As someone who tends to enjoy vapid action games, I couldn't get into Borderlands.
No interest in Bioware's Anthem. Dislike any multiplayer game that's not local co-op only, more or less (essentially if someone I don't know can play it, I don't want to play it. Nothing against the millions of perfectly decent players out there, but I can't waste what little gaming hobby time I have on players whose sense of fun is spoiling others fun or generally being ****. Its why I avoid MMO-anything like the plague).
Since I don't keep up with game announcements much, E3 usually gets a few titles out in front of me that I'd normally not see.
EDIT: I doubt Fallout 5 would be announced so 'soon' after Fallout 4. Might be a Fallout NV type spin-off game, but I can't imagine a FO5 proper yet. Could be wrong though.