and Twitter deciding to go after it all on its own. How much agency rests with who for outrage culture?

Shouldn't the "agency" rest with the Tweeter? Yell "FIRE" in a theater and see what happens.

- My example is more like someone quietly saying 'there's a fire starting there' to the person next to them and other people overhearing and going berserk.

- Your comparison implies it's always a lie. If there's really a fire, should the person who spots it keep their mouth shut?

- I dunno about you, but comparing the general twitter account to a full theatre would be the highest arrogance. The vast majority of these people are yelling 'fire' in a theatre with two people in it.

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WTF! Are you saying 72-96% of women have been sexually assaulted? Where do you guys live, Sodom and Gomorrah?


Is this a bit? I hope this is a bit.  :blink:





"<X> diddled my <Y> <Z+10> years ago, I swear. Get em, Twitter!"  This is the world we live in. smh.


What percentage of these accusations do you think are false?


I would say 99,9999999%



That's what makes you special.

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WTF! Are you saying 72-96% of women have been sexually assaulted? Where do you guys live, Sodom and Gomorrah?

You seem to have misunderstood, but even if that's not the numbers at all, I'd point out that you can take the experiences I've listed and realize the sexual assault rate is much higher where you live than where I live.

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Unreported cases are estimated at around to be around 70-90%, depending on the type.



Is this a bit? I hope this is a bit.  :blink:


Oh, you mean "unreported cases of the same person being sexually assaulted over and over"?


Don't bother replying, I already got an adult answer from majestic. ;)

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You seem to have misunderstood, but even if that's not the numbers at all, I'd point out that you can take the experiences I've listed and realize the sexual assault rate is much higher where you live than where I live.

If you say so!


It really makes me think about the dozens and dozens of bullets the females in my family have dodged what with not getting repeatedly sexually assaulted on the daily or whatever.

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Weirdly, I cant find anything that suggest the problem is anywhere near as pervasive in the US. I guess we''ll just have to chalk it up to the nebulous "unreported" statistics, that are yet somehow being counted. :rolleyes:


Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics


Get out of that country while you still can TN!

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Here, the National Sexual Violence Resource Center says 1 in 5 among other statistics and every statistic there is cited. Cited sources include the CDC and Justice Department. They even differentiate between rape and other sexual violence for the discerning skeptic.




You couldn't find it.


Edit: Hold the phone. Uh, your own link says 1 in 6. It literally says 14% of all women in the link YOU provided. How is that not pervasive?

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