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Found 6 results

  1. Every material that can be turned into walls has a half-wall crenelated variant, and yet only grass planks have a *curved half-wall crenelated variant. Ummm... why? Was this overlooked, or do they really expect people to not want these vital construction methods. My castle looks so lame with completely flat curved towers when the rest of the castle has gorgeous crenelated walls. Help.
  2. I've found a few background issues in Redric's hold dungeons. I've experienced glitchy backgrounds in the skeletons room / animancers room. Also seen elsewhere in the castle. This is the Steam version. On the hold I'm finding the Steam version very stable (if a bit slow), nothing like other people have been reporting, just a couple of minor issues here and there.
  3. Hey all! Just something I was thinking about. Is Brighthollow supposed to be an inn on our property that we just happen to sleep in? Perhaps just a mansion that we live in on the estate? I guess my main question is why is it separated from the main castle? Is this supposed to reflect any historical culture? Doesn't seem to be common whereby a lord's quarters is separated from the main keep. Anyone got anything on this? Thanks!
  4. So I was playing on a fire godlike fighter account with a party of 4 (including me) and tried to kill readric. I soon found out, I can't kill him with all his guards, so I tried to leave the castle to buy gear and gather more people. However, each time I try to go outside of the castle, I get a loading screen and then my screen turns black and my cursor becomes the "cancel" icon (the red circle with the line through it). This happens when I leave from any area of the building that I have tried and therefore I am trapped inside it (found some pretty cool loot though...) I'll continue to try and kill readric, because maybe that'll help, but I still think this is an issue. I tried attaching the game files but it didn't work. The only thing I can post is the system specs: OS X Yosmite Version 10.10.2 MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011) Processor 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 Memory 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB I'll report back if I manage to get through, but as of yet I can't. You guys made a great game, so keep up the good work!
  5. I've always liked some good puzzles (such as choosing the right combination to unlock a door), mini challenges (such as selecting one of your characters to beat a series of foes in a sequence of rooms) and labyrinths (both spacial and temporal) inside cRPG's, specially inside dungeons, castles, etc.
  6. Hello, First off i am indeed a backer of this very exciting project. Thank you all for giving us the players the opportunity to fund, play, and give idea's for such a wonderful undertaking. When i read about your addition of player housing as one of the stretch goals it brought back fond memories i had of the crafting system in Ultima Online. UO had one of the best crafting systems to date, that i believe not one game has even come close to in its depth. I believe UO's crafting style system would absolutely be an amazing addition to Eternity. Need arrows? Click your axe on a tree, you get some logs, now use your carpenter's tool on the wood logs, now you have boards. Use your dagger on the wood boards to carve out arrow's. Kill a bird for the feathers for your arrow, etc etc. I'd especially love to have the ability to not purchase your player house, but to BUILD your player house. It would make downtime between fighting so much more interesting. Especially if some of the more hard to find resources were in dangerious spots that you would have to fight your way into. Perhaps have different paths you could take to the same goal. Wood built houses, mud/adobe style, brick/castle style, etc. I really believe that this would make this game truly exceptional and give new players that have never experienced UO's crafting system a real shock to the system to see what a REAL crafting system is like. Beyond that, it would be wonderful to run your own home/castle, buy land. Work the land, Defend your land against enemies, conquer new land that you can build on or expand on as well. I'm greatly looking forward to Project Eternity. Again thank you for making such a wonderful (i hope) game! LiTh
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