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Found 4 results

  1. So from about 3 months ago, the game save folder located in "C:\Users\"username"\Saved Games\Grounded Windows 10" went missing. Even though this happened I was still somehow able to use my game save file with no problems. Recently however I exported my main save then proceeded to delete all the saves, from clogging up my system, if they were there, and re installed the game hoping it would solve the issue. I created a new folder which was labelled "Grounded Windows 10" hoping that would work, however it did not. When starting the game and clicking load...there is nothing there. So at the moment it is impossible to import game saves. I tried creating a new save file with no internet connection too, this also showed another bug. If you create a game, then save it with no connection there is no way you can reload that save. Even reconnecting to the internet didn't help, and the game created with no internet connection is lost. Is there a location in the PC where it could be? I have done a complete system search with the name of the folder and/or the save, for example "7519152C0..." or "ID-FB48369..." and still nothing so it is a mystery! XD. On a second note, not sure if this is known or fixable but the key for export 'S' is also the key for showing backup saves. Hope there is an easy fix for this or I am just being stupid! love the game so far...thanks!!
  2. So, I beat the Beast of Winter on one of my end-game saves. Then I loaded up a level 6ish party in PotD (different difficulty level as well). I noticed that all of the quests for the DLC were still listed in my Journal. The quests I had completed in my end-game save were greyed out and said completed, while one that I never finished on my end-game save still had the last objective listed as my next objective. I got up to a higher level yesterday and decided to try a run at it. When I got to the location, the dialog seems to work properly - but only to a point. The initial camera cut worked when I arrived at the island and it transitioned properly to the narrative parchment screen. After that I went to see Harbinger vatnir. His sermon cinematic never came on, and he won't talk to me. He just gives me the generic popup response - no dialog box. Unsure if anything can be done to resolve this issue. Wondering if anyone else has the problem.
  3. So I was playing on a fire godlike fighter account with a party of 4 (including me) and tried to kill readric. I soon found out, I can't kill him with all his guards, so I tried to leave the castle to buy gear and gather more people. However, each time I try to go outside of the castle, I get a loading screen and then my screen turns black and my cursor becomes the "cancel" icon (the red circle with the line through it). This happens when I leave from any area of the building that I have tried and therefore I am trapped inside it (found some pretty cool loot though...) I'll continue to try and kill readric, because maybe that'll help, but I still think this is an issue. I tried attaching the game files but it didn't work. The only thing I can post is the system specs: OS X Yosmite Version 10.10.2 MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011) Processor 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 Memory 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB I'll report back if I manage to get through, but as of yet I can't. You guys made a great game, so keep up the good work!
  4. Hi i cant get kotor 2 to run after the text scrawl here are my computer specs Intel Pentium 4 cpu 3.00 ghz 0.99 gb of ram Windows xp service pack 3 Directx 11 Intel 82865G Graphics controller what do i do?
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