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Hi, so I just finished putting the ingredients into the Javamatic and as soon as the cinematic with the ants attacking was shown, the game is now stuck in an iffy slightly zoomed in view. I have an ultrawide (Samsung CHG90) and had no issues so far, with over 240 hours in-game. I've tried changing numerous graphics settings. Tried some stuff in-game i.e. sleeping, dying, saving then loading but nothing has fixed it. If I go to third person it's still zoomed in. One thing that has sort-of mitigated it is going to third-person view and ramping the FOV up to 120, however it's still a bit off and I really prefer to play the game first-person. I've attached images so you can see. (Somehow the site let me upload five pictures originally, but after having to redo the post it's now limiting me to two...) P.S thanks to the devs for such an amazing game! It's one of the best games I've played in recent years and I am still hooked on it. Despite the odd bug here-and-there nothing has really bothered me up until now (ok, maybe the broken Natural Explorer for a little while lol). Keep it up and really looking forward to future expansions!
I'm on the final mission and when I get to the Leaders to speak with them the dialogue cuts off halfway (before bringing up Lodwyn) and I can't re-engage with them to progress to the next part of the quest. Have tried everything I can think of including reloading saves, speaking with them first, setting up camp, etc...
My friend and I have been playing a grounded save for about a month or two straight now. We’ve come to the end of the game and are looking to max out all of the charms and gold cards but it’s proving to be ridiculously challenging. The drop rates for charms and gold cards is so random and unfair. For example we’ve killed nearly 1000 water creatures and haven’t gotten the gold cards for them. I think there needs to be some kind of scaling method to where the more you kill, the greater the chances are. And for bosses, there should be an increased drop rate due to the decreased interactions with them. Please look into this. We love a challenge but this is ridiculous.
After the update “1.0.4”, whenever I go to kill an enemy, my run cycle goes from fast to walking speed and my walking speed even slower. It only fixes itself when I close out the entire game. If I don’t hit any enemies, I’m fine.
So I started the Javamatic, went down to make the repair for 'power' decided to go off and finish my collectables, kill the Dr. And a few in game days and a new version of the game passed. Then I went back and now I have no prompts at the calculator, or the machine itself where you insert the ingredients. The screen isn't on on the calculator and the zipline works backwards now. Taking me up instead of down. Any solutions or is anyone having similar problems? I'm pretty disappointed that I've put a good amount of time into this to get all the collectables bar no.6 Misc (currently bugged) to be stopped at the end of the game by a bug that blocks any progress. Hopefully theyll sort a patch out because I'm not feeling to run all this again!
okay so i got this game recently and have so far spend 100 minutes trying to make this game run. i used to have it on the gamepass version and there it worked all fine tho the steam version keeps crashing after like 2 minutes or 20 minutes of playing. i tried to turn down graphic settings, keep everything updated, reinstalled the driver, run it on directx 11 and so on. what can i still do to make this game somehow work because it seems really odd for the gamepass version to work all fine but the steam version being so unstable for me
When playing in the beta, the mosquito needle doesn’t show. It shows my hand like it’s holding it. I can still use it like normal, just doesn’t show.
Having a regular occurring issue when landing with the Dandelion Glider. Often when landing from holding the glider, the camera stays stuck in third person. As a player who uses First Person mode, this is very frustrating and has resulted in many deaths. this issue does resolve itself after time however it is a very annoying bug that I hope gets fixed. Xbox Gamer Tag: JayTheDrummer26 other than this one issue, I love the game and can’t wait for the full release! It’s clear how much time the obsidian team have put into the making of Grounded and I hope they continue to impress, excite and surprise us with future updates! Keep up the good work!!
Platform: Steam Multiplayer: 2/3/4 players Description of issue: Since we started installing ziplines, we've been getting the following issues: 1. When using ziplines, non-host players' heads turn into carabiner hooks. 2. After using ziplines, non-host players end up seizing (they see other players perpetually umping, too). When they swim and go under, they are unable to resurface and die by drowning. After being revived, they no longer seize up until they use the ziplines again. 3. After exiting the game, and loading it, the non-host players turn into cameras (no access to inventory or other options), before crashing. 4. When we chop down grass/weed stems or bring down berries, they have phantoms that remain, which can't chop or shoot down. This is the same for dew drops on blades of grass. We've had to rollback to a save file that had no ziplines yet, just to be able to play the game in multiplayer mode.
Everytime I play it seems to be loading one save and only that save. even if I load a different save, I start at the same point with the same inventory, even the same time and if I save manually and then try to load that manual save the game crashes. Having spent 30+ hours on the game I´d hate to loose that progress. Anything i chould do?
I play on xbox using game pass and since the 0.3.0 update its seems that the durability of all armor sets isn't working properly. Only whatever headgear I'm wearing is losing durability, no durability is lost on anything else. It seems to be all headgear in the game (ladybug faceplate, spider hood, etc). I just wanted to know if anyone else is having this same issue.
I'm playing through Peril on Gorgon right now and everything was great, until now. I'm at the point where I need to acces the HIA, but the door is still "sealed", even though I have the passkey. I just don't have the option to open the door, it only says "sealed" and when I try to interact with it, it does the normal unlocking sound, but nothing happens. Here's a video showing the issue: Did anyone else experience this issue? Is there a possible solution? Am I doing something wrong? Edit: I'm an idiot, I was using the wrong door. Feel free to ignore this post.
Youtube link Xbox Game pass for PC Epic Name: MarraKobra Occasionally an items texture will get stuck to the player's strong hand, even after un-equipping or switching items. Seems random, cannot force a recreation. Using a wired controller on PC. AMD Ryzen 5 3600x 6 core, 16GB RAM, 64bit
- visual bug
- texture
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Every time i got near the rake rock in grounded my frames collapse and i end up basically a free kill for anything in the area, i’ve tried all types of things but none have fixed it so i hope this bug is noticed by others so it can be patched as soon as possible because it happens often, the frames also drop around bugs
My friend and I played on Mild in multiplayer mode with myself as host. After taking a break from the game, we tried loading it back up but it keeps trying to force the difficulty to Medium and does not allow it to be changed. (Xbox)
- 3 replies
- issue
- difficulty modes
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Platform: Xbox One X Single player and Multiplayer. All difficulties. BURG.L is missing, even on new games saves. I've started a new game multiple times, reinstalled the game, deleted all old save data, and BURG.L is still missing after load. Started a new game, did the story, BURG.L is there. Save the game, come back in, and he's missing. Happens on all difficulties, and happens on any new save. I am completely unable to progress, even on new games. Are there any fixes for no BURG.L on a completely new save? This makes the game story unplayable, as I am unable to unlock new things.
Because of the pinned thread: Still a thing or fixed?
Hello, As I playing Deadfire on Turn based mode, I noticed that every single area randomly reset. As part of a quest, I had to return to where you find Tekehu and he is now sitting there unable to re-recruit and no longer in my party. I didn't save before this glitch so I am unable to continue playing my game I put upwards of 30+ hours in. Very frustrated by this experience. I've attached my save file where this happened.
Description: Not sure if this is the right section for it, but two Fighter abilities / talents aren't exactly working as intended - the Guardian Stance upgrade to Fighter Stances, the Unbending skill, as well as the Unbending Trunk upgrade. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: Guardian Stance reads: "Enemies that disengage from the fighter are immediately attacked and proned, if successful." What it does: It seems to occur regardless of who disengages, and if the fighter actually performs a disengage attack. You could be running in circles and proning everyone that you engage just by moving out of engagement range. Unbending reads: "50% of Damage Taken converted into Healing for 15.0 sec." What it does: It actually converts 100% damage taken to healing, a 1:1 ratio, effectively making the fighter immortal for the duration. Unbending Trunk reads: "75% of Damage Taken converted into Healing for 15.0 sec." What it does: Yeah, it heals more than your damage taken, so not only are you immortal, you actively heal any lost health the more you get hit. I'm not sure about Guardian Stance, but Unbending and Unbending Trunk applies to NPCs as well, so when they hit that button they become effectively unkillable until the ability expires. Important Files: Er, I think this is largely irrelevant, but I'll upload a few videos to showcase it the abilities in question. Guardian Stance: Unbending: Unbending Trunk:
Hi, i would like to report an issue with the focus generation for the beguiler and ascendant subclass. The ratio between damage and generated focus does not match with the anticipated numbers. Here are my results testing the subclasses: no subclass cipher (draining whip): 1 damage point : 1 focus point Soulblade (draining whip): 1 : 1 Ascendant (draining whip): 1 : 1.25 Beguiler (draining whip + non-afflicted target): 1 : 0.5 Beguiler (draining whip + afflicted target): 1 : 0.75 As you can see the beguiler subclass is in comparison to no-subclass cipher and soulblade at a notable disadvantage. The ascendant subclass also gets less focus points than the 150% in the description would suggest. I hope this will be addressed in the future, because i really would like to play a beguiler at full power.
After last patch I've lost all my coins to number 1. I can't really say how much there is was, but ~1000 (minimum) is for sure. To fix that problem in a normal way, I've travelled to the merchant on Crookspur and sold to him trash for 17214, but he gaves me only 14,714. I've been thinking that he was upset about killing his fellows slave-traders (-5 reputation) and loaded the game for a little experiment. On Dunnage (+5 reputation with pirates) was the same story - 20533 instead 22333. Is that normal? Maybe I haven't been noticing before, that they all takes some %. (oh, I think I figure that out by myself. Sorry)