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Wild Storm

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Everything posted by Wild Storm

  1. Heres the deal. You are the Exile. Banished from the Jedi Order for following Revan during the Mandalorian Wars. You have returned after Kreia and T3-M4 rescued you from the Harbinger when it was seiged by the Sith. You eventually get to the point you are. And so you ask where Revan is. Revan is missing. Lost, out in the Galaxy seeking truth.
  2. There are doors on the dormitories. Play the Prolouge with T3...
  3. NO. No! NO! NO! Let the player decide and come up with a creative way for the portraits of Revan and Exile. Like in KOTOR 2, they basically tricked us into describing Revan.
  4. Very bad idea. Being that you have to level up and can't rely on quests entirley. Since once you get to Malachor V, you are going to have alot of trouble...
  5. There is also no sense in them giving up the franchise at all.
  6. Aww. You've convinced me. Well, Lucasarts better have something good up their sleaves....
  7. I knew it was crap when someone said that Bastilla is really a spy that is taking orders from Darth Sidious... Palpatine.. Which is really complete garbo as Palpatine isn't 2100 years old. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It doesn't say that anywhere.....
  8. Are you going to believe the company that said that they weren't rushed? And ended cutting up a game that would have been the best game ever if it wasn't for all of its cut data? I trust the magazine more then Obsidian.
  9. I suggest that everyone should have a look at this thread at Bioware.....
  10. I'm not sure. But there is probably a point in the game where you get Visa no matter what. Or maybe after Kreias/your own slaughter of the rest of the jedi, she comes on board.
  11. No its not. After talking to the guard at the tower, you have to ask around the Cantina about Captain Sulio's murder and it should be straight foward.
  12. Yeah. But there are those who don't like heart renching death scenes....
  13. Hmm. You should make one for the Telos Restoration Project. No, I'm not part of it but I'm a BIG time supporter.
  14. I said it once, and I'll say it again. Wait for the Telos Restoration Project to be released.
  15. Now, I'm not a feminist or anything (in fact, I can't stand it by todays standards) but I never realized how many sexist people we still have in this country... But thats all beside the point. He really should have said he since he isn't gender specific.
  16. Did you play all the way through to Visquis's hideout? Since you do control Mira during the JekJek Tar to meet with Visquis.
  17. Kreia- Awesome. Weird to think she does commercials. "Betrayal...." also her dialouge when you go in to see the Jedi Masters went well with the BG Music. "Know that much will happen. You may trust me..." probably manipulative but it sounded convincing. HK-47- Whoever does it- your the best! Unknownly evil, which makes him quite amusing. Without the voice, HK would be Jar Jar Binks. I really don't have a third favorite.
  18. Its not the game. Its probably just you have a low attention span. Or your just tired anyway.
  19. As for what happened to your party...wait until the Telos Restoration Project is done.
  20. Then its either a bug that can't be addressed right now or you simply don't have enough influence. Download the save game editor to see how much you have.
  21. Not to worry. The Telos Restoration Project has a fix for this. I love these guys.
  22. You can still go to other planets first and get the pieces. And you get the lightsaber Atris had by putting a blue lightsaber crystal into the lightsaber.
  23. They should be safe. Since, they aren't selling and its a stand-alone mod, meaning that its the only thing that it is. Its not an entirely new game for download. Being that Lucasarts encourages mods and this will only help them make money off the game.
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