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Found 11 results

  1. - OUTER WORLDS - First off I would like to thank and congratulate the Outer Worlds Team from Obsidian and its affiliates, this game is wonderful and I havent enjoyed a game like this in awhile. THANK YOU! A few Subjects that I thought I would share with the team and fellow Captains. I use (need) loosely, more of agreeable additions. • Companions: Companions need a story buff, I would personally like to see more immersive content regarding companions, I think an expansion on content related to certain members of your crew would definitely bring some extra life and backstory to them while providing wholesome content for players that are here for the story. • Factions: More Immersive Faction quests and more faction content with varying Ranks and missions, allowing allegiances, a fluid Story based off your decisions on what Factions to bring together and what Factions you outcast from the fold. (Your endgame cutscene gave me the idea) •Factions & Reputation: There should be a way to increase your reputation based on actions displayed, a Kill on Sight Faction is basically done for the game, there should be a way to continue to obtain missions and content from KOS Factions via on-ship comms. Possibly an Emissary alerting you that “[Faction] has heard of your [ _] and is willing to come to an agreement if you help us on this task. Varying difficulty for increased or decreased amounts of Faction respect gained. This just provides a resolution to “accidental” situations. • Homesteading In regards with rallying behind a particular Faction, able to build your faction headquarters and bases (included with this is internal ship customization.) Something parallel to what Fallout 76 and The Elder Scrolls series have. This was a nice option to have when you want a break from shooting and blowing up NPC’s. • Relationships I understand this is considered not exactly a key aspect, but developing character relationships with NPCs in game heavily increase your sense of story immersion. Whether it be friends or romance, which can lead to additionally unlocked quests adding additional content. • Ammunition I found it difficult to keep up with my heavy ammunition consumption. Eventually as I progressed I gained enough bits to always buy what I needed, but increasing world spawns of ammo and increasing the amount sold per vending machine may resolve that. • Wild creatures As of currently, looting wild creatures is near useless as they drop an item worth <10 bits, maybe adding in random items on occasion could fix that. • Free Roam One thing that irked me is upon finishing your final mission(trying not to spoil) is that I am now unable to play until a DLC is dropped. Unless I want to start a fresh character. It would be wonderful to see this resolved after the DLC drop(hoping there is plenty of DLC to come.) I greatly appreciate your time and I hope the Development team checks some of this out, it would be a treat to have some of my ideas used to better this game! [XBOX]
  2. So in my last post I complained about how badly the characters, namely Pallagina and Xoti, were written. To balance things out i wanted to complement this game on its worldbuilding. The factions and cultures are extremely well drawn. I have trouble deciding whose vision to side with. It all seems very realistic and there is very little if any bias weaved into the narrative. Brandon Sanderson once said something to the effect of 'there are two kinds of writers, worldbuilders and character writers. I think Obsidian must just do a better job at he worldbuilding. There are noble natives with backward traditions; a monarchy with good vision but strong feelings of entitlement and ethnocentrism; there is even a republic run by business interests with a reckless bend toward science. All well conceived, and made to make the audience think, yet still relevant to current philosophical discourses. I havent finished the game yet but I am very impressed with this aspect of the game so far.
  3. Here is a crazy idea I wanted to share: I remember in one of the twitch-streams Josh mentioning that the annotaion system from Tyranny is being moved to PoE2: Deadfire. It will provide not only lore but also translation of foreign languages. Now I assume it is nothing big, just couple words, or phrases here and there. BUT WHAT IF: There are many factions from different regions. They speak different languages. WHAT IF you could only understand languages you know as a character - for example in PoE1 I played as an Orlan from Old Vailia. That would mean my character understands Vailian. The game would provide translation of Valian phrases but not Aedyrian or language of native Deadfire tribes. On the other hand, I might have Aloth in a party and he might act as a translatior for the Aedyrian. It might give your character and party a better sense of belonging and origin. Now, WHAT IF the foreign conversations weren't just small phrases. WHAT IF when walking up to a couple of Vailians talking you would be able to overhear a bit of their conversation. It would be a gibberish if you don't know the language, but you would learn something more, if you do. Some flavour text, get insight into their motivations, extra details about quest etc. Now if that would be implemented into quest design it could get interesting - Opening new ways, hints about possible ways to resolve situations, extra loot stashes. What is more, as a character you might get drawn to the faction which speaks your native language, as your interactions with them would be more... complete so to speak. I think it would be a nice and fluid way of connecting character with his background and the world around him/her. Naturally, the idea isn't simple at all, as it would require dedicated writing and quest design. But hey, just throwing it out there.
  4. Basically it concerns not being able to accept further quests from the crucible knights just from accepting the second the dozens quest. more info in these links, here and here Developer chimed in indicating a fix with 1.04, but it seems from beta people and patch notes that the fix is not included. Is it possible to get an update on the fix, and might we see it in 1.04 yet? Sorry about getting all demandy, but I've depleted all other activities, I really don't wanna side with the dozens and I'm getting sort of antsy
  5. Edit. I did see in another thread you clarified that you realize you have NOT fixed the story progression bug. The bug list is misleading tho as it seems to say it fixed it. I suppose will just have to keep waiting. This is a pretty big bug tho I hope it's fixed soon. I can't play anymore of the game until it gets fixed. There WILL be spoilers in this posts about Factions. The patch notes talked about fixing the game-breaking bug of not being able to continue in the game due to the factions not working correctly. Well this patch was suppose to fix that. However it doesn't. It's still just as broken as before. I started with the merchant quest and sided with the Doemenels because they offered a better reward for my services. This gained me a "in" with the Doemenel family faction. Than I did the quest for the Crucible Knights. I saved the girl. Got the research notes. Turned it in and realized you get an awesome reward for it. So than went to the Dozens to try to screw them over. I accepted their quest and tried my hardest to ruin them. However this didn't entirely work instead I ended up as a Hero to them. So at this point I was a hero to the Dozens. I'm a Champion with the Knights. And I'm a Friend of the Doemenels. Now I went back to the Doemenels to see about getting my just rewards from them as well. Except they found the note from early in the game where I killed their would be robbers. And Instead of being praised for siding with them I was told I had to do their dirty work. So I said screw that. I went and turned them in to the neighbors next door. THAN I robbed the gem upstairs for myself. By the way there is nothing you can do with this gem after you beg the house owner for extra money and than rob him. The Doemenels think they've failed. And the guy no longer cares that you carry the very diamond he paid you and thanked you for saving. Now the Doemenels only talk about having failed and hence won't invite me to the hearings. The champions hate me even tho I'm their champion because I helped the Dozens. And the Dozens hate me because I'm a Knight lackey. Even tho all three of these factions I have very high reputation with. Worse yet. Lady Webb even with this patch still doesn't let me join her to enter the hearings. So the story is STILL stuck and I cannot continue the game. I did all those faction things as soon as I got ot the city. Theres over 35hours of game time since than. I would have to start so far back to fix this one bug. Please figure out a way to correct this bug for real. I'm really enjoying the game and would like to continue to do so.
  6. Paladin - Male Priest - Female Wizard or Sorceror - Male Witch or Sorceress - Female Barbarian - Male Amazon - Female Now, these would be the same in skill set and such, but it could imply lore into the classes. Meaning you could have a frenzied Male Barbarian throwing spears like an Amazon. Likewise, having a strong Female Amazon that you play like a close combat Barbarian. Barbazon Mainly about Barbarians, but I see them as stemming from some sort of Barbaric culture (bandits and vikings). Orcs are an excellent example at a "civilized" strand of Barbarians in my opinion. "Stronghold" in Heroes of Might & Magic as well. An established Barbarian society. I've always viewed the women of these tribal Barbarian settlements as something less masculine, namely something more akin to Amazon. The hunters of the strong and proud male dominated Lion pack. Unisex, but: Barbarian Fighter or Soldier? The rest of the classes feel to me pretty unisex. Fighter doesn't really say "Male/Female" about it, but it could be a part of the aforementioned Barbaric culture. Unless "Fighter" gets a different title, such as "Squire" or "Soldier" or whatever else is fitting the role of the Fighter in the world. About Squire: I absolutely love the feature in the original Final Fantasy for the NES, when you meet Bahamut for the very first time and it's "Oh snap". Then you do a long quest for the Rat's Tail, which you then return and you become "Knighted" (Fighter becomes Knight). Can Factions help you grow in status among the people? Or hide from their sight? What's the difference between the Barbarian and the Fighter and what is it that makes the Fighter a Fighter and the Barbarian a Barbarian? Wizitch Wizard and Witch, to me, feel pretty granted as is. A female "Wizard" does, however, sound a bit odd. The skillset wouldn't differ between the two, only their titles. And whenever "Class" is mentioned it accounts gender as well in dialogue? So the result becomes "Witch" instead of "Wizard" if you have a female "Wizard". The same goes for Barbarian/Amazon, they would both have the same tools as the other in terms of character building. Palaest Paladin and Priest, would not be the same skillset (A Paladin is a Paladin, a Priest is a Priest), but only female can be Priest and only male can be Paladin. I'd like to advocate for dialogue options if you create a female Paladin, meaning it wouldn't be "off limits" at character creation, but lore-wise for your own party it could be something interesting. With few male Priests in the world, having one in your party is like having a Paladin "defect" perhaps. Trash, in their "Glorious" eyes, even if you can woop their ass right on the spot. Of course, reputation should play a big part too. Thoughts?
  7. Hey all, i was just thinking about one of my BG2 playthroughs where i punched some woman for claiming her child was mines (silly i know but i was role playing a nasty bastard) and suddenly the entire Temple District wanted me dead even though nobody saw it, not to mention that i'd saved them all from that dodgy beholder dude. I really hope this all or nothing mechanic is removed or better managed, i would like to be able to brawl with annoying people (with the exception of neb / neeber who ironically i spared lol) without locking game areas off, i would also like to commit crimes unnoticed and not recieve reputation drops, but i suppose the main question is how would people like the crime and punishment system to be treated in PE? I think it would be fantastic if they implement different punishments for different towns or factions, for example for getting caught stealing in one place you have to pay a fine and return goods, in another town/civilisation/race/faction however they insist you must serve a prison sentence etc.. Infact expanding upon this, it would be interesting if there were different laws entirely for different places, they've already stated that the worship of certain dietys is outlawed in different areas, so what happens with your priest/preistess of whomever refuses to remove their insignia? Could make for some interesting character dialogue options aswel. I'm hoping that crime will be linked to reputation which will be unique for each faction, meaning you can be a criminal in the eyes of some but a hero in the eyes of others. Finally, i always thought it was a really neat feature in Arcanum where if u slaughtered a town/village you were labeled as the "butcher of stillwater" or something, regardless of your good deeds that label never dissapeared, no matter how many kittens you save afterwards.
  8. One of the things that kind of bothered me about Baldur's Gate was the automatic deduction of reputation once you'd done something bad. Most of the time it was fine but say if you killed a lone commoner asleep in the top floor of their house, you'd lose 5 reputation or something. I hope that in Project Eternity, when you're doing something that might upset another faction, that it's not an instant deduction from your reputation but rather there's a reason for it. This is a quote from the recent Wasteland 2 update I am hoping that in a situation like this, that your reputation would only be affected if the local resident saw you and made it back to town to speak of the tale. There are other ways around this though (magic, investigation) etc etc that could be used to explain away the reason for automatic reputation deduction, but it would be cool if you had the opportunity to exercise your ability to get away with stuff as well.
  9. How many factions do you expect to see in this game? What are you expecting from the factions in terms of quest length, player choice (different outcomes for faction quests/stories), rewards, etc.? Any ideas on what you would like the factions to be based on the information we currently have about the game?
  10. I only plan on playing through the game once as one race and class combination, so I want you, Obsidian, to focus all your time and money on making that race/class combination the best gaming experience you possibly can. Please remove all other classes and races, since I don't plan to use them. I don't care which you include. Maybe you should have a poll and only include the most popular race and class. Also, I don't like doing sidequests, so none of those, please, and no extra regions. I find a world-map that's too large to be confusing. Please make the main quest the best you absolutely can. Maybe you can release sidequests for those who want them as DLC later. There should be exactly 5 characters that will (not may) join your party. I want every moment of gameplay specifically crafted for my exact party, with each character chiming in with the perfect dialog at exactly the right time. Obviously, once you start multiplying party makeups, there's no way you can make so many different cohesive narratives on such a small budget. Please, please, please no multiplayer. I'll never use it. I would prefer that you focus on making the game the best that it can be when experienced by exactly one person. You basically have to make the whole game over again for each additional player you allow. I don't know what other features you're planning to add, but I would really prefer that you focus on crafting the best versions of the features I am going to use and leave the others out. Oh, I almost forgot. I am a male that is almost overflowing with testosterone and manliness. If I am not looking at a humanoid female's sexy body I have to immediately leave the computer and go do adult-things with my girlfriend. I will not be able to spend the 15 hours I expect the main quest to take looking at a tiny digital man-butt. For this reason I expect to play as a female. Please remove all other sexes. Her name will be Alwethia. Now you won't have to waste your tiny budget programming a field to enter the PC's name. Thanks. EDIT: I plan to have my character look like the babe in my avatar picture. I don't know what she's from, but if it's not a copyright issue, please use that image for the PC. Otherwise, something as close as possible.
  11. How do you feel about them? What sorts of factions would you like to see? What are your thoughts on reputation over alignment? Personally, the multitude of factions and the reputation mechanic was one of my favourite features of NV and I'm glad this seems to be something akin to that. I would like to see everything from religious orders/sects, to merchant guilds, to mercenary bands and everything in between.
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