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Xoti's companion quest Lantern of Gaun is currently bugged in my playthrough. The quest progressed as normal (as I've later checked on wikis and such) and the soul extraction procedure completed successfully, with Xoti being cheerful and "sleeping like a baby" since then. However: - The quest is still in my questbook, on the stage after the worsening nightmares - It continued to update with new adra pillars found - Xoti continued to grab the souls past the procedure - If manually spoken to, the "how are you feeling" dialogue with Xoti is always shown as new, yet no new responses are in that tree if I pursue it As such, Xoti seems to behave as if the quest ended with the "light" ending, but I'm not sure if this unfinished state in the quest log will result in some bizarre flag that makes the quest incomplete for possible sequel export. UPDATE: Epilogues and final talks still worked as if the quest was resolved with the light path. The quest remained as incomplete in the log. The quest was completed on 4.0 version of the game (while I'm still playing that same playthrough on the newest Steam build). Link to the savegame: As a bonus, two Bounty quests on that same file cannot be completed: Huana's bounty missions cannot be turned in since the start of Act 3 since Barati is simply missing from the game world. RDC bounty missions cannot be turned in (but with the quest not marked as failed) due to me siding with Huana and making the entire district there hostile to me after the quest was complete.
Hello All! I didn't like Xoti very much, so I won't be keeping she in the Main Party. At the same time, I'm kind of a completationist, so I'd like to advance and conclude her personal quest... currently I'm exploring Neketaka, I'd like to know when I should use her to advance quest (status attached). Directions, anyone?
=================================== The Valkyrie of Gaun, Ultimate Edition =================================== Difficulty: PotD v5.0.0.0040 -------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Contemplative (Harvester of Gaun + Sister of the Reaping Moon) -------------------------------------------------------------- Race: Meadow-Savannah Human -------------------------------------------------------------- Background: Readceras (Farmer) -------------------------------------------------------------- Stats (char creation, no Berath's Blessings): MIG: 11 CON: 12 DEX: 15 PER: 12 INT: 14 RES: 11 -------------------------------------------------------------- Active Skill: Athletics (!) Passive Skill: Religion (!) -------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Proficiencies: Small Shield (a) Dagger (a) Hatchet (a) Crossbow (a) Quarterstaff War Bow ® Greatsword ® Flail Arbalest -------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities (a=auto, r=recommended, !=important) PL1 Priest Blessed Harvest (a) Restoration (a) Suppress Affliction Monk Swift Strikes (a) Force of Anguish PL2 Priest Withdraw (a) Spiritual Weapon Monk Clarity of Agony Common Two Handed Style ® Weapon and Shield Style PL3 Priest Vile Thorns (a) Consecrated Ground ® Dire Blessing (!) Monk Swift Flurry (!) Efficient Anguish PL4 Priest Circle of Protection (a) Devotions for the Faithful (!) Monk Thunderous Blows ® Duality of Mortal Presence (!) Rooting Pain (!) PL5 Priest Wicked Briars (a) Revive the Fallen ® Barring Death’s Door (!) Practiced Healer ® Monk Enervating Blows PL6 Priest Minor Intercession (a) Salvation of Time (!) Monk Turning Wheel (!) Iron Wheel (!) Common Improved Critical ® PL7 Priest Wall of Thorns (a) Resurrection (!) Cleansing Flame Monk Heartbeat Drumming (!) --------------------------------------------------------------- Items (*=additional enchantments; !=important, r=recommended): Weapon set 1: The Twin Eels (Renewal*!) (!) Weapon set 2: Saint Omaku’s Mercy (Sacrifice of Saints*!, Galawain’s Harry*) (!) Chest: Furrante’s Breastplate (Love of Life*!, Intervention*!) Helmet: Helm of the Falcon ® Amulet: Bone Setter’s Torc (!) Trinket: Waidwen's Sundial Cloak: Nemnok’s Cloak (!) Gloves: Hylea’s Talons ® Ring: Halgot’s Warmth (!) Ring: Voidward ® Belt: The Undying Burden (!) Boots: Footprints of Ahu Taka (!) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Xoti is one of the most maligned Companions in the game for many reasons, not least of which concerns her role in the party. As a Harvester of Gaun, she’s a variation on the Priest of Eothas that doesn’t offer that much of interest compared to Priests of Skaen or Wael; as a Sister of the Reaping Moon, her starting lantern and sickle doesn’t give her enough DPS to take advantage of her subclass’s ability to gain Wounds on kill, and is crippled even further by the increased Wound cost for her Monk abilities. And as a Contemplative, she loses access both to the useful Tier VIII and IX Priest spells, as well as 2 PLs on her Monk fists; with no apparent synergy, a multiclass Xoti can seem to combine the worst parts of both her subclasses. Small wonder then, that most would recommend keeping her either a single-class Priest or Monk. That said, there is a way to make a multiclass Xoti not only viable, but also more effective as a combat support specialist. With this build, Xoti can keep her party members topped up on health while contributing to damage at the same time, generate plenty of Wounds to feed her increased ability costs, and make her party that much tougher simply by being there; in short, she’ll truly fulfill her role as Gaun’s Chooser of the Slain. (Note on “Ultimate Edition” builds: With the release of the Ultimate Edition on PS4 and XBox, there will be many first-time players of Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire who will be searching for builds online, only to find that most available builds were created for earlier versions of the game. While many of those are still viable even in the final version of Deadfire, this would not be apparent to new players; thus, builds such as this will be tagged as “Ultimate Edition” to indicate that they’ve been tested for version 5.0.0 of Deadfire, including all DLCs.) Xoti, the Reaping Most people who note the ability of Xoti’s Monk subclass to gain Wounds on Kill seem to think that she has to be built as a DPS to make use of it, and thus are left disappointed when Xoti’s Sickle inevitably fails to make the cut as a weapon capable of dealing sufficient damage. And while letting her rely on her Monk fists lets her do decent DPS, it only works best for her as a single-class Monk; making her a Contemplative makes her Monk fists less effective due to the loss of PL. That’s why her sickle as well as Xoti’s Lantern are usually seen as trap choices for Xoti DPS builds; it would be a different story if her lantern could be used as a bashing shield, and both it and the sickle scaled with Monk levels like Tuotilo’s Palm, but there’s no accounting for the dev’s design choices. That said, I feel that’s the wrong way to look at it. To make use of her Wound gain on kill ability, I don’t think Xoti has to be a DPS. She doesn’t have to deliver that much damage, nor throw as many attacks as Monks tend to do. All she needs to do is throw one good hit. Specifically, the last one. With that in mind, the sickle and lantern still isn’t going to cut it; she needs a weapon that can help her killsteal her own party members as reliably as possible. Ideally, the weapon would; - Have high base damage so Xoti can land the one good hit for the kill; that pretty much means a 2H weapon. - Has enchantments that helps with maximising the damage per hit as much as possible, and - Comes with an on-kill effect to further incentivise Xoti making the kill. Now, if you’re anything like me, you probably max’d out Xoti’s Religion passive skill as a reflection of her… evangelistic tendencies. That said, doing so makes one weapon in particular hit all three points above; specifically, The Twin Eels Greatsword. The offensive potential of The Twin Eels lies in its Death’s Embrace enchantment, a Hit-to-Crit percentage that scales with Religion; in other words, perfect for Xoti who’s likely to have the most Religion in the party. This can be boosted with an additional Hit-to-Crit roll from the Bone Setter’s Torc Amulet, increased attack speed thanks to the Helm of the Falcon, and complemented with the Swift Flurry-Heartbeat Drumming Monk combo. And the fact that Xoti can gain Wounds for each kill means that she can access a synergy specific to her alone; it turns Rooting Pain from a retaliatory passive into an offensive one, since Xoti earning 3 Wounds per kill also means she gets 3 rolls of the dice to activate it on enemies unlucky enough to be in the vicinity. And when all of this comes together, it can look like this; Also, there are a number of weapons with on-kill effects in the game, but only The Twin Eels has a Heal-on-kill that also scales with Xoti’s Religion skill. With max Religion, plus healing boosts from the Love of Life enchantment on Furrante's Breastplate, Bone Setter’s Torc, Footprints of Ahu Taka and Practiced Healer, the Health that Xoti can heal with each killsteal can add up to a pretty decent amount indeed; With this setup, Xoti is best played not as a DPS per se, but positioned just behind the frontline doing Priest things such as healing and buffing… until her party members have reduced an enemy to Near Death, at which point she becomes an opportunistic killstealer charging in to deliver the final blow, gaining Wounds and healing her party members when she lands it. This let's Xoti contribute to the fight while not neglecting her healing duties, making the best of both her subclasses. Xoti, the Sacrificing With Furrante’s Breastplate, Xoti makes her party members that much tougher thanks to the Bodyguard enchantment, which makes them take 10% less damage as long as she sticks close to them. This comes with the flipside that Xoti herself takes 15% more damage from all sources, making her squishier than usual. This would be bad in most cases, but as a Monk, it also helps to fuel her Wound generation as well, making it a win-win proposition. She can double down on that with the Intervention enchantment, which gives her access to the Take the Hit ability usually reserved for single-classed Fighters. This makes her party members even tougher for a short period of time, at the cost of causing more damage to Xoti herself… fueling her Wound generation even further. And at times when a party member is close to dying and desperately needs a burst heal, Xoti can provide with the Sacrifice of Saints enchantment from the Saint Omaku’s Mercy Warbow; With max Religion, Xoti can heal any party member from dying up to near full Health once per Rest, which comes at the cost of Xoti herself eating Raw damage… which again fuels her Wound generation. Along with Priest staples such as Restoration, Consecrated Ground, Revive the Fallen, Barring Death’s Door and Resurrection, Xoti can thus keep her party alive that much longer simply by being there. However, all this utility comes at a cost of making her pretty damn fragile. So, how do I keep Xoti alive in the face of all this? Xoti, the Undying I do it by giving her The Undying Burden Belt, which reduces the incoming weapon damage Xoti suffers by up to 30% as she loses Health (it also gives her a second use of Second Wind, which is why I recommended Athletics as her active Skill). On top of it, I also gave her the Voidward Ring, which reduces the Raw damage she takes by 25%; very useful for minimising the damage taken from Sacrifice of Saints and Take the Hit in particular. But the key piece of gear that really helps keep Xoti on her feet is Nemnok’s Cloak; while it makes Xoti even more squishy by making her take an additional 15% damage, it also gives her Spirit Shield and Ironskin when she falls below half Health. Together with Iron Wheel, Xoti can go up to 22 AR; It certainly doesn’t hurt that the Cloak also gives Xoti a free Barring Death’s Door when she’s… well, at death’s door. And should all these defenses still not suffice to keep her from falling to 0 HP, the Renewal enchantment from The Twin Eels (which also scales Health regained with Religion) lets Xoti automatically revive for free once per Rest, letting her stand up to get right back it again; This means that Xoti is capable of saving lost fights single-handedly, bringing her fallen party members back to their feet in turn. All these means that despite taking more damage than the rest of the party, this build makes Xoti a tough cookie in her own right, and capable of filling in as an off-tank in a pinch. Final Thoughts Pros: - Contributes to party DPS and Health at the same time by killstealing for fun and profit. - Makes her party members tougher just by existing, and is capable of pulling them back from near death. - Is unexpectedly tough in her own right, and can save seemingly-lost fights by her own hand. Cons: - Several key pieces of equipment are late-game gear (Furrante’s Breastplate, Nemnok’s Cloak), which means this build will not be fully realized until rather late in the game. - Tier VIII and IX Priest and Monk abilities are some of the most powerful in Deadfire, which means the Valkyrie build, despite its effectiveness, still involves trade-offs. - As effective as the Valkyrie of Gaun is, it doesn’t do anything to mitigate Xoti’s zealous and sometimes-annoying personality. Last but not least, see the attached file for the AI script I created for Xoti as the Valkyrie of Gaun. Xoti Custom (Contemplative) (Druid Monk Priest) (e38db4a0-68b9-4f2c-ac8a-5bd58d0a69e3).customai
Hello! I hope this is is an appropriate place to bring this up - it's not a bug per se, but possibly an oversight. Basically, I'm at the point of the story where the Watcher has figured out they can track Eothas using the adra pillars. The main quest objective is to speak to the Queen in Neketaka. The Watcher still doesn't know why Eothas is gathering up all this energy from the pillars; it's still unknown what his ultimate goal is. Unfortunately for me, I'm one of those players who spends hours and hours doing everything but the main quest in a game like this. Among the quests I was able to more or less complete, was Xoti's The Lantern of Gaun, and once that is concluded (for the moment), both parts of the quest dialogue itself and the quest log seems to spoil for me what Eothas' plans are. I've attached a screenshot of said log, where it says clearly what Eothas intends to do. It's improbable that I've missed this piece of information before this stage of the main quest (and the Watcher normally acts as if they still don't know what Eothas is really up to). Either way, I felt a bit cheated after this quest.
After the conversation between Xoti and Serafen my Watcher got a couple relationship boosts with each character, despite not participating in the conversation. Their relationships with each other were left unchanged. The conversation was about what Serafen did before becoming a shiphunter.
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I find Pallegina has turned from a rational compassionated character in poe1 into a fanatical, hypocritical nonsense in poe2. So I made a mod to change this. From her history in poe1 I do understand that she does not like the gods or people who justify them, but her reactions towards Xoti are too extreme. For example, in the temple of Gaun, when Xoti prays to the statue. Just 3 sentences from Xoti and Pallegina has a relationship with her from 0 to -2. She can live with not being seen as a "woman" by her order, muster to travel with Durance (Mrs. Piety) and even thinks to break her oaf to the ducs to help the Deerwoodens, who love to burn something for their gods, but 3 sentences from Xoti make her so despicable? Also, some of the piety reactions are conceptually wrong. While in reality any statement about the working of god/gods or the afterlife (except for neglection) is piety, it does not go for poe. Those gods are real and some of Xoti's and Tekehu's statements are simply facts and not piety. An example is Xoti's soul shepherding. Without the mentioning of any gods Xoti still receives piety reactions from Pallegina for it. My mod decreases Pallegina's tension. Most piety/duty reactions will be toe to toe. Some of the other reactions are lowered or removed. This is a work in progress mod since the conversation files are numerous, big and sometimes random. If you find a reaction from Pallegina too strong or wrong, please post the exact sentence that triggered it.
Hello everyone, I noticed that Xoti and Serafen's dialogue didn't update properly the other day. First, the two characters had a long discussion about Xoti's nightmares and Serafen not wanting to tell Xoti about what he saw in her mind. Then, I finished Xoti's quest convincing her to embrace the life aspect of Gaun, so that she doesn't have nightmares anymore. And then an ambient dialogue had Seragen ask Xoti about her nightmares, and she responded that she still has them. However, when talking to her afterwards, she thanks the Watcher for helping her not have nightmares anymore. I know this isn't a big bug or anything, but I still thought I'd bring it up. If you want me to upload a save file or an output log, I can do that Thank you!
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So I told Xoti to rekindle the fires of Hel, take care of the living instead of the dead and generally move toward the light, but whenever she visits an adra pillar, she ends up absorbing the souls and going full psycho out of nowhere. Is this tied to her approval (currently at 1) or the number of special encounters with souls (I think also only 1, because I like to switch out different party members)? Or is it bugged? And if so, is there any fix for it other than going back 20 hours of gameplay and hope it doesn't happen the same way?
I didn't beat my first playthrough yet (but started another) but it's a real disappointment to me that I can't put Xoti into her place. We can help Aloth with his multiple personalities disorder, shatter Eder's faith, show the truth to Durance and even Teheku had serious shock while visiting the Gullet. But Xoti acts like she knows everything and she has right to judge anyone with me nodding to her behavior. She's a great character this way but it's getting irritating that I can't really if not change her mind but stand on my own atheist ground and/or mock her for her delusions. Is that so? The only character development we can go through with her is from being delusional zealot to loony maniac?
Xoti's trigger in the Old City Ruins in Neketaka still isn't working. This save is right after interacting with the soul there. Once you click on the conversation trigger that pops up, nothing happens at all. It's an issue that happened before the patch and still does. Others have been reporting other similar and worse issues related to companions in general and Xoti in specific, seemingly being the one who's the most bugged. Please check those too. I know that fixing and balancing combat is important, but the fact people have to sit on the game because quests and companions are bugged or utterly broken is simply frustrating.
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So In my current playthrough, I don't seem to be able to get the option to take xoti's souls to the animancers. Only options are: you should release the souls into an adra pillar, absorb them, or 'let's be off', which results in option 1 anyway. Why can't I suggest she take the souls to Flaune anymore? I have tried reloading at various stages to do this quest, and at different 'dark' and 'light' encouragements. No difference I can find. Just can't go to the animancers.
I finished the game, but didn't get Vella due to....well, a bug. Which is sad but I'm gonna play through again with a pre-made setting (Survival of the fittest I tried and know she's in!) and get her that way. Sounds very, very close to what my character did anyhow. But hey, I have some questions. 1. How much Vella interaction do we get? 2. Does Vella stay at the ship?? 3. About you have a different ending, or more romance options with her IF the relationship goes past 2?? Since, I only got her to 2, lol. xD (Well, no s***, I finished the game in 3 days XD)
So, I have Xoti in my party. I have a 0 reputation with her. I did her side-quest and made her really like the dark. All makes sense that she's super creepy now. I barely just added Pallegina to the party, and she starts screaming at her about her anti-religious ways. Then she starts going on about how she has feelings for Eder... Even though Eder has been nothing but cold to her all game. Then she starts hitting on me! Even though I have a 0 reputation with her. I don't know if this is on-purpose or not given the end of her side-quest. But it seems like events are just triggering for her really fast, and I don't know if this is on purpose or a bug in the game?
Lvl 9 xoti single classed priest casts into takedown combo for 593.3. Seems high. That wasnt executing either half my party is still in stealth on potd.
- Blessed Harvest
- Overtuned
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