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Found 5 results

  1. I went back to the underground base and BURG.L is not their any more. What should I do? I need him so I can unlock more building components.
  2. ok, so you know how there are nails in wood in the backyard? well, what if you could use tier 2 tools to mine them and craft lvl 3 tools. or what if you could go in the house, or the vents of the house and encounter cocroaches (had to spell it like that cause censoring) and maybe lint for a cold place or smn. k, so, this is cool but what if you could make a radio as one of the quests. a part of the yard where there are giant chickens where there is a lab where there are shrunken chickens presumably for testing. yo, so if you could make a full set of aphid armour and the set bonus is, i dunno, stealth improvement? improved workbench that look like those in labs and can craft lvl 3 and, maybe lvl 4 stuff? maybe you could go in a freezer or fridge as a cold place... WITH POPSICLES! more exploration in the pond depths with another big dangerous fish like the koi fish. getting wood for tools from popsicle sticks found on the lawn, harvested by lvl 3 tools weather like: raining, sunny, stormy, dark clouds to show when a storm is coming, rarely maybe snowing. a room with everything in the game in creative. an improved backpack from BURG.L where you can have 15 or maybe, 20 per stack. dying armour. zipline you can ride upwards Finally, im done and i hope you guys consider adding some of these and i thank you for reading this! sincerely: me
  3. Found a couple of the new chips for Burgl. It seems they only unlock the new Status effects? I thought they'd unlock more building content, but I have nothing new to purchase with all my R.S. Could this be a bug?
  4. Platform: Xbox One X Single player and Multiplayer. All difficulties. BURG.L is missing, even on new games saves. I've started a new game multiple times, reinstalled the game, deleted all old save data, and BURG.L is still missing after load. Started a new game, did the story, BURG.L is there. Save the game, come back in, and he's missing. Happens on all difficulties, and happens on any new save. I am completely unable to progress, even on new games. Are there any fixes for no BURG.L on a completely new save? This makes the game story unplayable, as I am unable to unlock new things.
  5. Ok I’ll give as much detail as possible as I love this game so far and would love to see it succeed. platform - Xbox one console type - original Xbox one download type - gamepass download difficulty - mild and medium 1) missing raw science (pink floating orbs) - this is missing from 3 of 3 games I’ve started since 7-28 release. I’ve started game types solo on 7-28-20 (2 games with max and ally) both games progressed past current story line after meeting burg.l and never seen the orbs. The 3rd game I started on 7-29-20 was a multiplayer game and had the raw science orb s for the first day of play up to the point the game crashed and had to be reloaded. Once reloaded no more raw science could be located in the known spots. 2) Burg.L missing - this occurred in the ally game started on 7-28-20 which has progressed past the initial story and been saved and loaded over a dozen times and just randomly disappeared though he may have been attacked once prior to disappearing in this game. In the 2nd game started on 7-29-20 which was a multiplayer the game was saved at burg.l’s location in the lab (after completing the initial story) and then reloaded on 7-30-20 and burg.l was missing at the time of reload. The 3rd game which was the first game ever started on the console on 7-28-20 which was a solo play still has burg.l currently even after saving and reloading over a dozen times. both of these are pretty game breaking and while I know the burg.l missing is a concern being investigated I hope the details help with investigation and the raw science may be investigated as well.
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