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Found 15 results

  1. I have reached the fampyr on level 8. Spoke to him, and nothing happend. No quest progression, no xp, no insight in the diary. Even Kana thought he was dead and did not tell anything. On level 7 I got also nothing from putting the 4 pyramids into the stands. And it happend nothing excluding the now active elemental flames. Link goes to: Save on level 8, half cleared Save on level 8 before Fampyr Save on level 9 after Fampyr http://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/BTUoFLuzzJkWkDdG7gaCqSxBRgIVjbtc Output log from a second try, after reporting the double Animat yesterday. Pictures show conversation with Fampyr. System: Linux, Elementary OS Luna (Linux #1 SMP Thu Jun 26 23:14:09 CEST 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux) Player.log.txt
  2. I played the game (without white march part 1) and i liked it. Sadly, i've noticed that the best dungeon is raedric's hold in the whole game. There are different ways to break into the castle and there are many ways/paths to move and reach raedric. I think, it's a great example of good level design. Maybe the temple of skaen is non-linear too. Other dungeons are tendentially linear. Honestly, I found Od Nua boring and repetiitive. There is nothing to do except to kill thousands of trash mobs. I don't know if there are non-linear dungeons in white march, but i hope that in future (expansions or PoE2) there will be more open dungeons (like raedric's hold). These are just my thoughts. P.S. Sorry for my english
  3. Hey guys, I'm playing the game on Path of the Damned and I'm really starting to struggle with the difficulty starting at the Endless Path of Od Nua Level 10... The battles with the spectres and beetles down there are incredibly tough and I can only barely win them giving rather extensive micro and several reloads. My party configuration is Eder Pallegina Aloth Durance Sagani a dual-wielding rogue. There levels are at 7. Is the group to weak yet to make it down or am I lacking some tactical skills and/or should I choose another party config? Given that I can barely make the fights at Level 10, I'm not thrilled woth the idea of making my way back an forth between resting at the inn and deceding down. Any advice on how to proceed?
  4. I think I sympathize with the creators' decision not to include an ending where your character achieves the power of the Engwithan entities (which, while not really Gods, are still pretty frickin' powerful in this setting). The game only goes to level 12, and they're setting it up for a sequel. Even if you are evil, you can't just usurp the soul power immediately for yourself. I think I've figured out a way to spice up the ending a bit, without ruining the continuity of the RPG experience. The reason I've been thinking so much about the setting is I've started using it with our Pathfinder group, and I've even ported a few races and classes (like Aumaua, Godlike, Cipher) to PF. Anyways, for those of you who completed the game, you'll remember the giant adra statue in the Endless Paths of Od Nua. Now we well know that adra conducts soul energy in this universe, and that the spirit world largely interacts with the physical world through this organic substance. So it's one of the biggest adra structures in the game, and is largely underground, which is believed to be the "realm of the gods." I'm thinking it could be used as an adra nexus, and one of the options for your character at the end after you kill Thaos and get control of the machine is (assuming you killed the adra dragon) to funnel the soul taken from the Hollowborn during Waidwen's Legacy and shunt them into the statue. Think about it: it's your own personal keep. What better place for a power-monger like my character to start his ascension to godhood? I played an evil wizard, and was kind of disappointed that the only evil things to do really were to release the souls to "entropy" or send them to Woedica. So yeah, it's definitely something to consider, and in a D&D-style campaign I'd really throw the doors open, and let the players be creative in what they'll do with the souls. By the time I reached Sun in Shadow, I hadn't really committed to any of the gods' demands, and could've done anything at the end. So yeah, really interesting stuff to think about, because then the campaign becomes about other Nexus of power, possibly deeper in the earth than even Od Nua. And if you get control over enough of them, maybe you attain the power to break the Cycle of the Wheel. Or if you're more of a do-gooder you could do what you think is right, like empowering Hylea or some other do-gooder god. One thing I like about this setting is the lack of alignment, so what actually constitutes good and evil is entirely subjective. So much creative potential. I'm gonna save my pennies for the next Eternity Kickstarter, if that's what they do!
  5. Hey, guys, how u doin? Several already bought upgrades for my stronghold went missing the other day. This is a bummer because i`v been spending a lot of gold on those things. For example, I upgraded the Warden's Lodge just to get some bounty quests. Went back after I did one of them to find out the Lodge wasn't upgraded anymore - so i Had to buy it all over again. Anyone having this same problem? Is there a fix for this going out anytime soon? Thanks,
  6. Hello there, I need help with a problem I have encountered. That part is absolutely undoable for me. Is there any way to avoid that fight? If not I would have to restart the whole game, which doesn't really sound fun.
  7. After defeating the drake in the Level 5 of the Endless Pass when I try to walk down the stairs the game just crashes to desktop. The link is to my dropbox with my gamefiles/saves and screenshot of the moment just before. Anyone have a fix on this? https://www.dropbox.com/s/zhx1ldcgszfuu8p/Desktop.zip?dl=0 EDIT: I tried verifying my Game Cache in Steam, it found nothing wrong but now it works. No CTD.
  8. After having killed some ogres, I saved my game and ventured forward. In a room nearby, I found a blank ennemy that I can't attack and that doesn't attack neither. The save game: http://v.ripoll.free.fr/Temp/5e16fb590e8d4078a6700f21fb512c58 11589519 EndlessPathsofOdNuaLevel3.7z
  9. Once you have completed the first level of "The Endless Paths of Od Nua" and you have left the dungeon through a cellar door, clicking on the cellar opens the map where you can pick the dungeon level you'd like to go to. However, opening the map first displays an empty map. The only unlocked dungeon is on top of the screen. I don't think that it was intended that I first need to scroll around. Compare screenshots and savegame.
  10. as above. in 7z: -bug report folders with output_log -dxdiag report -my saves. http://www.filedropper.com/poebugreport
  11. Edit: Sorry I ended up in the wrong forum. Please delete. Here the discussion goes on: *click*
  12. Update by Brandon Adler, Producer Hey, everyone. We decided against releasing the Backer Portal right before the holiday break. We wanted to make sure that we had a full staff on board to solve any technical issues that might arise on the site during its launch. We are just as excited as you are for the Backer Portal and we want to make sure it has a smooth release. To keep you sated in Project Eternity goodness we decided to show off some of the artwork we have been putting together this milestone. We are pretty proud of it. Hope you enjoy. Areas Last week on the forums Sensuki, Tagomika, and coffeetable brought up questions about areas we were outsourcing. I figured it would be better to show you the areas instead of talking about them. Take a look. A shrine to the god of the hunt. A drake skeleton amid thick overgrowth. Both of these images come from the same wilderness area. While this area appears thick with foliage now, it was previously the site to horrific fires caused by drakes. Large swaths of ground were burned and only now has the land started to recover. Concepts Kaz and Polina have been hard at work getting concepts prepared for our current milestone and the next. Polina has been focusing on creating the look and feel for our next big city - Twin Elms. Twin Elms is a unique mixture of ruined architecture from an ancient civilization with a layer of Viking-inspired Glanfathan buildings built into it. Glanfathan buildings built into ancient ruins. Line work for environments in Twin Elms. While Polina has been helping to plan the future, Kaz is firmly entrenched in our mega dungeon, The Endless Paths of Od Nua. Take a look at some of the prop work that Kaz is doing for one of the Engwithan-inspired areas. Engwithan props for use in Od Nua. Creatures One of the creatures that has gone in recently is the troll. You can see a few of them in the area below. A group of trolls in-game. That's it for this week, folks. Have a great Thanksgiving.
  13. The Endless Paths of Od Nua As development on Pillars of Eternity continues, what would you like to see featured in the Endless Paths of Od Nua right now? Dungeon levels based on different climates, dragons, references to other games, irrational and irritating planar traveling gnomes? You choose. What we know: 15 levels deep Can be accessed early Increasing difficulty curve Located in Dyrwood Starts in Od Nua's Castle Progresses underground Infinity Engine game dungeons with a similar concept, albeit shorter: Durlag's Tower (BG: Tales of the Sword Coast) Watcher's Keep (BG II: Throne of Bhaal) Severed Hand (IWD) Dorn's Deep (IWD) Castle Maluradek (IWD: Trials of the Luremaster) Personally I'd really like to see vastly different levels in the Paths, because I like the constrast of walking from an ice cave-esque level to a desert... underground. You could have really wacky and odd level changes like that, especially if you wanted to play with the whole outdoors-is-now-indoors concept, what with almost the whole dungeon being underground and all that. Something else I'd like to see is your fellow (AI) adventurers once you progress deep enough. This is something I grew to like when delving through the Watcher's Keep - you'd just have adventurers who made it in, but then got stuck at one level or another, and then you could either help them or help yourself to their stuff. Or sometimes just fight them. There was even a dragon that got trapped in there, and you could actually just have a conversation with it.
  14. So an idea: The endless dungeon, Od Nua, is going to be a pre-designed dungeon featuring 15 levels of dungeon crawling. I was wondering whether (either in this game or in the expansion) it would be possible to consider leaving a "secret entrance" to levels below 15 that are randomly generated with increasing difficult monsters and sort of act like a "rogue-like" mini-game? a few thoughts: 1- this will probably require a lot of design work, so I don't want this being part of this game but maybe for an expansion, it would be nice to continue down Od Nua forever? 2- Obviously the balacing would have to work so that you don't really gain too much treasure and experience to unbalance the game. maybe you can use what you find down there and the experience helps you to gain levels, but whne you leave you get level drained back to what you started with. (just an idea) 3- this also requires randomly generated tile-sets which isn't what this game is. Hence more design work. Obviously a rogue-like only works with infinitely procedurely generated tile-sets. Anyway... think about this for a future expansion or a mini-game type thing. It'd be fun! Now destroy my idea everyone! Pile on!
  15. Happy Monday! We've reached 50,000 backers, and have a special reward for everyone. Details below. Also coming this week, we have more updates about the development and creation of the game. Tomorrow, Justin Bell will discuss the process for composing the music for our trailer video. On Wednesday, Josh will update with more details about the game's design, and we are going to unveil a awesome art piece that we’ve been working on. Oh, PayPal is also coming on Wednesday! The 50,000 Backer Reward We are very excited to announce a reward to all backers that have helped us come this far. Today we are introducing The Endless Paths of Od Nua - a new dungeon experience for Project Eternity: In the western reaches of the Dyrwood lies the Endless Paths, an ancient network of cobbled trails that wind through arches of dense overgrowth, twisting within the confines of a high castle wall as they make their way to the gates of iron-shuttered towers that jut forth from the interior. In ages past, the towers rising from the gardens to pierce the canopy of the forest once marked the dominion of the castle's relentless, crazed builder: Od Nua. But the courses of Od Nua's madness run far below the surface, stretching forever deeper into wandering catacombs and bone-cramped oubliettes unseen by living eyes for centuries. The Endless Paths, as the old Glanfathans call them, cannot be walked by the living, but the storytellers say with certainty that many strong souls have found a permanent home beneath the grieving creator's estate. Most else that is said and written of the place is fiction or conjecture, more likely to have sprouted from the svef-enhanced imaginations of bored and boasting mercenaries than from any seed of truth. Hosts of lost souls that relentlessly stalk the living, cathedral-sized tombs overflowing with the restless victims of a horrific plague, lightless chambers sealing in the remnants of Od Nua's failed experiments. Most legends converge on a common theme: that under the castle rest myriad forgotten vaults of death and darkness glittering with Od Nua's enchanted creations and the abandoned treasure of ill-fated interlopers. So great is the fear of the castle's denizens that even drunken and drug-cheered adventurers do not joke of setting foot on the paths, lest their souls join the eternal ranks of those that have gone before them. The current plan is to make The Endless Paths with three subterranean levels, but it can grow larger with your help. For every 2,500 additional backers, the depths of Od Nua’s castle become deeper, which means one additional level will be added to the vaults. Continue to spread the word about Project Eternity, and let's see how big we can make The Endless Paths! Crafting and Enchanting at $2.4 Million We also have a new stretch goal at $2.4 million dollars to announce: Crafting and Enchanting! Crafting and enchanting in Project Eternity will allow players to use objects and materials they find during exploration to both create consumable items like potions and scrolls as well as give their gear custom upgrades that can't be accomplished by other means. This system is intended to be easy to use and very flexible, allowing players to customize many aspects of what they can create or alter. Whether it's brewing basic potions from herbs and minerals commonly found throughout the world or upgrading a humble broadsword into a custom-named, magically-imbued weapon of distinctive and legendary power, we want to give players the ability to make it. On the development side of things, we also want to make the system as data-driven as possible, allowing us to easily extend our list of recipes in the future. Each stretch goal we hit not only adds new features to the game like crafting, but also makes the game larger by adding more content, quests, dialogue, and characters. Together, we've already added two new races, companions and classes, along with a player house. $2.2 million is very close which adds a new faction and region, and there are more exciting stretch goals planned if we make it past $2.4 million and beyond. New Add-Ons Additionally, we have two new add-ons for you: Add an Early Access Beta Key for $25. The beta key is the same reward at the $110 and up levels, but now you can add it as an extra at the lower tiers. Add a Digital Strategy Guide for $7. The digital strategy guide is also included in the $80 and up levels, but now you can add it as an extra at the lower tiers. This will cost more when we ship the game, so get in on the opportunity to save! As a quick tutorial on how to add add-ons, go to the Project Eternity Kickstarter site and hit the Manage Your Pledge button. The reward tier you had already picked will still be selected and the amount will be in the big box at the top. All you need to do is add the dollar amount that covers the add-ons you would like to your pledge and enter the new total number. For instance, if you are at the $35 Pledge level and want to add the Beta Key, you would enter $60 as your total pledge. We’ll send you a fulfillment survey after the Kickstarter period is over and you can specify what you wanted to do with any excess monies added. Thank you! Update by Adam Brennecke and Josh Sawyer
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