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Everything posted by Jambo
um....no. Why would anyone find it odd that a person consumed by evil would be above killing children? Sure, he had just embraced the dark side not 10 minutes before, but Anakin was already troubled by the Dark Side and when he disarmed Mace Windu, allowing the Palpatine to kill him, he finally gave in and allowed it to consume him. Plus, he was so convinced that turning to the Dark Side would allow him to save Padme that the transition probably wasn't too difficult...
KotoR 3: Ideas, Suggestions, Discussion, Part 23
Jambo replied to CoM_Solaufein's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I just wish LA would come out and say whether or not they plan on completing the KotOR trilogy so, we can all get on with our lives... As for my ideas for K3...(I don't recall whether I posted said ideas or not) Both Revan and the Exile are featured in the game. How the previous two games ended will not matter this time since the true sith are a threat to everyone, regardless of force alignment. You will start out as the Exile, on his/her way back to one of the planets from one of the previous games to begin the first part of the game. You have a vision that shows some strange-looking humanoid beings preparing for battle. You rendezvous with the admiral from K2, whether it be Carth or that other guy, and explain to him the vision you had and what must be done. While preparing to leave Telos, you are approached by a rather odd-looking person. They look human, only not quite. After conversing with the person, you realize that he/she is one of the Sith scouts that was sent. They reveal to you the attack the Sith are planning and engage you. After defeating him/her, you run back to tell the admiral of impending attack only to find him missing, with a datapad laying on the ground. Upon reading the datapad, you learn that the Sith, much like the Yuuzan Vong during the Clone Wars, have sent scouts to a number of different planets and what their plans are for the admiral. You rush back to your ship and, while preparing to leave, have another vision. You make your way to a planet mentioned in the datapad. That's about all I could come up with in 5 minutes... -
You could always go the way of Jolee Bindo, right smack dab in the middle, and be able to be your self all the time, making descisions how you want to make them, not by following some code from either the light or dark side. Funny, that's kind of the way I look at religion. And I suppose Jedi and Sith aren't far off. I don't find it necessary to rely on a book to tell me how to act andwhat to think I don't need a book to tell be that I should be kind to others. Personally, I find it frightening that a person would need religion in order to be a decent human being, but if that's what it takes, then that's what it takes; afterall, some of those people are felons. I know people who are supposidly religous, but are still despicable human beings to those that don't follow their beliefs. Fundamentalist Christians FTL... I think Jesse Ventura said it best, "Religion is a shame and a crutch for weak-minded people."
I would probably be more of a grey jedi. I'm not a pacifist and I believe that some people are not worthy of forgiveness, like rapists and child molestors. What I really enjoy hearing is how badly those are treated in prison. Hell, even murderers have no sympathy for scum like that. Also, people who torture, mutilate, and dismember their victims. Sort of like the BTK killer. I also understand that sometimes diplomacy just doesn't work and to secure peace is to prepare for war. While I do prefer to use diplomacy to solve certain problems, sometimes it just isn't enough. I would have to say that I like war about as much as a pro-choice advocate likes abortion. Basically, I'm more in favor of the Sith way of getting things done. I just don't agree with the way they slaughter innocent people. They're also too quick to anger. I'm more laid-back.
You spelled "publisity" and genorosity" incorrectly and the spelling in the question differs from the spelling in the title....heh heh
KotoR 3: Ideas, Suggestions, Discussion, Part 23
Jambo replied to CoM_Solaufein's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
At the beginning, the protagonist is the Exile. You are to go to the Unknown Regions to find Revan and help him/her fight the Sith before they have a chance to launch their attack on the Republic. Of course, as the game progresses, you gather party members, both before you leave for the Unknown Regions and after you get there. Once you arrive, you make contact with different characters, loyal to the Republic, who have infiltrated the Sith; perhaps a Bothan spy or two. As you make contact with them, they will join your party. Just like in KotOR 2, different characters will join your party based on your alignment. At some point in the game, the Exile is killed. At that point, you are in control of Revan for the rest of the game. After the Exile's untimely death, you will make contact with a party member of the opposite sex who will, ultimately, be your love interest. Since, according to canon, the Sith take control of the galaxy somewhere around this time, they will be the ulitmate victors, regardless of the player's actions and alignment. -
Coruscant, Taris, Telos, Dantooine, Tatooine, Yavin 4, Naboo, and whatever planet the Sith reside on in the Unknown Regions.
How can Leia come in second?! Hell, out of her, Han, Chewbacca, and Luke, she was the only one that could hit anything with a blaster. She could have made it off of the Death Star on her own, if she wasn't in a cell....heh heh
Who is the Coolest KOTOR II Character?
Jambo replied to AromisTallion's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I think Mandalore is, by far, the most interesting character. Not necessarily because of his dialog in-game, but because of some of the dialog that was cut out. While HK-47 is quite the character, I think people like him simply because he's so bloodthirsty, and comedically so. Mandalore's cut dialog from while they were onboard the Ravager sent chills down my spine; what Revan told him about the Sith in the Unknown Regions and how they supposidly "tricked" the Mandalorians into starting the war against the Republic. Still, I put HK-47 at a close second... -
Many people are ignorant twats. So what? "So what?" So, they're entitled to their respective opinions. It doesn't make them twats, little guy. It's been a while since I've visited these forums. Thanks for reminding me why I left.
KotoR 3: Ideas, Suggestions, Discussion, Part 22
Jambo replied to CoM_Solaufein's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I would love to see an Old Republic Expansion for Star Wars Galaxies. They could have designated Old Republic servers and the normal ones or you would select to play Star Wars Galaxies: KotOR right from the launchpad, similar to the way you get on Test Center. Even with all I have invested in SWG, I would abandon my Naritus charaters and all of my spaceloot in a heartbeat just so I could focus all of my gaming time in the Old Republic SWG. -
Guardian/Watchperson or Sentinel/Weaponmaster
What's your favourite Swoop Track?
Jambo replied to Styur Voln's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Manaan because the music motivates me and I always do my best there. My best time is 19.54 seconds. Tatooine is always really hard for me but, I always clean up on Manaan. And plus you can get Light Side Points twice from that Ithorian. -
I think in some ways the Prologue and Peragus are like The Endar Spire and a little bit like Telos. But I think that Telos while on the Citadel Station is a lot like Taris because you're running around, doing all of these tasks to get off the Citadel Station, just like you were running around trying to get off Taris. And I think the Telos Restoration Zone is a lot like Dantooine because it's where you are set out to find the missing Jedi, just like you were sent out to find the Star Maps.
Where to find Permacrete Detonators?
Jambo replied to JediMutantX's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
uh...correction: you don't need to kill him. if you ask him to join the militia, he'll say that he has some thorium charges that he needs to get rid of...and then he'll join. -
that's a hell of an idea. have one of the main characters lose a limb so they have to get an artificial one. that would be really cool. very clone wars/empire strikes back-ish. I didn't say revenge of the sith-ish because, well, that would be a little too extreme, but I suppose thety could have something like that in the game, towards the end.
I agree with adding a day and night cycle. It would really add a lot to the game. Remember on Dxun when it was raining? I loved that. It gave the game so much realism, just by having it rain on just one of half a dozen planets. To add a day and night cycle and some weather, like rain, snow, wind and whatnot, would really make it into a damn good game. Oh, and for the planets, we need Dagobah and Mustafar...and Kamino...and if you can find something interesting to do with it, Hoth Oh, and maybe Ilum, where supposedly the Jedi grow lightsaber crstals and where that "living force" additive can be put into a lightsaber. I got that information here. Read it and thought it would be a cool place to go.
alright, I have to admit it. while mark griskey isn't as experienced as Jeremy Soule, he did a damn fine job with the music in KotOR 2. A lot of good music in that game, I'll tell you. But I wonder how it would have been if Obsidian had used Jeremy Soule...just like a lot of us wonder how it would have been if BioWare had done KotOR 2...
What I really didn't like about HK-47 is that he really didn't seem all that sold on the Exile, whereas in KotOR 1 he was actually quite protective of Revan. Like in the Sith Embassy on Manaan when you get to the Sith Master. "Wait! I recognize you! Lord Malak was most displeased when he learned you had escaped Taris alive! He has promised a great reward to whoever destroys you. Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is recommended that you run while my blasters warm up. I loved that. Also in Ajuta Pal's Tomb when Shardan tries to take Ajuta Pal's sword. Warning: Take the master's sword and lose an arm, meatbag. I loved it when he would call the Jawa's miniature meatbags, wookies hairy meatbags, and Selkath aquatic meatbags. Statement: I hate all meatbags. Except for the master, of course.
exactly...being able to adjust the heads up display and the resolution independently
not to hijack my own thread but, where would a person find the KotOR 1 Trailer? I mean, the one they showed on TV. Jeez, I kind of remember it. "Imperial March" was playing during the commercial. I thought the game looked kind of cool, but I never considered buying until a friend bought it and I saw how cool it was first hand.
what's a good feature?
exactly. it's not an eyesore in the sense that it's ugly. it's an eye sore because it, well, makes your eyes sore. Someone REALLY needs to come up with a mod that fixes it. Someone, anyone. anyone that know HOW to make a mod, which I don't.
Okay, if you insist "my deck is still warm" means he is trying to hit on a man, then I suppose I can say that all the Echani Handmaidens called Atris their "mistress" because they were her sex servants. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Gee wiz...I know he wasn't hitting on anyone. The dialog was just plan creeping, that's all. The way he said it, the guy's voice, and what was said. "My deck is still warm" is just flat out one of the corniest line I've ever heard in thid game of any game. And without giving it much thought, it does sound like a come on, male or female. And like I said, more than anything, it was just a creepy thing to say.
the March?