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  1. So it seems the Copperlane map stuff is being put on top of every other map in the city.So all of the magnifying glass prompts, the hidden cache, the names of locations on the map like the Goose and the Fox. All of that is just being put on top of every other map and I've mostly been able to navigate around it, I just have to walk around the areas with the magnifying glass prompts but I literally can't complete a quest because it's blocking my access to an NPC. I haven't been able to find anything about this in all the bug threads I've seen so I was wondering if anyone had a clue how to fix this. It started when I entered Copperlane and so far it has affected every single location I've been to afterwards. Screenshot from the Goose and the Fox. I need to speak to Weaxel for "Something Secret" and I can't reach him because the entire area is covered by the magnifying prompt for some reason. Other prompts don't take over entire areas so I have to assume this is part of the bug.
  2. Hello, I bound marux amanth to xoti but can't get it to stack burn damage for level 1. Shining beacon, cleansing flame, fan of flames scrolls or immolator bombs don't do anything. I tried rebinding, switching weapon slots, but it stays stuck at 0. What can I do ? Thanks in advance
  3. I heard about this bug around release, guess it's still around. Reproduce: 1. Never recruit Eder or Serafen. I can load my PoE 1 save and Eder is dead, hanging on the tree. 2. Finish PoE 2, and their slides appear at the end of the epilogue.
  4. After killing the oracle of wael nothing happens. It just sits there. No conversation, no cut screen, nothing.
  5. its been years I played the game so I decided to play it again. but there is a bug I have noticed. During engagement. The Cipher's weapon will glow together with the head. but I seldom see this effect. it frustrates me a little bit because that's what make the cipher unique to most classes. they say its a bug but is there a fix for this?
  6. Hello, First of all, thanks for designing such a good game. It is great! If I were playing it on PC or Mac probably I would love it. I wish I could say the same thing for its PS4 version. It is horrible. I bet you are already aware of it. So my question is simple, are you planning to improve it? (BTW, I am playing it on PS4. Not PS4 Pro. Not PS4 Pro + SSD upgrade. Simple, Vanilla, PS4.) If you are not aware of the problems, these are the major pain points I am experiencing: Slow, very slow, loading times: It gets even worse in Neketaka. I saw some other entries about it but I don't see any comment on when (or if) it will be fixed. Lags, frequently lags: Just cast an Essential Phantom spell and see it yourself. Or at midnight wait until morning. Or go to a water side with some reflections. Or ... Crashes: It crashes regularly. Sometimes it semi-crashes (exits to main screen) and sometimes it crashes completely. Semi-crashes are happening because it cannot load a map which is a transient issue and when I start the game again it will be able to load. the game. I don't have any idea why It crashes completely. I am trying to send a feedback from PS4 but I am not sure if you are getting it or not. Bugs, bugs everywhere: Even in a simple team management screen. Sometimes it doesn't get my team selection. Sometimes it does get my team selection, removes a character from the team but same character stuck to same location on every map. Fun, isn't it! I am not even expecting you to go into detailed bugs like certain scripted interactions keeps playing same sound file over and over again until you restart your game. No. I am just expecting most used features to be worked as expected. At this level, game is almost not playable. I like this kind of games but if I knew it was this state I wouldn't buy it in the first place. When I realise its state after I played it couple of hours, I considered returning it but PS4 store didn't accept returns for digital copies. Before I bought it, I read it was slow but I wasn't expecting this slow to be honest. I wish you had spent same amount of time for PC version and deliver in similar qualities. So my question is simple, are you planning to improve it? If yes, when? If no, why? As I said, it is very nice game! I wish to be able to play it (ideally multiple times) without getting annoyed by the loading screens, lags, bugs or crashes.
  7. Exactly as it says above, I've run into this issue every time I try to enter the city via the door or fast travel, and I have several quests I need completed inside. Any way to fix the issue or would I have to restart from the very beginning?
  8. So ends my Ultimate run. Repro steps: 1) Scoryielaphas fight 2) Character near wall 3) Character hit (interrupted/successfully pushed) by Aquatic Breath into the wall 4) Character stuck mid fall animation? Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjHUIuaSViM Attached output_log.txt (this happened at the very end of session, you can see some Naga errors which happen in the room before but nothing in the Scory fight). DxDiag attached. Edit: No savegame as this was an ultimate run and it was purged... output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  9. I can't proceed. There's no way to continue to the next character. I'm just stuck with no arrow to continue with. suggestions? I tried uninstalling the app and installing it again and I got the same result.
  10. Hi, seem like the pocketpicking bug on hostile enemies is still there, can you guys please fix this bug? I'm back to play this game after long time and I really like the gameplay of playing stealth and putting bombs into ememies' pocket. It's pretty sad that I couldn't do that anymore.
  11. This is the continuation of my previous post about 2 bugs that bother me in the game. (The pale elf glitch from before also happens to this character) 2nd bug: Look at how long her fingers are! This only seems to happen whenever I have the "Príncipi Clothing" item equipped. Difference whenever I'm using any other armor: I realize that this is a really minor issue, but c'mon I really like the look she has I don't want to change it. Please fix it, thanks.
  12. Sigh . . . This time, this is serious buisness because it's my precious Trial Of Iron lonely save. So, is there any way to fix this without using cheat engine ? I don't want to risk losing my all-precious achievement this way. Thanks.
  13. Hello, everybody. After, over than year break I've decided to finish my solo trial of iron run. After loading save discovered that all my story progress is lost. Last time I stopped at Kolsc slain and loaded in his house. And I have log entry about it. I still have my lvl 16 character, all stats, obtained perks like gift from machine, flick of wrist etc., all my Items in inventory and on the ragdoll, BUT no quests, no other opened, but few starting locations. Caed Nua colored gray on the map, like i've never been there. All monsters and quest and npc characters I've killed before, hidden loot all on their places. Ingame timer were reset like I just started new game. Does anybody know what's going on? Is there any way to fix saves? I'm very frustrated, hundred of hours gameplay down the drain.
  14. Every time I load the game it will play the music and the graphic display for 2 of the company logos and then it goes back and some small text appears in the top right hand corner that looks like version information with a -steam on it. Then it crashes. If I try clicking or hitting enter it goes to that screen sooner and crashes. Any help? I can't even get to the menu screen.
  15. I'm at the start of the game on ps4 the quest is called Stranded I played through the quest met the Gov cleared the dig site and returned to the gov who told me to return to the beach with my ship when I arrive there is no cut scene my crew is gone from the fire and there are 3 dockworkers 2 of then I cant interact with and the third when I interact with him loads the conversation between me Edér and the Stewart statue I searched the entire beach the cave and the part if the ship I coukd
  16. Whenever I try to play past the tutorial, it goes into a loading screen and then closes the game. This is right after the first combat encounter, with the pirates on your ship after waking up from character creation.
  17. There is a Halcyon Parcel Service (HPS) in Byzantium that when i lockpicked a door to the storage room in the office it turned everyone in the office into enemy's, there is a quest line in this office for Wanda Chen, the quest line is called *Makes Space Suits, Wont Travel* the problem with her turning into an enemy is that i cant interact with here, all i can do is pick pocket her. I have tried restarting my game, i also have tried waiting a couple hours I also have tried do another mission and she still is an enemy I also have tried restarting my Xbox One S but still no luck. If anyone has any clue on how to fix this bug I would greatly appreciate if you could help me, i have spent over 24 hours of my time into this game, so it would help if there is an answer to this bug. Thank you for your time.
  18. Hi all, I've been having a world of trouble against Sigilmaster Auranic, mostly due to my MC Marauder, which is great for killing Auranic himself, but basically does nothing against the sigils. My main strategy was to equip Scordeo's Edge and Slayer's Claw and stunlock him with interrupts. It worked... until he decided to activate all of the sigils at once. The bizarre thing is that using all the sigils is an active ability, and my MC was interrupting him, this with him at 0 health, but he wouldn't die before activating it. Then only AFTER he activates all the sigils he can be killed, and everything goes to ****. Was someone able to kill him bypassing his "last stand"? Maybe with the soulbound dagger?
  19. A quest item has disappeared from my bag and I am too far ahead to start again,i already contacted obsidian and they couldn't help me, so I ask you how do I add this quest item without losing the Achievements,i'm willing to download any program i wish i could go back to playing asap.
  20. A Bug I noticed while playing supernova For some reason whenever I suffer a concussion, rather than needing to sleep it off like a good employee in my ship, all I need to do is talk to someone Meaning when I receive the concuss effect, it gets cured after opening dialogue with anyone, including my companions, guards noticing my disguise is down, and any other interactions in which I open the dialogue menu I'd add some screenshots, but it won't let me for some reason Edit: I've also noticed this works for more effects than concuss, who would have thought talking about your problems made it so easy?
  21. I'm not sure if this is the right place to come with console bugs or if I go complain to Versus Evil but oh man this game is nearly unplayable, especially now that I'm hitting a bug where several saves for one character literally freeze up when loading, or load and take me to main menu saying there was a map error. This is utterly ridiculous. (if this is not the right place for this I apologize, literally just created account give minutes ago.
  22. I have the ps4 version that came out 1/29/2020 and playing turn based .4 hours into the game, when I get into combat, I cant move any character.i can delay or end my turn I can cast some spells on myself. But if I have a spell or ability where I have to target something it won't let me move the cursor. I then started a whole new game and even in the first fight of the game , it does the same thing. Help!
  23. I equipped a new leather helmet with medicine +3 for Nyoka which had medicine listed in skills but it does not show the +3 in brackets. It works for sneaking with armor. But why not with helmet stats?
  24. Hi. I upgraded a standard soldier helmet from Aramid Ballistics. It's level 11 and tooltip shows 9 armor. But on the right it shows armor 18>19 when I upgrade it.
  25. Hi. Just noticed a strange thing. The weapon dps on companion is lower when he equips a weapon. The gun has a bit higher DPS in inventory and in the compare item tooltip. Is this a bug or does it show lower DPS when equipped including his skills? I disabled showing base stats to see real dps for my char. Does this affect companion guns or is it a bug?
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