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Dr. Hieronymous Alloy

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Everything posted by Dr. Hieronymous Alloy

  1. Ciphers can't have nice things!
  2. Saves time if you use the same basic watcher build every time. Also, a good way to back up my carefully edited character portrait!
  3. Thanks! Got it, uploaded a version of my orlan cipher build. One minor bug to report: when you start a new game and are importing, the viewer shows their stats *with items*, not base.
  4. Do you import this character at level 19? What happens if you choose him when starting a game?start a new game and the character just levels as normal; I think the level you import at only matters for importing hirelings- you can choose to import a character at "native level" which I'm guessing means they join your party as-is with all ability and skill choices made by the person who created them Character portrait update: I deleted the custom portrait from my game folder, and deleted several other custom portraits too. I started a new game and selected the character I'd exported with a custom portrait, and his portrait was shown in the game. I progressed character creation to portrait selection, and none of the portraits I'd deleted were there but my exported character's was. So it looks like exporting your character DOES include the portrait So how exactly do you export a character? I can't find, like, the button for it
  5. Apologies - To clarify this has been reworded to reflect that this is reworked in the beta GREAT!
  6. I understand why it's in place -- someone could write a mod that just let people automatically complete the challenge, etc. -- but it still basically means I'll never play a challenge at all because my playstyle at this point is *entirely* reliant on the expanded AI conditionals mod and playing without it is just a giant chore. I think the answer is that at some point they need to go through and implement some of the more critical ease-of-use mods into the base game.
  7. Ok, so there's at least an actual scene in the game where the Guardian appears and Scyorielaphas fights it off? It's not just "guardian goes poof" ?
  8. Yes, I am sure. I have a near-endgame save that never experienced any random encounters at all. I think it happened because I picked up the cornett of waves before getting the quest to do so. I just reinstalled the game and no random encounters still in the current patch. (Thread here : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102849-no-random-encounters-in-neketaka/page-2?do=findComment&comment=2104259 ) Anyway, yeah, I recognize not everything makes the patch notes . . . so if this ever does get fixed someone please pm me! thanks!
  9. Then maybe you should try before complain, isn't? Dude, I don't want to commit another 60 hours of playtime for a fourth complete playthrough of the game unless I know in advance the random encounters are going to be working. The problem is you can't know until you get about 20+ hours in whether they're going to work on your run or not, because the only way to tell is that you stop getting them. The next build I want to try needs a few specific items you get from random encounters only (Griffin's Blade, a couple other things) so I don't really want to commit all the time to another run unless I know in advance it's gonna work. I mean, heck, if it is fixed, then least they could do is say so in the patch notes? That's what they're for! Thanks!
  10. I hope everyone at Obsidian gets rich, they all deserve a nice buyout. Clearly, us forum contributors deserve a cut too! Just Pm me the check . . . More seriously, we've been in a RPG golden age for a few years now so it makes sense that we're hitting the corporate consolidation phase. As long as Microsoft stays hands-off and doesn't go Full Electronic Arts, I'll deal. I would really hate the lack of steam access though, I still haven't played the last Dragon Age game because it isn't on Steam and I don't want to bother with multiple platforms.
  11. It's a run-by-run thing and most runs aren't hit by it. I haven't played since about 3.0 but I also haven't seen any patch notes indicating it was fixed.
  12. Someone send me a PM when they fix the "no random encounters in Neketaka" bug and get the Bracers of Greater Deflection implemented (or found).
  13. Random encounters still bugged?
  14. The only problem with this combo is you can't script Salvation of Time to be cast automatically when your Cipher is Ascended, you have to hand-tweak it
  15. Yeah there are three bugs I'm waiting on fixes for to do my next play through: 1) random encounters vanishing in neketaka 2) the endgame fight not triggering ? 3) that weird bug where encounters don't reset between boarding fights -- not critical just annoying
  16. Except at least for me "at max focus" conditional does not seem to work from that mod as I often see an ascendant cipher still auto-attacking even when the condition is set that they should not when ascended. Yeah they'll auto attack even with no AI at all, that's just a default when there aren't any other actions . It takes a little fiddling to get the settings right. It didn't work for me either at first but eventually I got it to register. One thing it *does* still do is always reload guns, you have to stop that manually with a direct order.
  17. The "more AI conditionals" mod has a kludge for this (allowing you to set "at max focus" as a conditional).
  18. Are you sure about this because I am obsessive reloader of such places and have never seen it
  19. Yeah, I'd kinda like an answer on this too before I start a new game. edit: this and the "no random encounters" bug are the big ones holding me back righ tnow.
  20. Its kinda weird that without preorder items , there are more two handed battle axe uniques than there are one handed.
  21. Just a few things I'm noticing as I start a new playthrough on this beta branch: 1) There are still a lot of long-term-extant minor annoyances that could do with fixing. For example, "Powder Burns" still doesn't show the area of effect -- expert mode only! 2) Did the Captain's Eye change again? Wording is different now. 3) The new enchantment interface is A+ work, as is being able to view level up screen when not levelling up. 4) The "no switching weapon sets" change to Red Hand is a really severe nerf considering how often you need to switch weapons in this game. I think Red Hand builds are dead now unless you're using an "arquebus does crushing" mod. new shield didn't get mentioned: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/960844484162876725/3AF9F1F570F3E9EE12DC926D279DE8CD76B53CF7/
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