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Dr. Hieronymous Alloy

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Everything posted by Dr. Hieronymous Alloy

  1. Interesting that Kitchen Stove outperforms Red Hand so dramatically. I've been cruising along just fine with red hand / quarterstaff but yeah it's definitely not "optimized."
  2. This is only a display bug at the moment -- you still cap out at twenty total instances of the buff.
  3. Thanks! Would someone mind posting exactly where these all spawn? I seem to have missed one or two somehow.
  4. Those sound like problems with your computer not the game -- it's not an online game, I don't understand what you mean by "disconnect." Also you can quicksave with the f5 key instantly so long as you're not in combat? If you're playing on PotD you need to learn to use debuffs on enemies to bring their Deflection down.
  5. Would you mind posting screenshots of the actual items themselves? not all of us have played through the DLC yet!
  6. I think there may be a separate issue with loot just sometimes not dropping. I had to re-kill the Black Isle Bastards because they didn't drop the macahuitl club correctly for some reason.
  7. I found a workaround for this; delete your chants and re-build them from scratch and it seems to fix the issue.
  8. The converse of this bug is also true: the sky dragon wurm does NOT appear if you pick a history that let it live. I really wish these bugs would stop appearing, they're run-killers every time. Also if they could be fixed Retroactively that would be nice so I don't have to restart every time one of them crops up
  9. I'd suggest red hand / quarterstaff single class ascendant. It's just *fun* and the quarterstaff gives you reach, crushing damage, and a good defensive modal. After the last patch there are enough worthwhile upper tier cipher abilities that I think it's worth it going "pure." I think with multiclass ciphers you want to go soul blade or beguiler depending.
  10. My guess, at this point, is that the foreign manufacturer ****ed them over somehow and the backer goods are shoddy quality but they're still trying to get it sorted out. It's happened to other kickstarters before, especially board game kickstarters.
  11. I just ran into this with Pallegina in 2.0 ; she could use her initial phrases but didn't generate any further phrases during the fight. I'll see if I can reproduce and post a save.
  12. Yeah, I'm having the first bug also. Shutting down my computer and restarting let me save . .once. There's plenty of space on my hard drive. Quicksave and Autosave do still work, just manual saves are no longer possible.
  13. Have the various history-import bugs been fixed for 2.0? How many hours of content in the DLC approximately? Will there be non-sword, non-saber weapons in the DLC?
  14. I think if you just repeat " Mênpŵgra" over the voice acting while trying to simultaneously cough and spit, you'll approximate the Welsh experience. (Source: welsh grandparent's description of trying to learn Welsh)
  15. TO answer the question directly, yes, I still use figurines, but only rarely and usually only when trying to "game" a progression by tackling an above-level fight.
  16. Most of them have 8 charges, not 3; they summon 3 copies per use.
  17. What I think was confusing me was the difference between *companion* and *hireling* dispositions. Even if it's a technical difference only because Pallegina *is* using your personal dispositions, it's just that none of them are coded as relevant for her. Net result, *companions* get the default bonus (I presume it's also +.9 for Xoti?) whereas hirelings (who would have coded dispositions like the PC) would use the PC's dispositions?
  18. that's because the system haven't much sense. Basically with no bonus/malus due dispostions you start from a base of 0.9 (due the multiplicator) so it's Disposition Rank * (0.9) >>> 1 * (0.9) = 0.9 the first value (disposition rank) could float due dispositions change (of course on vanilla pallegina doesn't float cuz she has no dispositions, so she has a base value of 1 and this never change in vanilla) Btw that 0.9 (checked in statuseffect.gamedatabundle) is wrong , should be 2.25 according to the description and this system doesn't provide any kind of malus (just a reduced bonus). AHhhhh, ok, thanks! That was really confusing me and leading me to doubt your analysis, since it seemed Pallegina was getting an un-accounted-for bonus from somewhere else. Now I understand. Stellar work.
  19. I think by "companions" he means Pallegina and Xoti specifically. They do get a modifier to the base values from *somewhere* -- I've got a screenshot of Pallegina getting +8.9 deflection from Faith and Conviction, and the base value for F&C is +8 flat, so that .9 comes from somewhere, and the above code indicates it's not from dispositions. There appears to be a difference between story companions and hirelings in this regard.
  20. All the information I've seen indicates that Deadfire is selling okay, about on par with where, say, D:OS 1 was at similar points post-release.
  21. There are a few longer dungeons -- Nemnok's caverns, one or two other places. Unfortunately there's only one Endless Paths.
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