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  1. I have been scouring the map for about 2 or 3 in game weeks, and I have yet to find a feather. Ive followed the crow around to its different perches and waited till it flys away, and no feather. I haven't seen it drop any feathers at all. I will also go several days without seeing the bird also. anyone know how to get this working or is it just bugged out completely?
  2. The 4 leaf clover is missing!!! Xbox One Console
  3. I made it tiny boys and girls! Since the game release, ant eggs were a problem for me, they never spammed. I tried everything and nothing worked. Well, this time it did. I found a bunch of worker ants around weevil meat and killing weevils. So, I killed them all and looted them. Big mistake, nothing changed. The second time the ants spammed, I again killed them all and didn't loot their bodies. After 1 in-game day, work ants were back to the Anthill and ant eggs were there. So my advice if you are having the same problem, find where the group of ants is (10 to 15 ants in my case), kill them all, and don't loot their bodies. Other things that didn’t work: - Kill soldier ants at the anthill, stuck or not, looting or not. - Kill worker ants wandering around the backyard, stuck or not, looting or not. Good luck and I hope it will help you guys.
  4. Youtube link Xbox Game pass for PC Epic Name: MarraKobra Occasionally an items texture will get stuck to the player's strong hand, even after un-equipping or switching items. Seems random, cannot force a recreation. Using a wired controller on PC. AMD Ryzen 5 3600x 6 core, 16GB RAM, 64bit
  5. Occasionally while playing the game (in multiplayer as the client, not host, in my case), upon exiting the inventory, craft menu, map, etc. I will recieve a graphics driver crash error that will either crash the game or, in some cases, my entire PC and require a restart. I can't exactly get screenshots of the crash, nor can it reliably be recreated per se, but it happens roughly every 1 in 3 times I exit the menu. (This has happened one time upon launching the game, but not again) The host and I updating our graphics drivers, as the error suggested, did nothing to fix the issue. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, any workarounds yet? *Update* I theorize this may be an issue with directx 12. I use an AMD Radeon RX 580 and have an AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core processor. Dx 12 is notoriously awful with AMD softwares, but because I use the Xbox App and am playing the game with the gamepass, I'm unsure of how to fix this issue unless it may possibly be something in the game (I was not having this issue at all playing the game in multiplayer as the client player 2 days ago). As of right now this error is making my game unplayable, which sucks because I adore both the game and Obsidian as a company. If anyone finds a workaround for making the game run in dx 11, I'd love to hear it so I can play the game again.
  6. when I host my friends in my game, their items disappear and cannot recover and so far have not reappeared
  7. Here Is The Issue. Whenever I Try And Host A Game For Multiplayer It Goes Fine Until I Get To The Loading Screen. First The Bottom Left Loading Dots Freeze.. Then The Music Cuts Off. I Have Tried Multiple Times Yesterday. I Tried A Different Save. But Idk What Is Going On. I Want To Show People What I've Made Etc. But This Has Not Only Made It Difficult But Impossible. Ps: Single Player Works Fine. Thank You For Listening If Anyone Can Help With This Issue Or Fix It I Would Be Very Thankful. Keep Playing Grounded.
  8. So yeah I was trying to avoid fighting an orb weaver so I ran into the pond. The orb weaver was lining up a lunge to attack me but being in the water I assumed I was safe. It attacked and landed in the water but it just vanished. I'm just curious to where the hell this thing went lol is it still in my game? is it dead? will it respawn? and will this also apply to other bugs that unintentionally land in water?
  9. Twice today, my game has crashed due to recycling something. I THINK both times it was when I recycled my grass plank pallet to move it. I will try again to confirm.
  10. I revive my team mate he does somthing like swing change weapon or anything he gets knocked any one having that like he has to give up come back get his stuff gets knocked randomly
  11. When I try to save my game manually, or the save created on Quitting, when I go back later to Continue a game only the auto saves are listed. I checked the time stamps to see if the name of the file was just being changed, but it is only the auto saves that are kept. This has only been an issue since the recent patch.
  12. Found a bug where it says the chest is locked? As if someone else is looking inside of it. So currently cant access multiple chests. We made new chests and destroyed the old to get the materials but it's gone back to them being locked
  13. Ladybugs are getting stuck inside the rocks near the pond and also the roots of the great oak tree.
  14. After Exploring The Blueberry Hedge, I Returned To The Oak Lab And The Door Appears To Have Been Locked. I Have Looked Up This Issue And It Seems Many Have Run Into It Right After Discovering The Hedge. I'm Playing On The Xbox One, Not Sure If This Issue Occurs On PC.
  15. The harvesting hitbox of berries are strange, much more strange than spiderweb hitboxes. I struggle to even collect one berry most of the time, and since it is used in a lot of high tier items, it is very important to be able to collect it. Sometimes the hitbox works at a very specific distance+angle for each berry differently, or it just doesn't exist.
  16. I have a save where the preview shot shows me in more recent armour and carrying a tier 2 tool. Loading up the save puts me in the right place and all the base progression is there. However my character inventory is from an older save. Meaning I lost my armour and tools that I worked on.
  17. Started a world just like any other and everything was normal, but 20 days in the ladybugs just vanished from the garden, can't find them anywhere and they're not spawning, now i'm stuck at quests because i need to analize ladybug parts, is there any workaround for this bug?
  18. I have been trying to harvest berries for berry chunks for over an hour and have only been able to get 6 chunks. I have knocked or shot down 20+ berries though. Either they disappear when they hit the ground or are unharvestable(when I hit them with my tier 2 axe they just move around or I just swing through them). With how much berry leather I need for stuff this would be a very helpful fix.
  19. First of all i like the game so far but a thing that really iterates me is the fact that ants can go through your chest through walls even if its 2x there body away they can still go through the chest, and tbh I wish i unlocked floors earlier on in the game about the same time as roofs maybe, because you are really stuck with what u can do before you get it.
  20. I have a grass wall. On top of it there are kind of "battlements" looking. If I build stairs leading up to the top of the wall, the "battlements" are cut of and the wall fits nicely under the stair's height. If I save and then load the game the wall has become full height with the "battlements" and I have to jump to get past it when I walk up the stairs.
  21. Infelizmente, o horário do jogo congelado fica no dia 40 como 8:10 da manhã e, portanto, falta de progresso no jogo! Árvores e animais que não desovam! A comida não cozinha e o equipamento não gera água! Porta do laboratório ficou trancada! E como forma de atacar, não atacar mais, ficou passivo! att. gamertag: Fehzo1Tz
  22. Heyo just encountered a lil god mode bug I got myself into, and I believe it has to do with the acorn armor. I might not be correct but I think since the acorn armor gives you bonus hp, If you’re very low health and unequip it, it maybe takes away the bonus hp and some how put puts below the 0 health threshold or something of the sort? Anyways I can’t take any damage, wether it be fall damage, an insect, or hunger and thirst. So I finally get to run around in woah mode without getting one shot by everything besides ants and mites... So that’s kinda Nice. Cool game, great ideas! Needs more bugs... or insects I should say. Most prevalent bugs are the technical kind, but the game doesn’t feel broken, just not flushed out yet. Chest bugs, and equipment durability ones are some I’d personally fix first since they seem the most prevalent. Thanks for a great game!
  23. when we trying to complete Complete marker on toad swamp my friend accidently recycle the marker and it never been complete even i create another marker
  24. Hi! Awesome game so far! Some times when Stink Bugs does their cloud attack, their poison effect seems to get stuck on their characters, never happened to me (I'm hosting), but It's pretty common on them, Equiping/Unequipping the gas mask doesn't help, the only workaround we have found yet is either having their character die and respawn, or relogging. Keep up the good work!!
  25. I was playing game as normal and got really good at blocking. My friend recorded me and I ended up getting infinite health after blocking so much. I was like oh lets go test this out for the developing team, so we went to the Wolfs spider`s "home" and tested out my new ability. I will link the Xbox video on here because it will most likely be bigger than .5 MB. After testing my ability for a bit (10 min) we was going to reload the game because it was unfair to the game mechanics and I would consider cheating. After we went to bed the ability was gone, hopefully it wont happen again but if it does all you need to do is sleep or reload the game (was not tested saying I lost it after sleeping). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvso8utv-x4&feature=youtu.be
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