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Found 17 results

  1. Video shows it. he says it's right but German text shows left appartement. Npc: Talmadge Kerr https://1drv.ms/v/s!AvV_VKT3P7wZifF_6VAxKKN859MOZQ
  2. Bonjour, serait-il possible de voir dans les options du jeu une option pour la taille des polices des textes en jeu et cinématique, car devoir jouer à 1 mètre de sa TV c’est pas top, surtout pour un vieux comme moi. sa serait vraiment sympa d’avoir la possibilité de choisir la taille de la police d’écriture
  3. Greetings, There are some persitent issues with the brazilian portuguese translation since launch, minors but still persistent. *Island Aumaua sub-race description: Island Aumaua is translated as Aumaua's Island (Ilha Aumaua), the race is referred as a place. It should be "Aumaua da Ilha" or "Ilhéu Aumaua". *Recovery: It is tranlated as "Restauração" (Restoration), which is not accurate. It should be "Recuperação" as it's more accurate to a time taken between actions. Thank you for your time!
  4. I know, the title is a bit harsh but hear me out on this one. When you give game's assets a name, like "The Deadfire Archipelago", "Ashen Maw" or even "The Leaden Key", they all have a nice, even poetic, ring to them. Even if what it relates to isn't clear, you still get some meaning out of it like : - The Deadfire Archipelago: unforgiving, tropical, deadly - The Leaden Key: A heavy, unmovable key to lock away a shameful secret. - Ashen Maw: those who know what it is don't need me to explain. No Spoil right And here comes the translation.. stripping many names of their poetic sense, or not using the french language at its fullest : - The Deadfire Archipelago becomes "Archipel du Feu Éteint", which means "Extinguished fire Archipelago", like it has been stripped from its life spark, losing all other meaning.-( - Druids' Rejuvenation (healing) school becomes "Rajeunissement" Which means getting younger.. This one is just wrong. It might sound appropriate for a healing school in english, but in french it has the LITERAL "getting younger" meaning. - The Leaden Key becomes "Clef Plombée" which means "lead coated key", now this one is nice enough when it comes to its meaning, but there may be a better way to say it because as it is, it doesn't sound good. Now, the question is, is the game's translation still up for debate ? Or do we have to mod the game to get it right ? I know it sounds a lot like bickering over something not that important, but when a language as rich as french is so poorly used, as if the names simply went through google translator, I wouldn't mind spending some time correcting that.
  5. A lot of issues appears to be fixed in the brazilian traslation of the game in this patch, and for that we are very thankful! But there some big issues that affects the understand of the game mechanics and need to be fixed ASAP: *STRENGH: It's listed that it only affects Weapon Damage and Fortitude, not that affects overall damage, healing and fortitude. *RESOLVE: It's listed as if affects Healing and Spell durations in a negative way, not that affects "HOSTILE" effects only. *Insight and Perception: Both are translated in the very same way, confunsing the player a lot during interactions, item and spells effects, very annoying. Orther issues: *Main menu: When starting a new game, the option to skip the intro is blank. *CHARACTER CREATION -Wood Elves are translated in 2 different ways (Elfo da Floresta, Elfo do Bosque) -Island Aumaua are translated as Ilha Aumaua (Aumaua Island), as if referring to a place, not a race. -Heath Orlan are translated in two different ways (Orlan Doméstico,Orlan Caseiro) - Barbarian Corpse Eater sub-class is translated both as Necrófago and Come-Corpos Minor Issues: -The spell Pull of Eora should be translated as "Puxão de Eora" not "Puxar Eora". -The spell Form of the Helpless Beast should be translated as "Forma da Criatura Indefesa" rather than "Forma da Fera Perdida" as it give impression of a lost monster, not a helpless one. - The prone effect should be "Caído" not "Vunerável", as it may cause some confusion with other effects and descriptions in game. Thank you!
  6. First, I have to say thank you Obsidian for NOT localizing PoE2 into Japanese. I've finished to localize PoE1 and Tyranny in Japanese, each took me almost 1 year, and I'm looking forward to translating PoE2 with vomiting blood and getting my feet wet. By the way, I have a request on translation. I use translation tool(excel and PoE/Tyranny ConversationBrouser https://dotup.org/uploda/dotup.org1459677.jpg ), which tells me course of story. But some line lacks of Speaker ID, and I can not tell who speaks the line. You know, man and woman have different expression of speaking in Japan, so I want to you to fill all the speaker ID if possible. A lot of cases, it is companion's random speaking in each event. Thank you. PoE/Tyranny Conversation Brouser https://dotup.org/uploda/dotup.org1459690.jpg is very useful for localizer, which tells you coarse of events, you can tell who speaks the line and who reply it in most events. I localize this game with Excel and this tool, then hand the data to Mod-programmer, then we make Japanese-Localized Mod. by the way, I'm poor at English, so No Question for the tool please. thank you!!
  7. Dear community, Finally, the fan translation for Pillars of Eternity has been released by translation brazilian community "Tribo Gamer". I was wating for years to finally buy Pillars so I can enjoy the game in my native language, and I can confirm the translation is just fantastic. Tribo Gamer has a history of superb fan translations of MANY PC Games, and even CD Project Red made a deal with them to release a translation for The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition (already released). They translated Pillars of Eternity main game, and also have plans to translate the expansions. Good news for all speakers of Portuguese around the world, who can now buy this incredible game and enjoy it in their native language. Some screenshots:
  8. Hello, I am attaching a screen where the word "pożądny" is spelled as "porządny" - the pronunciation is the same, but the meaning is different. The first ("pożadny") means in this context a meaningful or valuable gift, while the latter "porządny" means a "tidy" gift, whatever that is. My girlfriend said she wouldn't even notice that if not for me though so not really worth it to edit it I guess. Also this is my first post, way to start a forum career. Hey! Edit: Now that I think about it, this might have something to do with Kana being somewhat weird.
  9. "Amount" (Crafting UI) ---> "Quantità". "Enchant" (Item Info UI) ---> "Incanta". "Ardimento" [Resolution] (Video Settings UI) ---> "Risoluzione".
  10. Hi, guys, I've just started a brazilian portuguese project available on github https://github.com/orlando2bjr/Pillars-of-Eternity-PT-BR. It's on a very early stage (11% IU_mod file only). Just download the mod.zip file and extract it on the localized folder => [Pillars of Eternity installation folder]\PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\localized Then, choose Português Brasileiro as your language in the Options menu. Please, let me know if you find any mistakes (send me a screenshot here or tweet to @@orlando2bjr )
  11. I have found two missing German translations in v.2.03.0788 PX1 One is in the graphic Options (MissingText1.jpg) the other is in the hint box (MissingText2.jpg)
  12. English is not my native language. I am from small European country, Croatia. Pillars of Eternity is a text heavy game where immersion is created by reading tons and tons of amazing lines. I wonder is there someone who is trying to translate it to more languages. It would be amazing if this forum could connect such people and make PoE even bigger than it is.
  13. Hello, one question for creators of this fantastic game : Is there any possibility, that Obsidian will in future support technically or financially Czech (fan) Translation of this game? Thank you for answer and this great game!
  14. Title says it all. Anyone willing to get a Czech translation team going?
  15. Hey to everyone out there. At first a big THANK YOU for the decision to offer a German Version, I really appreciate this! This is a thread concerning the German translation, thus I think it will only concern German speaking people. That is why i will continue in German (the other reason: it is a lot easier for me). Ich weiß nicht wie viele deutschsprechende Menschen sich hier herumtreiben, aber ich versuche einfach mal mein Glück. Obwohl ich Englisch recht gut verstehe und die originale Version des Spiels wahrscheinlich kein Problem für mich darstellen wird, freue ich mich wirklich sehr darüber, dass es eine Möglichkeit geben wird das Spiel in Deutsch zu spielen. So sehr wie ich mich darüber freue, so sehr befürchte ich auch, dass in dieser Hinsicht die (meiner Meinung nach) falschen Schwerpunkte gesetzt werden könnten. Mal abgesehen davon keinen Abkürzungsmüll zu bauen wie damals bei Oblivion, bangt es mir vielmehr davor, dass etwas wie bei NWN2 passieren könnte: Betroffen ist in diesem Fall die Sprachausgabe (falls es eine geben sollte). Bitte benutzt für alle eindeutig selbst erdachten Eigennamen eine deutsche Aussprache. Dies würde sich viel harmonischer in das gesamte Klangbild der Übersetzung einfügen und nicht wie Anglizismus-Dissonanzen im deutschen Sprachgefüge hängen. Auch die Aussprache der Namen mancher NPCs blieben englisch, obwohl sie keinen eindeutigen Bezug zur englischsprachigen Kultur hatten. Beispiel: Casavir (eher lateinisch: vir = Mann) oder Faerun (klar ein Name der einer erdachten Kultur entspringt). Die Gründe die Aussprache einzudeutschen sind dafür meiner Meinung nach: 1. Das Gesprochene wirkt in sich stimmiger bzw. nativer und legt seine Pseudocoolness ab (die find ich schon seit ich 16 war nicht mehr toll) 2. Der englische Klang in deutscher Sprache bewirkt immer eine Art Verschleierung, während die deutsche Ausspreche direkter und konsequenter klingt. 3. Wer die englischen Begriffe/Ausspreche lieber mag (was ich absolut verstehen kann) der kann auch die originale Version spielen, deswegen ist in dieser Hinsicht trollen unsinnig. Was mir auch wichtig ist, ist die konsequenter Übersetzung aller englischen Wörter in Ortsnamen, bzw. bestimmter Organisationen. Ich weiß, dass sind Eigennamen, aber wer die englisch haben will, der spielt es einfach auf englisch. Elfische Namen oder ähnliches sind davon natürlich nicht betroffen, es geht mir nur um englische Wörter. Ich gehe davon aus, dass ich nicht allzu viele Befürworter finden werde. Aber es ist kein Grund zu flamen, ich denke mit meiner Meinung kann ich es mal probieren. )
  16. Since this is (or it is supposed to be) a game heavily-reliant on text, do you have any plans to translate it into other languages? Will the translations be a stretch goal?
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