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  1. There is abandoned red circle just chilling there, without even a description, on the 3rd lvl of the Endless Paths. Check attached save game for more details. https://www.dropbox.com/s/koxaw02jfg7b3cz/18f629d2cf1440dd8a169ba9c02ac72a%2011701757%20EndlessPathsofOdNuaLevel3.savegame?dl=0
  2. If you dismiss a party member and then re-recruit them it doesn't save their stats. If I dismiss Sagani who has killed a boss, I should be able to recruit her later with the history telling me that she brought down said boss. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but I sure hope not.
  3. I took the draining lash skill and now I gain no focus when I attack foes. Funnily enough, I often find myself with -1 focus and below during fights. This is in the latest patch.
  4. I started a new Game and the prices in the Black Hound Inn are ridiculous high. The two Rooms cost 8250 cp and 11250 cp. One Potion of Minor Endurance cost 37500 cp. Other Prices (at the Black Hammer Smithery for example) are normal. When my Repution goes up the Prices change to normal values. In my Savegame you can see the high prices and then you can talk to Sweynur and finish the Quest and see the Prices are back to normal. SaveGame: http://www.share-online.biz/dl/HT1PF9MNMK9 Edit: I did a bit of testing and i think the Bug is related to the German Text Fan Patch.
  5. There's a potentially gamebreaking bug in Visions and Whispers. If the player does not sleep in the inn and obtains the dream to find the dwarf hanging from the tree (Caldara De Berranzi), and then completes the "Lord of a Barren Land" quest, the bodies in the tree will disappear, and the main questline can no longer be completed, and will prevent the player from ever reaching Caed Nua. Additional Notes: I went with Kolsc, and killed Raedric. Possible solution: Move the corpse to the graveyard, and have an NPC point out where the corpses were moved to, allowing the player to continue. The trigger allowing the dream must of course also be re-enabled if this is the case. This is just a suggestion though.
  6. amazing bug if active -14 Deflection, but must only -3. http://i.imgur.com/oUnLjKZ.jpg
  7. Circles and health bars often vanish when enemies are "Confused" in combat, making them very hard to see, especially with semi-transparent enemies, such as shades. Pressing Tab lights up the enemies properly, but this is awkward.
  8. When crowd control effects are reapplied when an existing effect still has time remaining, duration is refreshed on the tool tips. However, enemies start moving/attacking as if the effect has been removed. This issue has been observed with "Prone" and "Paralysis" status effects.
  9. Is this a bug? The axe icon is over the icon slot: http://prntscr.com/6p5834
  10. Now Eder can't knock people prone anymore?! ARRGGGHHh this is actually worse for me than all the bugs that got fixed >.< He can successfully land it but it's always 0.0 sec prone.... ie: broken. EDIT: Huh so I rolled up another fighter for testing and her KD seems fine so something got messed up specifically on Eder on my save as it was being patched. Tried removing him and re-adding him to the party and no luck so far but I'll keep experimenting. If anyone else has run into this and knows a fix, please let me know. EDIT2: Weirder and weirder. It's only affected my latest 3 saves. If I go back further than that he's acting normal. I'll end up losing a couple hours but that might be what I have to do at this point.
  11. It is larger than the inventory space, as though it was being manipulated by the cursor, but it is not. Here's an example of the problem while the item is equipped by a character. This is the item next to another hatchet, which does not have this problem. Also in the screenshot is a hammer and chisel, being moved by the cursor, in an attempt to demonstrate that Hearth Harvest is not currently being held by the cursor. Edit: This problem was not present in v1.02.
  12. Songsmith Roska is a bounty that should appear on the map Cliaban Rilag. But she appears only after finishing the quest Fragments of Scattered Faith from Eder and reentering Cliaban Rilag. Sadly the thread about it is not in the Bugs area. Please merge or relocate http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73358-bounty-songsmith-roska/
  13. The npc Riply who should be in a room next to the locked door to north ward in Sanitarium is missing. Can't get into that room in any other way, can't progress. The statues does not talk to me anymore, and all dialogs with other NPCs in Sanitarium are exhausted. the game is just broken. It's a beta. You can ignore bugged side quests where the game does not notice that you actually did what you were suppose to do. I am not a tester, I wouldn't do anything else If I uploaded every single broken quest (The man who waits, At all Costs, Supply and Demand, and even another story quest Never far from the queen which I had to complete several times before the game noticed, to name just a few biggest ones). I am not going back 5 hours to trace where I made some game breaking decision.
  14. So I was playing on a fire godlike fighter account with a party of 4 (including me) and tried to kill readric. I soon found out, I can't kill him with all his guards, so I tried to leave the castle to buy gear and gather more people. However, each time I try to go outside of the castle, I get a loading screen and then my screen turns black and my cursor becomes the "cancel" icon (the red circle with the line through it). This happens when I leave from any area of the building that I have tried and therefore I am trapped inside it (found some pretty cool loot though...) I'll continue to try and kill readric, because maybe that'll help, but I still think this is an issue. I tried attaching the game files but it didn't work. The only thing I can post is the system specs: OS X Yosmite Version 10.10.2 MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011) Processor 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 Memory 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB I'll report back if I manage to get through, but as of yet I can't. You guys made a great game, so keep up the good work!
  15. In 3rd act after kiling dragon in Hylea's temple I continued the "Hunter, Brother" quest. When i got to top of the waterfall i found body of giant skelgaer and engage smaller ones. After killing last one my party stuck in combat mode. I make shure that no enemy is near but I can do nothing to breack combat mode, also ther is no "s" and "d" button function. I cennot continue playing. Is ther some way to fix it or I need to wait for the patch?
  16. I kill him, had items on him but no head. I checked the stash quest inventory, no head I cant get reward for bounty also the missing sentries task is bugged. killed them all/cannot complete
  17. Hi I crash every signle time I try to travel to Gilded Vale after leaving the collapsed cage and traveling through the woods. Is this a common bug and will it be adressed in this weeks coming patch? I really(!!) want to play the game, but so far I can not progress past the second game location:( Thx in advance
  18. On both of my saves...I am on Act 3. I just get to Elmshore. I go back to my Stronghold to change out party members(because I never had a reason to change them back after taking Kana down into the Endless Paths). When I arrive...I open the party management pane. I try to change party members. I cannot do so. They get removed from my party window at the bottom left...but the actual characters stay selectable on the main window screen. I change out Kana....he appears with a diamond on his head at the center of the stronghold map. It does not matter the ones I try to change. I am actually stuck with my party members...which means I cannot complete companion quests that require them to be in my party. This is most likely related to the fact that if I were to go into Bright Hollow...I cannot zone into the second floor without having a black screen. I have a cursor like normal...but everything is black. Sometimes I hear character movement if I click somewhere, but I cannot even get a single window to pop up...not even pressing escape works. I have to Alt-Tab out and close down the game. My saves are effectively screwed until you can fix this. Im shut out of content and cannot enjoy the game in this state. Could someone please help me? I have over almost 60-70h invested so far. This is very disheartening.
  19. Basically what the title says. I'm running a nature godlike and I suddenly realised I was never sure if i saw my racial at work, its supposed to give some attributes bonuses when below 50% endurance. Anyway I looked at my char when i was with low endurance and didn't see any buff icon, or change in the stats in the char screen. Don't even see the racial listed anywhere in the char sheet.
  20. According to the thread Wailing Banshee, I'm supposed to be able to speak to Niah after I've gotten the log book from the lighthouse in order to unlock dialogue options to resolve the quest without having to attack Lilith. However, in my game, Niah is no longer at the location where I first found her, at the square platform at the docks, just a short ways right from the lighthouse. The NPC is missing, and I can't find her anywhere along the docks in Ondrana's Gift. Here's a link to screenshots, my save game, and system info: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/curm1fsga3vvyds/AADWG2x21fAfII5K0Pz7Awcqa?dl=0
  21. I fought my way through till I found Nedmar, which he mentioned the passphrase and to use disguises. I equipped the priest robes on everyone and walked into the sanctuary room, and the Temple Guardian started a conversation which I used passphrase, but everyone else still attacked or they would follow me and just cast blessing all the time and won't stop. Did I do something wrong or is this another bug and I'm just better off wiping everyone out?
  22. I have a crash poblem when I try ro change areas. It happens in Gllded Vale whenever I try to enter or leave a building. I go to the loading screen whain for a second or two, then crash out of the game. http://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/xMXMnm2M8%2FomzaYxxD2nq15P2Qwaa1fW
  23. Hello, I've got a strange bug on my Mac Book Pro Retina 13". When I talk to someone in the game, I can't read all the text. The window with the text is bigger than my screen and there is no way to reduce it. Screen capture here : http://imageshack.com/a/img907/7448/e93MBL.jpg I didn't had this problem before and now I can't fix it. I've tried all the changes possible in the graphical panel but nothing is working. Thanks for your help. Gilles MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013) 2,6 GHz Intel Core i5 16 Go 1600 MHz DDR3 Yosemite - 10.10.2
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