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Everything posted by JerekKruger

  1. I think a true friend would intervene if a person had a real problem but (a) I don't think Boeroer is anywhere close to having a problem* and (b) realistically the vast majority of us aren't Boeroer's friends in any meaningful sense (we're certainly not in a position to judge whether or not he has a problem). *A problem would be where his gaming interferes with his life negatively. Simply playing a lot is not, by itself, a problem. If someone wants to spend the vast majority of their time playing video games then that's their choice, and claiming it is a problem in and of itself is attempting to impose your views of normalcy on others (which is a **** move). I am very jealous. I struggle on less than seven and when I am working out regularly that goes up to eight.
  2. To be fair, across all his incarnations bigbazoopa probably has a few hundred posts, and he has interacted with Boeroer in a surprisingly proportion of them, though a less surprising proportion of those have been some variant of the posts seen in this thread.
  3. I read that as chromatic envy and thought "there's nothing stopping him having a colourful avatar too"
  4. And the truth comes out. Seems my post was spot on. What exactly did Boeroer do to make you so mad?
  5. I think the person who needs to get help is you firkraag888/master guardian/no1fanboy/Teclis23/bigbazoopa. You need help getting over whatever perceived slight Boeroer made against you. It's not normal to hold a grudge fit so long over such an important thing.
  6. You are definitely not alone in thinking this, I feel the same. I hope PoE3 will go back more towards PoE1's model. By all means have non-linearity in the style of BG2's first act or PoE1's second, but full open world just doesn't appeal to me at all.
  7. For me that would be just about the worst option. Hand drawn portraits are one of the best bits of games like PoE and having them replaced by soulless screenshots would be a huge loss.
  8. Given I basically want to get as close to PoE1's system that would work fine. I'm mostly glad that this method is available. I was worried there'd be a hard coded cap of two break points, but the ability to add extra is great.
  9. Personally I'd go with 5% per under and over penetration with a lower cap of 20% (like on PoE1) at -16 Pen, and an upper cap of 130% at +6. To be honest though this would either need testing it a rebalancing of enemy armour values. Also great work. This is precisely what I was hoping would be the case.
  10. Great work Harpagornis! One question, how hard would it be to make Spiritshifting a modal and, if it is possible, would it be possible to do so only for Shifters? This is the big thing I'd love to see changed.
  11. Yeah, I've been keeping up with that thread. Great work Harpagornis.
  12. That'd be cool. I do love shapeshifting and Deadfire's (and PoE's) take on Druid shifters doesn't work for me (I want modal shifting).
  13. Agreed, though it would also help if the new AR system wasn't so bad. I've been wondering how hard it would be to mod a system which imposes a 5% penalty per point of difference between penetration and AR (with a floor of 20% damage and a ceiling of 130%), rather than having cut offs. I don't have the time at the moment to look into it myself, but towards the end of the year I might. But yeah, even with such a change, giving big boosts to AR with difficulty is bad.
  14. Oh they are crap. I don't think anyone here is suggesting otherwise. Some of us are merely pointing out that expecting them to be otherwise was naive.
  15. I can see it from both sides. I definitely agree that I want to actually enjoy my top level abilities for a decent amount of time and not just get them before the final boss, but I also enjoy the process of levelling so I'd probably get bored if, say, I reached max level halfway through the game.
  16. If you think that Obsidian could have produced anything similar to the minis you found pictures of for the price then yes, you need to think more about it. The minis you posted are all made by companies that (primarily at least) make minis. That means they own their own all the machines to cast them and employ a bunch of sculpters (well, these days often it's done using some sort of CAD, but let's call them sculpters anyway) to make the prototypes. Obsidian doesn't. No matter, Obsidian could just subcontract one of these companies right? Well possibly, but whilst the sculpters are working on the prototypes for Obsidian's limited run collectables they aren't working on something that company is going to be able to sell commercially, so they'll need to charge Obsidian a lot to make it worth their while. Now remember the purpose of Obsidian offering these minis to backers isn't to provide backers with sweet collectables: it's to raise more funds for developing Deadfire. So even if Obsidian could produce better minis for the $25 price tag they had attached to them (and I'm not sure they could given what I explained above), much of that $25 is not going to go to doing so. So the fact that $25 can buy you ~6 decently painted good quality commercial minis really doesn't say much about what to expect from Obsidian's $25 collectable minis.
  17. What confusion? At no point did Obs indicate that they are planning to increase lvl cap. The only thing is the recent Brandon Adler response to question during stream that they might look intro xp distribution once all DLCs are out, to account for extra xp. Indeed. Not knowing whether something is going to happen in the future is not confusion. Confusion would be if Obsidian had said "we going to raise the level cap" in one place and said "we not going to raise the level cap" in another. As for why they may not raise it, it almost certainly has nothing to do with lack of money. As others have said the difficult (and costly) part of raising the cap is coming up with new abilities, but the latest beta patch has a bunch of new abilities for Rangers so clearly they aren't so cash strapped as to be unable to do so. I suspect it's a matter of balancing. The classes are far less balanced than they were in PoE1 at this stage, and whether or not you care about that Obsidian do. Adding new abilities with be levels throws the balance out of whack even more, so if guess that's why Obsidian don't want to do so. It could also be a case of the being nowhere to go from here. At max level a priest can summon an incarnation of their god. What exactly can you do to top that for a level 10 spell?
  18. Depending on how you feel about it you could simply use the console to give yourself the breastplate at the appropriate time. You'll lose access to achievements of course, but it's a lot easier than modding it.
  19. I think some abilities for Fighters and/or Paladins based around having a shield equipped would be cool, however I agree with Boeroer that general full attacks shouldn't trigger a bash attack from shields as doing so would take away from the current unique bashing shields.
  20. I don't think the answer implies the existence of a disc though, but it would have been better if Obsidian either edited the question or made it clear in the answer that there wouldn't be discs. I agree that it's misleading.
  21. Easy: suppose you hit both a beast and a wilder. You then get +1 Accuracy vs. Beasts when attacking Wilders, and +1 Accuracy vs. Wilders when attacking Beasts. It's great!
  22. Read that carefully: the answer states that the purchaser "will receive their digital code in the box", it doesn't say the box will contain discs (the question does, but the question was, presumably, not written by Obsidian).
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