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Favorite/least favorite god(s)?   

198 members have voted

  1. 1. Which god did yo like the most

  2. 2. Which did you dislike the most

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When Wael asks you to scatter the souls that is at least interesting, makes you wonder what would happen if you did that, makes you wonder why Wael wants you to do that ect.

Not really. It's just "do this stupid random thing because, and only because, it suits my portfolio". Nothing interesting for the Watcher there.

Posted (edited)

I felt the god we got to know best this time round was Berath. The opening scene with the Usher, Pallid Knight and the tarot cards was really cool, even if tarot cards are a little trope-y in RPG character creation sequences. Although I do question why

she insisted on making a big scene when you arrive in Nekotaka. Of all the various pickles that the Watcher gets into, was talking down some dock inspectors the situation that most required divine assistance?

Naturally, Nemnok also made a big impression. His look reminded me of Exodus from Ultima 3 (the box art).

Out of the others? Hmmm... I dunno, great artwork, but none of them particularly stood out in the conversations. 

My least favorite was Eothas, for stepping on my house, being an awful god of light and redemption, and

probably destroying all life on Eora. Please say that PoE3 isn't going to be about the Watcher fixing the wheel.


Edited by Heijoushin
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Posted (edited)

Most: Magran, she just wants things done, or set ablaze, or both

Least: Berathina, cant romance her. She is such Tsundere.  ;-(

Edited by evilcat

Wael has multiple aspects but it seems like there was a 1 painting per god rule for those scenes (probably a budget thing). Wael's mass of floating eye's appearence is referenced in the convo after Magrans teeth. 


The ever shifting kith figure surrouned by a mass of floating eyeballs is referenced right there too. We got the eyeballs all right, but not the figure. I know Wael doesn't have a single consistent appearance, but this particular form is described in the text that goes with the picture (he also had it in PoE 1 by the way). They don't say "Ondra looked like an angler fish" and show us an eel because who cares, it leaves underwater too, right? Yet they do exactly that with Wael. 


And to be honest, I didn't like it that we only saw Berath as the Pallid Knight in those pictures either. In the first game Berath was this neutral enigmatic twin god that rarely speaks to its followers. In Deadfire Berath gave me an impression of a rather chatty goth girl. My biggest disappointment in the gods department by far. Wish they kept her old voice from Teir Evron and found a way to throw Usher into those pictures somehow. 

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I'm sad because there is no "None" and "All of them".

Each and every single one of the "gods" in Eora are total asses who only care about the kith as it relates to their stranglehold on power, right up to using kith as their own personal spare batteries.

**** 'em all.

  • Like 1


Wael has multiple aspects but it seems like there was a 1 painting per god rule for those scenes (probably a budget thing). Wael's mass of floating eye's appearence is referenced in the convo after Magrans teeth. 


The ever shifting kith figure surrouned by a mass of floating eyeballs is referenced right there too. We got the eyeballs all right, but not the figure. I know Wael doesn't have a single consistent appearance, but this particular form is described in the text that goes with the picture (he also had it in PoE 1 by the way). They don't say "Ondra looked like an angler fish" and show us an eel because who cares, it leaves underwater too, right? Yet they do exactly that with Wael. 


And to be honest, I didn't like it that we only saw Berath as the Pallid Knight in those pictures either. In the first game Berath was this neutral enigmatic twin god that rarely speaks to its followers. In Deadfire Berath gave me an impression of a rather chatty goth girl. My biggest disappointment in the gods department by far. Wish they kept her old voice from Teir Evron and found a way to throw Usher into those pictures somehow. 



I suppose it's kind of hard to depict something that is constantly changeing with one picture. I think if they do something like that again they need to do it more like a comic book which switches between different paintings ect.


I felt the god we got to know best this time round was Berath. The opening scene with the Usher, Pallid Knight and the tarot cards was really cool, even if tarot cards are a little trope-y in RPG character creation sequences. Although I do question why

she insisted on making a big scene when you arrive in Nekotaka. Of all the various pickles that the Watcher gets into, was talking down some dock inspectors the situation that most required divine assistance?




It's not well explained in the game but I think that was just to get the attention of all the major factions. "THE HERALD OF BERATH HAS ARRIVED". They all mention it I am pretty sure when you first meet with them.

I felt this was a cheap way to quickly move the plot along and I could have done without it tbh but it was a cool scene i guess.


  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

i wanted to pick Nemnok as my favorite god, but... i just couldn't do it. so hylea was my pick. she seemed to be the least antagonizing of the gods, besides perhaps eathos (well, minus the whole murdering thousands of innocents to get to the end bit, that kind of kills the whole benevolent deity thing for eathos).


who do i like the least? well... honestly, i can't name anyone but woedica for that particular role. i mean, why couldn't one of the gods drop a spare moon on her instead of... you know the engwithans, it was the engwithans ondra was trying to crush right? or whoever it was.


well, come to think of it i'm not particularly found of ondra, especially after my moon godlike playthrough.

Edited by Casper
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Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, I wish, I wish he'd go away... -Hughes Mearns


So far Nemnok is in the lead so far with Berath second and Eothas third for most liked.


Woedica is miles ahead for most disliked with Skean second and Rymrgand third.


Don't get the hate for Rymrgand, he was fun in this game imo. He was pretty much what you would expect as opposed to Abydon and Galawain who I found a bit bland despite both having the potential to be very cool.

  • Like 1

i wanted to pick Nemnok as my favorite god, but... i just couldn't do it. so hylea was my pick. she seemed to be the least antagonizing of the gods, besides perhaps eathos (well, minus the whole murdering thousands of innocents to get to the end bit, that kind of kills the whole benevolent deity thing for eathos).


I allowed multiple picks for this very situation. :w00t:


Hylea seemed more worried about the Kith than she did about herself, unlike all the other gods apart from Eothas and Rymrgand. I think the thing is their benevolance is still from the perpective of a god. So it's kinda messed up.


It's hard to take Hylea's concern for the kith seriously after seeing how she can unleash a swarm of killer birds on the Dyrwood as a punishment for what one single person who isn't even a dyrwoodan did. 

  • Like 5

^ As evidenced by the fact that when a dragon slaughters her devotees in PoE 1, she can go all "lol dun care she's a mom too".

  • Like 6
Posted (edited)

So far Nemnok is in the lead so far with Berath second and Eothas third for most liked.


Woedica is miles ahead for most disliked with Skean second and Rymrgand third.


Don't get the hate for Rymrgand, he was fun in this game imo. He was pretty much what you would expect as opposed to Abydon and Galawain who I found a bit bland despite both having the potential to be very cool.

i loved rymrgand in this game. even though my fourth character used the aggressive response during that conversation (because she was a formally devout priest of magran, and it was the most incharacter option available for her), though as i wanted to finish the run with this character... i figured for the reload maybe the cold weather would cool her temper. *sigh* i know i completely chickened out.  ;(

Edited by Casper
  • Like 2

Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, I wish, I wish he'd go away... -Hughes Mearns


So far Nemnok is in the lead so far with Berath second and Eothas third for most liked.


Woedica is miles ahead for most disliked with Skean second and Rymrgand third.


Don't get the hate for Rymrgand, he was fun in this game imo. He was pretty much what you would expect as opposed to Abydon and Galawain who I found a bit bland despite both having the potential to be very cool.

I just find the whole concept of "destroy everything and replace it with nothing" really uninteresting. He's a suitable wildcard for when/if they decie to end the series. I also think the pantheon has too many gods associated with death in some way. 

  • Like 3


Posted (edited)


So far Nemnok is in the lead so far with Berath second and Eothas third for most liked.


Woedica is miles ahead for most disliked with Skean second and Rymrgand third.


Don't get the hate for Rymrgand, he was fun in this game imo. He was pretty much what you would expect as opposed to Abydon and Galawain who I found a bit bland despite both having the potential to be very cool.

I just find the whole concept of "destroy everything and replace it with nothing" really uninteresting. He's a suitable wildcard for when/if they decie to end the series. I also think the pantheon has too many gods associated with death in some way. 


well, they are kind of soul sucking vampire gods. i would be surprised if they all didn't have a hand in it in some fashion.


---edit typo

Edited by Casper
  • Like 2

Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, I wish, I wish he'd go away... -Hughes Mearns



So far Nemnok is in the lead so far with Berath second and Eothas third for most liked.


Woedica is miles ahead for most disliked with Skean second and Rymrgand third.


Don't get the hate for Rymrgand, he was fun in this game imo. He was pretty much what you would expect as opposed to Abydon and Galawain who I found a bit bland despite both having the potential to be very cool.

I just find the whole concept of "destroy everything and replace it with nothing" really uninteresting. He's a suitable wildcard for when/if they decie to end the series. I also think the pantheon has too many gods associated with death in some way. 



I can see that, he's kinda the bogeyman of the pantheon or scapegoat I guess? I just felt he lived up to his position more than some of the others did.

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The only god that I agree with to some extent is actually Skaen, but that's just because I'm a proletariat rebel who wants to bring down the entire classist system in a massive spray of noble blood.

Unfortunately I feel like he got flanderized into "evil" in this game and is a total ****bag. If anything he should be working with Eothas to bring down the other gods and their oppressive system, just in an infinitely more violent fashion than Eothas is doing it.

Posted (edited)

I can see that, he's kinda the bogeyman of the pantheon or scapegoat I guess? I just felt he lived up to his position more than some of the others did.

He's one of the only ones that has an obvious role too though. The others tend to be a mixture of stuff, like they couldn't make up their minds or absorbed the roles of enemies they killed and ate xD Edited by Slotharingia



The only god that I agree with to some extent is actually Skaen, but that's just because I'm a proletariat rebel who wants to bring down the entire classist system in a massive spray of noble blood.


Unfortunately I feel like he got flanderized into "evil" in this game and is a total ****bag. If anything he should be working with Eothas to bring down the other gods and their oppressive system, just in an infinitely more violent fashion than Eothas is doing it.

Skaen did not get flanderized, he was deliberataly designed this way. Engwithians wanted kith to be submissive, so they created hierarchy among the gods with Woedica as the queen. But I guess they aniticipated that people would still want to rebel, so they gave them the most twisted god of rebellion imaginable.


Skaen does not help his followers change the status quo, he only grants violent revenge (including collateral damage) at a cost of great pain and death. Nobody, except the most desperate, would make that deal. Skaen is the closest god slaves and abused have to identify with and he's so repulsive, no same person would worship him. So they just accept their place in the world.


That makes Skaen hands down the most interesting god in Eora's pantheon. Unless I'm missing something and he's just an edgy schemer. That however would be extremely disappointing.

  • Like 6


The only god that I agree with to some extent is actually Skaen, but that's just because I'm a proletariat rebel who wants to bring down the entire classist system in a massive spray of noble blood.


Unfortunately I feel like he got flanderized into "evil" in this game and is a total ****bag. If anything he should be working with Eothas to bring down the other gods and their oppressive system, just in an infinitely more violent fashion than Eothas is doing it.

Skaen did not get flanderized, he was deliberataly designed this way. Engwithians wanted kith to be submissive, so they created hierarchy among the gods with Woedica as the queen. But I guess they aniticipated that people would still want to rebel, so they gave them the most twisted god of rebellion imaginable.


Skaen does not help his followers change the status quo, he only grants violent revenge (including collateral damage) at a cost of great pain and death. Nobody, except the most desperate, would make that deal. Skaen is the closest god slaves and abused have to identify with and he's so repulsive, no same person would worship him. So they just accept their place in the world.


That makes Skaen hands down the most interesting god in Eora's pantheon. Unless I'm missing something and he's just an edgy schemer. That however would be extremely disappointing.


I agree with this. Skaen has always confused me as I'd also be inclined to like a god of rebellion. Yet he seems to be Woedica's lapdog, which made me assume the "today my master chokes on his own whip" mantra was more about punishing rebels than actually helping them. He's really into sacrificing friends for personal gain too. So all in all, he seems to be all about inflicting pain and suffering upon self and others while actually maintaining the existing power systems more than anything else, or maybe to demonstrate that resistance is futile. OTOH I might be totally wrong.

  • Like 4



Hate them all. Religions pff....

You confuse Gods with religion. God(s) and belief is if you accept their existence. Religion is to follow a God.


In this games case it is different altogether as the Gods are real. Perhaps not as you would have depicted them, but here belief is irrelevant. Whether you follow a religion here is up to you.


Why is Nemnok in the poll ;p?

I voted for Berath, they are at least consistent and not overtly trying to screw you at every single turn.  They also seem to be the most level headed/common sense god.


Least favorite?  Skaen.  Sure Woedica may as well be called Adolf Hitler, and Ondra has completely lost her marbles by this point, but at least they are not sniveling little skivey dbags blaming all their problems on others like Skaen.

  • Like 3

Why is Nemnok in the poll ;p?

You doubt mighty Nemnok?! As punishment, you must scribe "Nemnok is best god" on this scroll one hundred times, while chanting "Nemnok, Nemnok"! :bow:

  • Like 4

I love Berath..cose..*cough*#BerathforRomance*cough*...and I also like Magran . And that other one..Hyla?..


But....yeah , can't say much about the rest . When they show up...I had a hard time keeping up who is who..especially when they are bickering  :lol:


The one I didn't like..was....the one that insta-kill ya! like..That's sooo.. :skull:

  • Like 4
I'll bet ye've got all sorts o' barmy questions! (She mimics your heroic stance) Greetin's, I have some questions... can ye tell me about this place? Who's the Lady o' Pain? I'm lookin' fer the magic Girdle of Swank Iron, have ye seen it? Do ye know where a portal ta the 2,817th Plane o' the Abyss might be? Do ye know where the Holy Flamin' Frost-Brand Gronk-Slayin' Vorpal Hammer o' Woundin' an' Returnin' an' Shootin'-Lightnin'-Out-Yer-Bum is?


Elderly Hive Dweller

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