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  1. I'm trying to complete this quest in the Groundbreaker after having completed the bounty for MacRedd peacefully (lying and using his lighter as evidence). I would really like to try and take a non-violent approach here, but I can't access the area in the back bays where the parts are without MacRedd and his people getting hostile, and there is no dialogue option to talk to him about it. I read that if I have a save game before i could talk with Junlei before, but i have no save game before. Please add a dialog option to ask MacRedd for the radiator AFTER have complete bounty quest. PLEASE I DONT WANT TO KILL THEM ALL AFTER HAVE TAKE THE PEACEFUL WAY BEFORE.
  2. It happens since patch 1.1. Before the patch, the numbered choices only appeared when playing with mouse/kb and hid when you activate a controller. Please fix this.
  3. So, I have been really enjoying The Outer Worlds, but I have run into a problem with persistent crashing in Stellar Bay. I have tried some suggested fixes, like capping my frame rate and turning off my overclock, but the problem persists. Is there a fix for this? If it is relevant, I got my game through the Windows store.
  4. Hello, I recently stumbled upon something i think is a bug, or at least i absolutely can't see any logic behind what's happening to me, for the first time after 15+ hours in hard difficulty i got one-shotted by a marauder goon wich kind of surprised me because usually they are not even half of a threat to me, and then i realised after the same thing happened quite a few time in a row with different type of enemies including marauder goon, scrap mechanical at least one of each type of marauder and even mantisaurs or raptidon that i was dying upon landing a hit with my melee weapon, at the exact moment my hit connects and the damage are applied I am dying, kind of like i was hitting my self or getting sort of countered but the fact that it would one shot me is what bothers me when even giant raptidon's charge attack only scratch a fourth of my health. I've tried different melee weapons but the issue is still there. Is it a bug ? If yes is there a known solution or a fix planned anyday ? Are others having the same issue or is it even a bug ? Thank you by advance.
  5. So since my last post which can be found here. My save issue has not been fixed Private division basically your save is gone because they wont go into the cloud and get access to it. Xbox Says Private division can access my save for me but they are refusing to. All i want is my save back that i put my time and effort into there game. It takes 4-5 cloud syncs for my saves to be loaded so there is something about syncing to the cloud https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/112400-xbox-save-missing/?tab=comments#comment-2181941
  6. As the title says, I can't complete quests inside the HHC Building without having to fight everyone inside. This is probably because, earlier, I had exited from the wrong door in the maintenance tunnels, during Sprakings quest, inside the Acropolis district, where the guards attacked me as soon as they saw me. I realized the mistake, and quickly ran back inside the tunnels. Now, it seems people inside the building didn't forget my trespassing, while guards outside don't mind me at all, after I speech checked the "leader". Also, I already have the UDL ID, and I can't upload the saved game because it's over 512KB. Is this really a bug? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong...
  7. During Nyoka's companion quest, Star-Crossed Troopers, I needed 3 pheromone glands. I got 2 and, on the third, the Primal jumped up right as I killed it, and the last gland went on top of a building where I cannot access the top (see picture). I have tried many times to climb it, but I cannot; thus, I cannot complete this quest. As a crazy completionist, i need to get it somehow. Thanks in advance.
  8. Xbox One Game Pass player, just launched the game and every dialogue option has a bracketed number before it. I didn’t see an option to remove this in the ui settings. Is this a bug?
  9. So the recent patch just came out and I got it installed. However, as soon as I went back to talk to Parvati to get the "Don't Bite the Sun" quest, it immediately fails and says she died. I thought that was fixed in the patch?
  10. I have really enjoyed the game so far, but I have ran into a problem after completing the Valley's questline. I am playing on a original PS4 (When they first came out). When I try to go to leave the Unreliable to go to the groundbreaker the game will kinda freeze on the loading screen. The music will abruptly stop during the loading screen, but the icon on the bottom right hand of the screen will keep moving. I have left it on the loading screen for an hour to see if it will ever load up. I do not have the technically knowledge on how to transfer a video of the issue onto my computer. I have tried to do some trouble shooting on the issue myself. This is the order I have tried to do the trouble shooting in. (I own a digital copy of the game and not a disc copy) 1. Power cycle PS4 and load from a slightly earlier point in the game (This has worked on any other game which I had crash on my PS4 before) 2. Check for updates on both the game and the system before trying again. 3. Create a new character and played through the beginning of the game again to have it freeze in the same spot. 4. Uninstall game, Reinstall game 5. Uninstall game, delete all save files on the system dealing with the game (because they are a seperate thing from the games files on the PS4), De-frag the hard drive, Re-install game, created a new character. I would like to play through the game and not get a refund, because I have really really enjoy what I have played so far. And I would prefer if I did not have to buy a new PS4. (Btw, other games have not given me any other issues, Spiderman, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Skyrim Ultimate Eddition, Fallout 4, etc.)
  11. I'm not sure if this has already been brought up and I'm not sure if this is the right place to be posting this, but I thought I'd try anyway. I'm playing on PC (MS Store version) and I've noticed that after I've completed a companion's personal quest and gained their bonus perk, I'll lose the bonus perk after doing a respec. HOWEVER, after doing a respec, I'll get an additional perk point to use for any companion who's personal quest I've completed as if it's giving me an extra point for the bonus perk. That doesn't seem like it's how it was intended to work. I figured the bonus perk would be a permanent passive quest reward. The way it's working now you have no warning that a respec will remove the perk and no way of getting it back even though you do get an additional point to spend after respec. Sorry if this is a well known bug, I just noticed it happening. I did a quick Google search and only found one small topic on Reddit talking about it. Figured I'd bring it up. Maybe someone else could do some testing to see if they get the same results.
  12. So I've got a graphical bug when the graphics settings are on anything below maximum the textures don't load properly and everything looks like it's made of wax/on PS2. When I change the graphics to medium, or open then close the pause menu with them on medium, the textures load for about half a second, then disappear. This isn't game breaking, but my computer isn't good enough to run the game on max graphics without massive lag, so it would be nice if the textures worked on medium to high. This same issue is present on all graphics settings except maximum, playing on PC from the Windows Store (rather than the Epic Store) Pic related
  13. Hi, I have seen this question all over the forums but no answer. I am no longer able to load any recent saves from the main menu on PS4. I have one manual save for the mission ”At Central” and one autosave for “Cupid of that Laboratory” but (Ver 1.00) just froze the main menu with the music still playing. The only save I could open and play is called “[System Save - Leaving Emerald Valley] at level 8, 20 hours prior to my most recent save. After updating to version 1.01 attempts to load the aforementioned saves would result in the following error E-B51D0002. Now after uninstalling the game and reinstalling leaving it at version 1.00 the saves will just be ignored and return to the main menu as if selecting them did nothing at all and when selecting the system save crashes the application. Updating to version 1.01 once again just gave me to same error. I’ve updated the PS4 software, shut down/ restarted the PS4 Several times and have deleted and installed the game three times. But the saves will still not load. Any help will be appreciated that you very much.
  14. I was given one of the choices for a flaw a while back for a perk and I took the perk, it said something about being paranoid of getting caught by guards. It said it was an exchange for a -1 on a skill but now it growing and its up to about -3 on each perk now. Its caused my temperament to become below average and I cant even heal at using anything! Im not sure if this is absolutely a bug but even if it isnt, its absolutely game breaking for me to try survive with a sliver of health. I cant even get out of the area im currently in because im prone to being one shotted.
  15. So I'm doing his main quest to retrieve his data from the outlaws. I betrayed Cassandra after agreeing to help her but shot her in the back. Also got Porter to leave peacefully. I'm trying to either turn in the data to Anton or keep it, however as I'm roleplaying as a total d-bag, I want to convince Anton to kill himself. However I don't get the persuade options that other players seem to get, despite my persuade skill being 50+. And I keep reloading to different points trying to remedy this, and I either gain certain dialogue options but lose others? Like I can't seem to tell him about the " Black marks and paperwork " in response to Jameson's death in one save, but in another I can. Like wth is happening? My stats are high enough and I've been a jerk to him the entire time, what's going on?
  16. I’m in Tartarus trying to complete this main quest and currently I’m in Tartarus the pit floor 2. When I try to open this door to enter through the next area with the human and robot my game freezes and crashes immediately. The only way to prevent this crash that I’ve found is by shooting the people within this room. The weapons I currently have equipped are vortex ultra mace, the vermin 2, tactical shotgun 2, and dead eye assault rifle 2.
  17. Hi, I'm currently doing a 2nd playthrough siding with the Board, and as far as I'm aware Percival is supposed to sell you some unique items in addition to normal ones. I am currently level 23 and have 100/0 Positive Rep with the Board, but he sells me only normal items, no special items of any kind, not even with a "locked" (restricted stock) symbol. I really wanted some Board unique items before I embark on the final stretch of the game. Any help would be appreciated!
  18. I have just finished the Roseway quests and while inside the Unreliable I notice that I can sprint despite the encumbered status (the encumbrance icon is visible). However when I go outside the ship I cannot sprint, like it shoud be. Any tips to get rid of this bug?
  19. As per title - no matter which caffeine item I use, the status effect never occurs. This makes getting the well-rounded breakfast trophy impossible. A quick search shows others having it as well: https://forum.psnprofiles.com/topic/80734-problems-with-well-balanced-breakfast/
  20. Hi, I doubt that anything will be done about it at this point since the game came out several years ago. Nevertheless, I just bought some armor (exceptional mail, exceptional scale, and exceptional breast plate) from the Crucible Knights smith and placed each one individually on my main character, who's female, to see how they each looked, and found that I'm only able to customize the colors with the exceptional breast plate. I tried this on my male NPC companions (four of them) and am able to change the colors of the exceptional male and exceptional scale on them, but when it tried this on my female NPC companion, I was, again, only able to customize the colors of the exceptional breast plate. Has anyone else dealt with this bug? It's a little disappointing since I'd likely choose the exceptional mail - for now, at least - if it weren't for this.
  21. Managed to convince Anton Crane of the error of his ways. I'd heard he could potentially kill himself out of guilt, but I ran into him purely by chance in the Lost Hope, where he said he'd left Roseway with Cassandra and sold the research and was going to do something else with his life. ...Except much later that same playthrough, I went back to Roseway looking for marauder armour, went back into the comms room just to see if I'd forgotten anything, and found his body on the floor. So unless Lilya Hagen is onto something, that's, um, probably not right.
  22. In order from most to least severe: - Are the Factions that the player has assisted throughout the game supposed to infiltrate Tartarus on the final mission even while you are disguised? Unsure if this is intended or not but i found it strange that the triggers for the factions (Groundbreaker , MSI, and the Iconoclasts in my case) to come and shoot up the place activate even while I was disguised and hadn't started any combat. So there i was, walking around the resulting fight that was taking place. My immersion was somewhat broken at this event so I assume that this was an oversight on the devs' part. Maybe the disguise system was implemented after these flags on the final mission were set and were forgotten about? - there's a typo in one of the player responses when talking to the iconoclasts standing outside the raptidon infested printing building. It's a missing word, something like "Glad you ok." rather than "Glad you are ok.", though the details elude me and I'm not gonna go back to check. - The ash pile that formed from killing a Mantisaur Queen appeared on top of the "pre-placed corpse" (meaning a corpse already present in the world) it was feasting on and it became inaccessible despite the pile being visible over the corpse. I never encountered this event again. The second time an ash pile landed on top of a corpse (unsure if it was pre-placed that time); it didn't have this issue. Literally unplayable.
  23. In character creation i choose Caucasian skin tones, yet when i get ingame and on the ground, both the idle panoramic view and the pause screen show me as decidedly NOT caucasian, and it seems like im at skin tone one rather than the caucasian tone i picked. Please fix this, id rather not tell my friends this game has 'forced diversity' Other issues i have with the game are the lack of an on screen effect when im hit by an enemy when i take damage, no controller vibration when i take damage, this makes health management rather difficult maybe a longer delay when holding the 'sheath weapon' or 'unsheath weapon' would be nice, as im always taking out my pistol at the most inoppertune times
  24. So I was playing through my game and during the mission BOLT With His Name, when asked to delete files it wouldn’t let me. I thought nothing of it, no skin off my back, but now at canids cradle I can’t do the peace option without it even though I’ve done everything ese right. When I went back to see if I could at least read the files they still weren’t there. So now I have to choose between two factions I tried really hard to have like each other and by all means should have, but since this whole thing happened I can’t have the ending of the faction quest that I’ve been working for and made no errors on my part for. Will there be a patch or something to fix this? Or will I just have to finish the mission and play on a different character to do that? Posted below I have what I would get when I went during the mission.
  25. Suddenly having trouble holding E to open a door or unlock a bin. It gets halfway through and stops. Is this a bug? The Outer Worlds 2019-11-06 22-44-07_Trim.mp4
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